
The Syllogism Of Pederasty

23/08/2012 12:57

The Syllogism Of Pederasty


Ancient Greek society believed principally that pederasty was good. Older Greek men initiated games and sports to develop their young men, and gave them weapons and armour to make them more beautiful to their eyes, and then sent them off to war where they either won or died. If they won, the women`s wombs were enslaved to produce more boys, and the disease spread. Against the city of Troy, the Greeks employed the prototypical device of the `Greek horse`, which was a huge wooden horse inside which they hid. The Trojans accepted it as a gift and the valence of the HIV/AIDS virus was born. In the last quarter of the 20th century, HIV/AIDS appeared related to homosexual pederasty and the `Greek horse`, because it spread its contagion by feigning friendship for the body`s white cells before killing them. Consequently, the ancient Greeks` belief that pederasty was good was wrong.

 In the Bible God destroyed the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18,19), because of pederasty. On 9/11 terrorists bought tickets in Boston, Massachussetts and, feigning friendship, boarded `civil` aircraft going to New York and Arlington`s `cities of the planes`, because God wanted the Earth to understand that pederasty was evil. The hijackers crashed their `Greek horses` into the Twin Towers of New York`s Ilium on a flight path to upstate Troy, which suggests `plague games`.

 In Revelation the red dragon waits in vain to devour the New Redeemer born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` because it`s the blood plague of HIV/AIDS and the woman isn`t infected. The red dragon is the grown serpent from the garden of Eden whom God told Eve would have `perpetual enmity` with her `seed`, and the woman of Revelation is `hidden` by her protector, the New Redeemer, until she leaves to sow her `seed` in heaven and fight a victorious war against the serpent`s `seed`, that is, the virality of pederasty, and win. Because she has her own `seed` she is a futanarian woman with her own penis and so represents the virility of woman as a species, which is why she remains uninfected by the virality of men and the Bible depicts her in Revelation as escaping and receiving a new heaven and Earth from God as her reward while the evil have perdition.

 In Genesis Eve is told that she shall crush the head of the serpent with her heel before she leaves Earth and the events of 9/11 signal the commencement of the last days in which the red dragon seeks to prevent the `hidden` woman from leaving the Earth by plunging the globe into a war of terror. The red dragon had psychologically prepared its terrorism by infecting the mind. If it couldn`t infect the woman`s womb with the virus, it would infect her mind and those of her boy sons (poisons) with the `fear us`, and so the `blood plague` of the red dragon of pederasty is the `red` planet, Mars, that is, war is pederasty, and HIV/AIDS is the god of pederasty`s preparation for its final assault against woman`s Earth.

 Condoms are Trojans, because `to work like a Trojan` is proverbially good. Because condoms are shields, the solution to pederasty is a shield, and women who are born with a penis and a vagina don`t need to have it opened by a man, or indeed to have it opened ever, because they have the clitoris, which is the only part of the human body designed for pleasure solely, and so defines women per se as human. The fact that they also have a penis, as futanarian, defines them as independently human, that is, the human species, which has both `pleasure principles`. Neither `pleasure principle` is wrong because futanarian women are pure Nature`s anti-virus, and unwrongable insofar as they`re not for men`s infectious virality, while having tremendous virility. From a societal perspective futanaria is, therefore, the principle of good, which has been denied by `nature red in tooth and claw`, that is, the false nature of `Greek` pederasty.



 Because woman is the human species, men have used her penis as a viral parasite leeching from the productive genius of her womb to make war upon her by infecting her `boy sons` so that they become her `poisons`, for example, ICBMS to destroy her, rather than spaceships to facilitate her escape, and HIV/AIDS is the sign of her fighting against the `vampire`. Receiving an infection in her blood as a result of her defence of her anus, the virus wants to plant its `seed` amidst blood and shit to spread its psychological and biological war of terror against the `hidden` futanarian woman and her species`, woman, through fear of contagion and contagion of fear. Because men are an alien parasitical virus, only the penis is female, which is why the serpent in the garden of Eden is definable as pederasty.



 The serpent of Eden wasn`t interested in Eve at all, although she ate of the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, when the serpent tempted her, and gave it to Adam, even though God had given the `fruit of the tree of life` and had forbidden the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, because pederasty was evil, and it wasn`t necessary to know it. 9/11 wasn`t Adam`s, but it was Saddam`s `Big Apple` of the wisdom of New York`s Eve gleaned since Eden, which meant that the yellow moon of Osama Ben Ladan`s terrorist cells of Al Qaeda`s Taliban were `feigning friendship`, as the HIV/AIDS virus does, to attack the system of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, the yellow moon of the terrorist cells attacking the white full moon cells that represent the defence of the knowledge and wisdom that her oxygenated red blood cells have generated by giving the brain consciousness.



 Al Qaeda`s yellow moon is a `plague moon`, not a white moon symbolizing the white cells` protection of the red cells` oxygenation, but sickle cell anaemia. Al Qaeda means `the base` and anaemia is equivalent to the fourth horseman of the apocalypse after war, plague, and death, that is, famine, which suggests that `basic` for Al Qaeda and the symbol of the red sickle moon of Arabia is the starving of women`s brains of oxygen or whatever will prevent her from remembering she is the human species on the planet Earth, which baseness God tells Eve (Gen: 3. 9) she will crush with her heel as she leaves.



