Article archive
Army Commander
19/03/2015 20:13
Army Commander
Buying an electric fan is a simple experience. The product is on display in the electrical appliance department store or the manufacturer and product are known before purchase and ordered from the supplier. Fans come in different shapes and sizes, but usually in a package that...
Slave 4 U
15/03/2015 03:31
Slave 4 U
Sun Tzu was the Chinese military genius who said, `Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.`1 In Chinese, of course, but Lao Tzu was for war, which meant that his enemies were as good as friends to him, because war was what he wanted. Consequently, the maxim as quoted and...
Caput Draco
23/02/2015 11:30
Caput Draco
The dragon`s head, or caput draconis in Latin, which was the language used by alchemy to give their experiments with chemicals and substances a technical language that they could understand amongst themselves, is a familiar symbol to psychology, because the developmental...
The Whores` Race
24/01/2015 10:21
The Whores` Race
Although racist ideology requires a race to perceive inferior, identifying the persecutor is essential if the race being victimized is to defend itself. The archetype of racism is Jesus`. According to the developmental psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) archetypes...
Why The Djinn Were Evil
23/01/2015 08:11
Why The Djinn Were Evil
In Arabia the Koran was dictated, by the angels of God, to the Prophet Mohamed, more than six hundred years after the death of Jesus, between 600 and 630 C.E., according to the Moslem tradiiton of Islam. Although Christianity views Islam as antithetical to Christian...
The Sun Page Three Cul-De-Sac
21/01/2015 12:06
The Sun Page Three Cul-De-Sac
The uncorroborated news that the United Kingdom The Sun newspaper will cease publishing pictures of topless women, known as Page Three Girls since German born Stephanie Rahn appeared on November 11, 1970, was greeted by some with regret and others,...
Brain Damage In Futball
15/01/2015 12:38
Brain Damage in Futball
In the `Pitchside Europe` section of the internet portal Yahoo`s Eurosport on December 1st, 2014, Carrie Dunn examined the case of Ched Evans, who was released from prison after being charged with rape and was looking for a new Premiership opportunity with a...
Smile Like Evil Robots
28/11/2014 02:48
Smile Like Evil Robots
One of the great cultural icons of the 20th century was the United States of America`s Batman, the `caped crusader` character created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger for issue 27 of 1939`s Detective Comics (DC) and translated to the `small screen` of...
Seeing Right With A Sorite: Lewis Carroll`s Alice In Wonderland
18/11/2014 11:36
Seeing Right With A Sorite: Lewis Carroll`s Alice In Wonderland
Political satire is an accepted form of commentary in which figures are lampooned in order to make a serious point. One of the more infamous satirical points was made by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who was...
Foot, Balls, Brains: Am I Dribbling?
31/10/2014 04:32
Foot, Balls, Brains: Am I Dribbling?
Football is a symbolic game focusing on the feet, but few spectators perceive it as biblical, although American football in the United States of America is thought of as having power from the BIble, because of depictions in scripture of a `woman...
Items: 41 - 50 of 144