 In Arabia the moon is male, but in the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) the moon is female, because it’s a symbol of the mind of woman, whereas the sun is her soul. The red dragon`s more obvious symbol is the red sun, which is the sun of Japan`s launching of a terrorist attack upon the US` fleet at Pearl Harbour on 7th December, 1941, to bring the `hidden` woman into WWII, that is, `Liberty`, the symbol of woman`s escape from the Earth upon the Earth, which was attacked by men`s virality once again on 9/11.



 The red sun of Japan and the yellow moon of Al Qaeda represent a reversal of the sun and moon of the human species represented by the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the New Redeemer of woman as a species with her own penis. The complexio oppositorum of the female sun of the soul of woman`s green Earth, and the female moon of the spirit of her blue oceans is, in Jung`s psychology, a symbol of how the conscious and unconscious functions.



`Oceanic` is how the relationship between the nascent consciousness of the child and the mother is defined in Jungian depth psychology, and so moon and seas are symbolic of the mind of woman, which contains what Jung terms `archetypes` that, appearing in dreams, myth, and art are impulses to development. Sun and Earth are symbols of the soul guided by the archetypes, which appear symbolically abstract, as a pear is shaped like a lightbulb, or personified, as a woman with a penis in a dreamer`s dreams.



Jung`s `Great Mother` is the spirit of the moon and the oceans, and the child is the soul of her sun and the Earth, which achieves actualization in the symbol of the `New Redeemer` in the Bible, whereas the serpent of Eden grown in Revelation into the `red dragon` of `blood plague` and war through pederasty and homosexuality represents men as the evil alien parasitical war god and devourer of the soul of woman`s Earth, symbolized by the red sun of Japan, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and the `crusher` of her spirit, where the name Saddam means `crusher` and symbolizes men`s refusal to go further than the moon of Al Qaeda, because they prefer `the base`:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`


 First man on the moon Neil Armstrong began `the base` crushing of woman`s spirit beneath the heel of men, whose rocket technology, which got them to her `Sea of Tranquility` on the moon, where perhaps they`d previously unleashed their atomic suns to dry up the waters of her nourishing spirit, was for unleashing the power of her `Little Boy` suns to nuke her Earth and devour her soul so she`d never escape.

 In Revelation the `number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, which is the number of the English police (999) reversed, as 9/11 is the number of the American police reversed, that is, 911. The two beasts of Revelation are the two valences of the red dragon that correspond to `political correctness`, that is, PC 666 and PC 9/11, which is a deliberately false usage of `PC` in which `Trojans` are definable as `workers` from the city of Troy in upstate New York and viral, whereas `Greek` is almost universally understood as a euphemism for pederasty, and undesirable because of HIV/AIDS. In other words, `PC` usage defined 9/11 as `plague games`, which was desirable for the `PC`, where the paradigm is `PC` games `shoot `em ups` from the `TV war` of Gulf I (1990-1) to 9/11 `live` on CNN and onward. `PE` or `politically expedient` insofar as it resulted from a systematically imposed flaw in education, which is psychological insofar as Saddam Hussein was given the 3rd largest army in the world to defend against the threat of the USA`s former favourite Iran. But also physical because woman as a species should be the basis of education and not `political expediency`, which represents the maintaining of ignorance. The `mark of the beast` in the Bible is for those who have poor `PE` or `Physical Education` and believe strength is virility, whereas it`s virality. Jesus` New Testament observation is `the meek shall inherit the Earth`, because the `hidden` futanarian woman is `PE`, or `Physical Education` for those who understand that male strength is the false strength of virality.



 Jesus` birth was uncontaminated by the virality of a man`s `seed` and his mother`s parthenogenesis, that is, the Virgin Mary`s, presages the futanarian `iron virgin`, who needs neither her hymen broken by a man, a man`s `seed` to reproduce her, or even sex with the penetrative penis of a woman, because she has enough pleasure from her clitoris and penis, irrespective of a man`s viral objective of reproducing its boy son`s virality of plague and war. In other words, the `mark of the beast` is the `political expediency` of `body fascism`, which is a false perspective on `PE` or `Physical Education` insofar as it presents acceptance of men as virility rather than virality as politically expedient:


`... no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13.17)



 In religious terms, the Bible represents the concept of Redemption for Man as a politically expedient message, but the New Redeemer`s message is that woman is the human species and men aren`t human but viral, which is why the consequences of their refusal to accept Redemption are described in Revelation as `disease ridden`:


`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)


 Because of political expediency, men haven`t taught the Earth that women are the species here, that is, they prefer the `mark of the beast` of the red dragon of the blood plague of homosexual pederasty, plague and war as their valence for enslavement of the wombs of women to continue as a virus rather than accept Jesus` teachings of Redemption from torture and murder. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a symbol of the United States of America, which adopted the principle In God We Trust for the Great Seal of the United States of America. In the New Testament Jesus` side is pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus, which effectively releases the Paraclete or Holy Spirit from Jesus` rib as the Second Eve from the Second Adam, because the Paraclete is described in the New Testament as continuing Jesus` teachings after the death of Jesus at his crucifixion.



 The Holy Spirit and Paraclete is represented in the Old Testament by the Shekinah, the female `spirit of God`, who resides with the law in the Ark of the Covenant of God`s promise to his `chosen` people. The meaning is illustrated neatly in the movie Sophie`s Choice (1982) where Meryl Streep chooses her son, Jan, over her daughter, Eva, when the Nazi death camp guard offers her the choice of her son or her daughter to save. She chooses her son although women are the `chosen people` insofar as they`re undeniably human because they`re the host womb of the species. In Judaism it is only possible to be born a Jew if one is born from a woman, because God`s law for humanity is that women are the human race and so the `chosen people` of humanity:


`Let he that has understanding understand, the number of the beast is the number of a man, and the number is six hundred three score and six.`



 A man is a beast unless he accepts Redemption and the teachings of Jesus and the Paraclete, which is by the side of all those who accept her. in the United States of America the spear of Longinus is a symbol of the American Dream and Manifest Destiny, because it was the spear that effectively gave birth to the Paraclete. Consequently, Britney Spears is the symbol of the Paraclete in the United States of America:


`I`m Miss American Dream since I was seventeen.` Piece Of Me


 On the cover of the single Piece Of Me Britney Spears appears as woman in the place of Christ crucified but without the spear of Longinus in her side because she represents the Paraclete emergent therefrom. The symbolism is purely sexual insofar as, paradoxically, she represents the `iron virgin` waiting for her own penis. Unredeemed Man is similarly waiting to be a woman with her own penis as a species. Redemption requires faith and appears so difficult as to almost be impossible, except that the Earth has the `hidden` futanarian woman to indicate that there is a Promised Land for those who accept God`s promise and covenant with his `chosen people`, woman. The New Redeemer is the child of the future because it represents the basic educational principle that women are the species of the Earth and men are the virality that is concerned to destroy it and her rather than its virility, which is the expression of the penis of the woman in the developmental signs of her presence.



 In Jungian psychology, instinctual libido or `penis energy` is transformed into spiritual or intellectual development, which means that, if woman is the species of the Earth that is definable as human, all civilization and culture is the expression of woman`s desire to leave, and the upthrustings of the NASA space rockets that sent the virus to the moon were symbolic of her desire to escape. The fact that the virus preferred to stay on Earth and destroy her here is a mark of its determination to kill her rather than travel to the stars itself, or some falsely `politically correct` perspective in which the chances of her species` developing outwardly are outweighed by the need for ameliorating her conditions on Earth. The proliferating nuclear arsenal of extinction surrounding her, and men`s refusal to develop space travel, tells us men have no intention of allowing woman to live, or leave.



 In Freudian psychology the arts and sciences are described as `nothing but` the sublimated urges of the repressed penis. Because the penis is repressed, but not man`s. In Hollywood the penis is repressed, because the sight of a woman`s penis on screen would put a lot of actors out of work, and so Hollywood is the Babylon of the West, `mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth`, because pederasty, plague and war is its valence. 9/11 was a sign of the Arabians` dissatisfaction with Hollywood and the West`s revealing of woman as a producer of `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, insofar as they didn`t want their families contaminated by the violence of movies, and TV `programs, featuring gangs, murders, rapes, and wars. Hollywood is Babylon, because it`s politically expedient for men to foster the `red dragon` of pederasty`s valence of war and plague for MBC Action TV. Rather than be physically educative or genuine `PE` and allow the woman`s penis to be visible, men have substituted the gun for the penis as a symbol of their virality and intention to kill her virility. 9/11 `live` on CNN was thought by many to be a `show`, as Orson Wells War Of The Worlds, for radio in the 30s, was perceived as a `genuine` broadcast, because it`s what the listener or viewer have been taught to expect – and want - by the media.

Is Est Miseratio Versus Inter Ignarus Quod Suscipio Is

19/08/2012 11:27

Is Est Miseratio Versus Inter Ignarus Quod Suscipio Is


`Babylon` is the place of `Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth`, according to Revelation, and someone wanting to be alone in a bar wants to  hear the legend of Babylonia.




 The concept of the bar is ancient. Proverbially, `bars do not a prison make`, which is supposedly true of coffee bars and wine bars. Whether chocolate bars are included in the definition, the Mars Bar is the topic of Britney Spears scifi video single Oops I Did It Again, which takes place on Mars.

 In her red suit, Britney immediately imprisons the spaceman visitor that has arrived. Getting her hook into his backpack, she hoists him above herself in a white bikini dress. He can only gaze upon her and be a camera while `Mission Control` looks on. Beside his spacehelmet are the tines of a huge tablefork, which suggests that the Mars Bar is edible.

 Britney`s allusion is to the `Ba` of Egyptian mythology, which is the personality, whereas the `Ka` is the spirit, and the conjunction of `Ba` and `Ka` is called the `Akht`, which is the `magical personality`; or, in Western pop music terms, a `good act`.

 In Oops I Did It Again Britney appears as a `double act`, in red and white, which suggests `Ba` and `Ka` are separate but an `Akht`. When she stands before her spaceman, she`s transformed. Wearing black skirt, boots, and white blouse, she receives his `gift`:


 `But I thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the end?`



 She`s alluding to the `heart of the ocean` from the movie Titanic (1997), which Rose dropped into the sea at the close as a sign of her sorrow at the demise of her lover who`d drowned when the ship hit an iceberg and sank. Because of the `heart` symbolism, we understand that Britney`s transformation declares her as an `ib`, which is that aspect of the self which is the `heart` in Egyptian mythology. The suspension of the spaceman is then comprehensible as the weighing of the heart in the balance of herself as the Egyptian goddess Ma`at to decide whether or not he can accompany her. If the heart balances with the feather of Ma`at, symbolized by Britney in her white bikini dress, he can go on with her to the heaven of Aaru. If not, his heart will be devoured by Ammit, which in Christian iconography is the `red dragon` of Revelation that waits to devour the `child` of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`. In Christianity the devourer waits in vain because the child is the `New Redeemer` who will protect the woman until she leaves for the stars. In Egyptian mythology, the individual whose heart is weighed has to travel through the underworld of the Duat before he can live as an `Akht`:


 `The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul resided in the heart. Those whose heart did not match the weight of the feather of Ma'at due to their sins were excluded. They were said to suffer a second death when devoured by another being, Ammit, while still in Duat for judgment.`1



 The weigher of the soul contained within the heart is, in Egyptian mythology, the dog-headed god Anubis, and Britney, transformed from the red of her heart`s suit into black skirt, boots, and white blouse is her `ib`, that is, the woman from her side, which is the Paraclete of Christianity, and her `rib` waiting to be judged. In Egyptian mythology dogs are depicted as scattering the pieces of the god Osiris to the four quarters so that the evil Set, who is his dismemberer, can be sure that Osiris shall never be remembered. In the myth, Isis collects the pieces, and Osiris is remembered as Horus, who is `housed` in the goddess Hathor. Because the spaceman visitor brings Britney the `heart of the ocean` he`s her dog that she`s taught to play `fetch`. At the end of the video single we see him walking backwards; as if to return to his position. Britney`s video is an e-card, re: Set. Reset means she sends her dog to play `fetch again, which means that there are more pieces to collect.



 For the cover of the single Piece Of Me Britney appears as Christ on the cross because, at his death, Jesus was pierced by the spear of the Roman centurion Longinus. Effectively, the Paraclete or `Second Eve` from the side of the `Second Adam`, corresponding to the `ib` of the Egyptians, and the `rib` of Jesus, emerges from the wound caused by the spear. On the cover for Piece Of Me Britney Spears symbolizes the Paraclete by the side of all the daughters of Eve as `guide, teacher, helpmeet and comforter` after Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The Piece Of Me is the Paraclete as the soul of the heart, which continues if Anubis finds it well. According to Britney`s lyric, in Oops I Did It Again, she `plays` with the `heart`, and isn`t `serious`. Anubis, however, is Sirius, because it`s the `dog star` of Egyptian mythology:


`... he who awakens the gods of the air, and summons them to their office of bringing the rain.`2


 Britney`s Mars is sterile and needs water, and so the allusion is to T. S. Eliot`s poem of regeneration and renewal, The Wasteland, a text that itself borrows heavily from myth, especially that of the Arthurian legends of the knights of the Grail that correspond, in spiritual terms, to the disciples of Jesus at table with him during the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion.

 Essentially, Britney Spears Oops I Did It Again follows in the tradition of T.S. Eliot`s exhortation to the artist to regenerate and renew through meaning, and the giant tablefork by her spaceman`s helmet, as he hangs suspended above her, alludes to the Egyptian devourer of the `evil` heart, Ammit, but also to the `rotary club`, which is modernity`s version of Jesus` discipleship and King Arthur`s knightly fellowship. In simple terms, good fellows don`t eat the `hostess`, which is what men have been doing since the time of the ancient Greeks when they spread their plague of warfare by means of homosexual pederasty`s parasitical enslavement of women`s wombs in order to produce `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, to invade neighbouring city states and enslave the women`s wombs there.

 The prototypical instance was the `Greek horse` of Troy where, `feigning friendship`, the Greeks left the `gift` of the huge wooden horse inside which they were hidden and, when the Trojans took it into Troy, emerged by night to capture and enslave the wombs of the women for homosexual perderasty`s `boy sons of war` and `poisons of plague`, which emerged as a valence of the devouring `red dragon` as the `blood plague` of Revelation in the 20th century as HIV/AIDS, and again on 9/11 as the `Greek horses` of the terrorists feigned friendship and crashed their hijacked `civil` aircraft into the Twin Towers of New York`s Ilium to make explicit what had been HIV/AIDS` implicit psychological and biological war against women`s wombs since the last quarter of the 20th century and plunge the globe into the self-devouring madness of the second Gulf War (2000-2011).

 In Arabia, `Eid` is the Moslem symbolic fellowship gathering equivalent to that of Christianity, and comes after the annual prayer and fasting month of Ramadan, which celebrates the sparing of Isaac, son of Abraham, who was patriarch of both Israel and Islam, because just as Isaac`s line founded Judaism, so the line of Abraham`s other son, Ishmael, founded Islam. God asked Abraham to take Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him. God relented and, paradoxically, given the enmity between Israel and Islam, the great feast of the Moslem world, that is, `Eid`, celebrates the saving of the state of Israel in its patriarchal figure of Isaac.



 Because of the `Eid`, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity represent the unrecognized possibilities of fellowship, which is nicely subscribed in the Latin phrase is est miseratio versus inter ignarus quod suscipio is, `there is a fine line between ignorance and maintaining it`. The Gulf Wars were based on perceived religious differences that, in actuality, either didn`t exist or were resolvable, because the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty didn`t want fellowship at all.

 Oops I Did It Again is Britney`s Mars `Ba` because she`s a personality, and so she appears in red, to symbolize the persona, white to signify the `Ka` of mind and spirit, and `black and white` to represent the balancing of the soul of the heart as the `ib` against the feather of Ma`at, represented by Britney herself in her white bikini dress beneath the appreciating gaze of her spaceman visitor. Conferring progress to the Aaru of heaven, if heart and feather `balance`, the various aspects of the self conjoin to live forever in blessedness as the `magical` Akht.

 The symbolism of the giant tablefork denotes both the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and warfare, but also Ammit, the devourer of evil hearts and souls in Egyptian mythology, which means Britney, in her white bikini dress, symbolizes the relationship between women and men, but also the women of ancient Egypt`s relations with the god Anubis:


 `The distinctive black color of Anubis ... [was] the color of rotting flesh and ... the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth.`3


 In her black skirt, boots, and white blouse, Britney represents the role of Ma`at`s feather and Anubis before her spaceman visitor because, when she receives his `gift` of the `heart of the ocean`, we understand that she`s raised him as her judge. If her spaceman is understood as a `critic`, the debate would be as to whether Oops I Did It Again is a satisfactory work stimulating rebirth in the way advocated by T.S. Eliot in The Wasteland, and so can her `magical` Akht leave? As the `hidden` woman of Revelation leaves to sow her seed in heaven, and escape from the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of her `host` womb for the purpose of promulgating war against her Earth. Because she has her own `seed`, she has her own penis, and so is `futanarian` woman and a species in her own right, which doesn`t need men. Revelation describes the ensuing war in heaven between the `seed` of the woman and the evil serpent`s `seed`, that is, the devouring `red dragon` of enslaving homosexual pederasty, which she wins, and receives a new heaven and Earth from God while the evil receive perdition as punishment.

 Effectively, the knowledge that women have a penis of their own as `futanarian`, and so are a species, is the wisdom that the penis is female. So the basis of regeneration and renewal, which is at the heart of T. S. Eliot`s The Wasteland, is whether or not the material is sexually arousing for the female penis. In Oops I Did It Again Britney`s spaceman visitor is `well hung` as he dangles above her filming for `Mission Control` as the `camera`. When Britney `hooks up` with him, she shows the camera the chain by which the spaceman is raised and, because the Egyptian Aaru or heaven, is a place of `alternatives`, the `alternative` reality in her science fiction cosmos of references and allusions is being `discovered`.



 In the Titanic movie the `heart of the ocean` is a blue diamond pendant, and Britney`s spaceman visitor`s penis would be the lodestone of attraction towards her except that, in her white bikini dress, she`s a white cell and not a red cell, as she would be in her red suit, which means that Britney is testing the virus to see whether or not it`s a `devourer`. The HIV/AIDS` virus feigns friendship before killing the white cell that defends the body`s red cells. Consequently, Britney`s spaceman visitor exclaims with delight when he picks up a stone with her image upon it in the sands of Mars. It`s a pathway for his viral `Greek horse`:


`Whoah there horsey!`


 The body`s red cells contain the iron admixed with oxygen that a lodestone would be attracted to. When the spaceman visitor reports to `Mission Control` of what he finds Mars to be like, he says: `98% oxygen.` Hanging above Britney in her white bikini dress, the spaceman visitor`s penis is a `lodestone`, because it fills with blood when a desirable female appears. For Britney, as a researcher into HIV/AIDS, the penis is a `magnetic attractor` towards the iron in her blood, and isn`t a `love reaction`, but a valence of the virus as `devourer`. Because her Mars has `98% oxygen`, Britney`s spaceman visitor has a huge reservoir to increase the supply of iron in his blood, and oxygen for the iron valence to make of his penis an `iron rod`, which is what the `New Redeemer` of Revelation is described as ruling with while he protects the `hidden` woman of the Earth before she leaves to sow her own seed amongst the stars in heaven. The developmental focus of Oops I Did It Again indicates that the `iron rod` of the penis, that is, the transformation of instinctual to spiritual or intellectual `work`, is what saves woman as a species upon the Earth. The `New Redeemer` is able to focus people`s minds upon the meaning of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation as a `valence` of homosexual pederasty and war. The `iron scepter` of the `New Redeemer` is indicative of an unswerving devotion to the penis` developmental functionality, which reveals woman as a species, and the penis as hers, while men are deciphered as a viral alien parasite that seeks to imprison and destroy her before she can develop and leave.

 In the `periodic table` oxygen is `8 O` and Jamie Spears was eight years old in 1999 when Oops I Did It Again was produced. Because Britney appears as `doubled` in the video single, references to Jamie are discernible. When red suited Britney `hooks` her spaceman`s backpack before suspending him above herself in a white bikini dress, we are invited to observe the `chain`, which suggests `Chanie`, that is, an alternative reality contained within the Egyptian heaven of Aaru, which is what Aaru is defined as containing in Egyptian mythology. The science fictional basis for developmental alternative constructions of `textual` input is `Grand Master` of science fiction, Robert A. Heinlein`s (1907-88) The Number Of The Beast (1980) where `Gay Deciever`, a `multiversal` car, is able to access all fictions as alternative realities, and Mars features in two of the alternatives `visited`, that is, an alternative in which Mars is divided by the Russians and the British as an Imperial colony, and another in which Mars is the `Barsoom` of Edgar Rice Burroughs` series of novels based on his covert sex fantasies of  A Red Martian Princess. In her red suit Britney corresponds to the `Princess`, but one of the more famous later photographs of her sister, Jamie, is of her wearing a tiara as `Miss Spears`, which suggests that Jamie Spears is at least a part of her sister`s `iron` imagination in Oops I Did It Again, and `Chanie` is the alter ego Britney is using to explore her thoughts.

 The spaceman visitor is called `Mars Lander` by `Mission Control`, but NASA`s `Mars Lander` was an `unmanned vehicle` and so entirely female. In terms of our quest to discover her alternate fictional realities, Britney`s `hook` in the backpack of her spaceman, prior to her raising him to be the appraiser of her flesh, makes him `Judge Camera`, where camera is Latin for `private`, and Private is the name for a sex shop chain, where penises are encouraged. Britney`s perception is that lovelorn `Chaney` is a masturbating `hunchback`, if we accept the `chain` motif of the dog`s `lead` as Britney`s SM training for those who have a `hunch`:


`All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy.` If You Seek Amy (2009)



 The title of the song If You Seek Amy is usually interpereted as `F*U*C*K me`, so Britney is a `word game` adept. In Oops I Did It Again `Chanie` Spears is the video single`s alter ego and alludes to Lon Chaney (1883-1930), whose role was The Hunchback Of Notradame in the 1923 movie. The construction of alternate fictional realities, at its simplest level, requires the changing of a single letter, which is why Heinlein`s multiversal car is `Gay Deciever`, a `prismoncstrution`, and not `Gay Deceiver`, which is correct spelling. `Launch Jamie` is the secret code couched hidden within Britney`s `Carnelli` video `text`, because it `sounds like` Lon Chaney, the actor of The Hunchback Of Notredame that symbolizes the dysfunctionality of a masturbative individual whose creative potential is handicapped so that he can`t develop.



 Before `Mars Lander` it was believed that there were `canals` on Mars, and a `canalle` is a critical perspective that denies the validity of a work, which means that Britney`s `Carnelli`s` of Mars are aimed at those who don`t believe in development, that is, they`re the `car nellies` who don`t accept science fiction and fantasy, because it represents a biblical future for women`s penis without men, whose gas guzzling autos farting attractively in front of each other`s exhausted anal ideology are the developmental zenith of their penile ambition for each other, and which Revelation describes in a phantasmagoria of non-fictional horror:


`The locusts ... had breastplates ... iron, and the sound ... was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.` (Rev: 9. 7-10)




 Men prefer `pedal cars` and their role as `demon driven` along well worn paths to nowhere new, and in preference to `the best of all possible worlds`, which is what Voltaire`s central character of the eighteenth century, Candide, sought for himself as long ago 1759.  Voltaire`s Candide preceded the invention of the `pedal car` by 150 years. Beginning with the Model T Ford (1908), the mass produced automobile remains what it has been now for over a century, a `pedal car` and a gas guzzling locust that moves a bit quicker, much in the way that rocket technology can now hit Moscow or New York with enough devastation to remove either city rather than allow the woman to escape at least as far as Mars, which is probably why Oops I Did It Again is decipherable as `Launch Jamie`, because Britney doesn`t want `Lon Chaney` for her species of women with a penis, that is, the tortured bell-ringing of The Hunchback Of Notradame, whose kidnapping of Esmerelda glosses the predicament of the deformed masturbator whose penis is the `bell` he`s `ringing`. If women have a penis of their own, and the best they can do with the developmental instinctuality of their `tool` is the automobile and ICBMs, then Britney Spears` observation that she wants to `Launch Jamie` away from Mars, the god of homosexual pederasty`s war against her, to Venus, the goddess of love, is a laudable `alternative`.



 The red, black and white wrapper of the Mars Bar chocolate are the colours chosen by Britney for her symbolic costume changes in Oops I Did It Again, which are meant to presage Aaru for her sister, Jamie Spears. The `Ba`, `Ka`, `ib`, and `Akht` symbolism is important because Britney and Jamie have `Bas`, that is, personalities, which need to be freed from imprisonment so that they can at least see out of their `Kas` far enough to understand that they`re `ibs` for each other (ribs) and they must get together their `Akht` well enough to escape from enslavement by the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty that would keep them from being women independent of men`s virality. The notion of men`s virility is often asscociated with `Babylonia`, but their desire is to be alone in bars with each other, where they can worship Mars, the god of WWI, WWII, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, etc., as the `Martians of the Mars Bars`:


Bar: Be Alone Here



 The huge numbers of prisoners behind bars, suggests the valence of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty requires togetherness in alienated unspoken hatred for women, because the parasites are criminal aliens who want to be alone together and plan women`s extinction, which their surrogates, as the `Martian` valence of the `red dragon` of the `red planet` of the god of war, Mars, in the variant movies of H.G. Wells War Of The Worlds and the `comedic` Mars Attacks, presents neatly.







Nos Es A Morbus

18/08/2012 11:02

Nos Es A Morbus


In Revelation the `red dragon` is a symbol of homosexual pederasty, which was the basis of ancient Greek civilization. Enslaving the `host` wombs of women, Greek society spread its plague of warfare to city states such as Troy, where they employed the device of the `Greek horse` as a `gift` to dupe the Trojans into accepting their `virus`. Hidden inside the huge wooden horse, the Greeks emerged to capture Troy when the Trojans took it into their city. The Greeks proceeded to enslave the wombs of the women for homosexual pederasty, and its `virus` reemerged  with a new valence in the 20th century as HIV/AIDS.

 The `blood plague` of Revelation is the `red dragon`s psychological and biological terror war against woman and her womb. Its valence of `false friendship` reappeared to inaugurate the 21st century on 9/11, 2000, when terrorists masquerading as visitors from Boston, Massachussetts, hijacked `civil` aircraft and crashed their `Greek horses` into the Twin Towers of New York`s Ilium and once again plunge the world into terror.

 The `red dragon` is depicted in Revelation as waiting in vain to devour the child born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who is the `New Redeemer` that protects her upon the Earth as the `hidden` woman before she leaves to sow her seed in heaven and fight a victorious war against the evil `seed` of the serpent from Eden grown into the `red dragon`. She receives a new heaven and Earth while the evil receive perdition. Because she has her own `seed` the woman has her own penis, that is, she`s futanarian, which means the `serpent` of Eden that Eve is told by God in Genesis she`ll `crush with her heel` as she leaves, is a homosexual.

 The valence of homosexual pederasty is to tell the boy sons that it`s likeable, so that it can create `poisons`, while the `boy sons` perceive only the outward valence of homosexual pederasty, and tell the spreader of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of HIV/AIDS that it`s `unacknowledgeable`. HIV/AIDS represents the virus usage of the `boy sons` politically correct valence of disbelief in the evil of homosexuality to `feign friendship` for the white cells that defend the body`s immune system and infect it with the `poisons` it has created so that the body dies. Political correctness is a valence of the `red dragon`, and its `blood plague`, because it`s `PC` to label Trojans viruses, whereas `to work like a Trojan` is laudable, in order to conceal `Greek` homosexual pederasty`s plague aims.



 Revelation describes `political expediency` as the `mark of the beast`, that is, noone can live unless they`re politically expedient. Homosexuals and lesbians are `gay` for the `politically correct`, whereas lesbians are in accord with the valence of women as a species who, as futanarians, have their own penis, which means that `PC` has defined women as viruses.

 If HIV/AIDS is the `blood plague` of Revelation, it is indubitably a valence of the `red dragon`, which in the twentieth century was associated with Russian and Chinese communism, which existed on the humanitarian understanding of Karl Marx, the late nineteenth century German economist`s perspective; `from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs`. Communism was opposed by the West on the principle individuals should receive the `fruits of their own labours`, which devolved into `waged ownering` and `nature red in tooth and claw`, as Alfred Lord Tennyson had described it in In Memoriam, had replaced humanism with `political expediency` insofar as the means of production, that is, the worker, was owned by the employer, who would always find that `politically expediency` prevented them from living because it was politically expedient for the employers to maintain the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of `boy sons` and women to promulgate the spread of war and plague, that is, `poisons`, to prevent the enslaved `host` wombs of women from leaving the Earth with her `futanarian` selves while the `redundant` virus remained and became extinct.

 As `nature red in tooth and claw` prepared to replace men with the human species of women by appearing in the shape of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation to separate homosexual pederasty from women`s wombs, it provided the valence of woman with a penis, that is, the `hidden` futanarian woman. Woman`s `guide, teacher, comforter and helpmeet` would free her from the enslavement of her `host` womb by men, that is, the alien parasitical viral life form which, existing as an evil diseased blood sucking leech bent on pimping off her civilizations and cultures, is portrayed in Revelation as the `blood plague` of the `red dragon`; a `snuff` movie mogul and director struggling to attain to its apotheosis since God made Adam.



 The colour red is an important motif in Revelation, because `red` is the colour vilified by the USA in the 20th century as communism, which was naïve insofar as it believed in the amelioration of people`s lives through state ownership of the means of production, that is, machines, which the USA interpreted as curtailment of the individual`s freedom to work for themselves. On 9/11 Al Qaeda`s terrorists brandishing their yellow moon on black flag, with its Islamic lettering `There is no God but God!` terrorized New York and plunged the globe into terrorism. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, giving birth to the `New Redeemer` while the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the child, represents the USA caught between the Imperial red sun on the flag of Japan at Pearl Harbour and the yellow moon of the flag of Al Qaeda. Russian and China were `red` in the 50s, and `red in tooth and claw` was capitalism, but the collapse of Soviet Russia in the 1980s throughout Europe and the rest of the world resulted in the flag of the Russian Federation adopting the colour blue, which is the symbol of spirituality in the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961).

 In Jungian psychology the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a symbol of woman`s soul (sun) and spirit or mind (moon), and the transformation of libido, that is, sexual energy, is depicted in Jungian psychology as travelling a valence from red (instinct) to blue (spirit). The USA`s negative focus upon the colour `red`, when `red, white and blue` are their nation`s symbolic colours, wasn`t `politically correct` but `politically expedient`. Insofar as an attack upon one of their own colours was deemed to be patriotic, it was a defiling of the flag. Because `red` and `blue` signify the valence that libidic energy has to travel if the individual is to develop in freedom, the Russian Federation`s adopting of `red and blue` as the colours of their nation is a recognition of the need for developmental functionality:


 `By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.` (Gen: 3.19)


 Communism was a young ideology, whereas capitalism is old. Communism perceived, along with Christianity, that friendship of the state towards the needy individual was desirable, and giving to the have nots by the haves was economically implementable, whereas `feigning friendship` in order to enslave was the basic principle of ancient Greece upon which Western society`s framework of concealed homosexual pederasty was founded. In order to exterminate the indigenous inhabitants of North America, the early 17th century settlers of the continent that would become the USA and Canada gave the `red` Indians their diseases and systematically slaughtered their food resource, the buffalo, while purchasing Manhattan island for:


`... twenty-four American dollars’ worth of beads and mirrors ...`1



 Presumably they didn`t like `reds` then either. The flag of the European Union is blue with twelve stars corresponding to the stars that surround the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` giving birth to the `New Redeemer`, while the `red` dragon waits in vain to devour her child. The `star spangled banner` has a star for every state in the union, which is fifty. In symbolic terms, the `red, white and blue` correspond to the instinct to rise above the clouds and the sky to the stars above. Red alone denotes the innocence of developmental instinct, which isn`t yet wise and so doesn`t represent freedom. Like the nascent economic philosophy of Karl Marx, or the `primitive` North American Plains Indians.

 God destroyed homosexual pederasty at Sodom and Gomorrah, the `cities of the plains` in Genesis (18,19), to demonstrate how to deal with it, but the `red dragon` resurfaced at the `cities of the plains`, New York, and Arlington`s Pentagon on 9/11. The `red` Indian nations were the `cities of the plains` for the Plains Indians in the early history of the USA and were decimated by the `diseases` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the valence of `blood plague` with its STDs etc., which didn`t want the `red` Plains Indians` instinctual developmental valence.

 Jung`s developmental psychology is the perceif that `primitive` societal structures, including children`s, are not inferior, but young. Consequently, `red` Russia, which is now `red and blue` Russia, was a young nation under communism, whereas the USA`s denial of developmental functionality to emerging nations on the understanding that they were too innocent to be wise is socio-historically a defiling of the flag whose espoused principle is freedom.

 The European Union is a young nation under the blue `star spangled banner` of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, of the USA`s struggle with the `red` sun of fascist Japan and the `yellow` cowardly moon of treacherous Al Qaeda`s terrorists. In Jungian psychology the moon is female, whereas in Arabia it`s male, which suggests treachery is the valence of a masculine virus seeking to subvert the female soul or mind because, as Jungian psychology discovers to the student interested in developmental symbols, the soul of a man is female (anima), and both it and woman`s mind and spirit are symbolized by the moon.

 The anima belongs with the moon and woman symbolism, because sexual desire is what the moon or anima-figure of the woman arouses in the penis, which may itself be identified as female because woman is a species with her own penis, and so the `male` penis is merely a vehicle for the virus in men, who periodically `hoodwink` her into a form of symbiosis so that it can reemerge from time to time as an evil alien (male moon) and continue defiling her and the Earth before, as it is written in Revelation, she leaves to `sow` her own `seed` amongst the stars in heaven.



Political Correctness and Political Expedience

17/08/2012 10:07

Political Correctness and Political Expedience


Politics in the USA largely devolves from the perspective that it isn`t `godless` Russian, or even Chinese communism in which girls are exposed to die at birth because they aren`t wanted. `Red Russia` was based on the perception, `from each according to his abilities; to each according to their needs`,1 which was the philosophy of economics devised by the German, Karl Marx, towards the close of the nineteenth century, and was fought on the principle that individuals should receive the `fruits of their own labours`, and not that others should be given products from works they hadn`t performed and had no intrinsic right to.

 Marx`s Das Kapital observed that `control of the means of production` and `ownership of the means of production` was crucial to either communism or capitalism, and in the USA the perception was that people were the means of production and couldn`t be `owned`, which is why the statue of Liberty in New York Harbour is the most powerful symbol upon the planet Earth because it denies enslavement of the individual for the purpose of giving the products of their creative, developmental intelligence, and inventive labours, to someone else who hasn`t worked for it.



 In the USA the new ideology is `political correctness`, which is shorthanded as `PC`. The shorthand is important because `PC` is `police constable` in English and `personal computer` also. In computer jargon a Trojan is a virus, but that isn`t `politically correct`, because `to work like a Trojan` is proverbial excellence, whereas the `Greek horse` inside which the ancient Greeks hid before the walls of Troy was viral insofar as the Trojans accepted it as a gift and unwittingly took it into the city of Troy where the Trojans emerged to capture the city.

 In upstate New York is the city of Troy in the USA and the attack on New York`s Twin Towers of Ilium on 9/11 by terrorists masquerading as visitors from Boston, Massachussetts, was a `Greek horse` that, plunging the world into global war, was terrorist `plague games` with the `PC` of the USA`s `political correctness`, which had developed into `political expedience` insofar as it had been expedient to support Saddam Hussein and the Taliban prior to Iraq`s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.



 The political valence of the ancient Greeks was homosexual pederasty and the enslavement of women`s wombs as hosts for their parasitical `blood plague`, which is described in the biblical Revelation as the `red dragon` that waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer` born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who remains `hidden` and protected by the `New Redeemer` until she leaves Earth to sow her seed in heaven. There she defeats the evil serpent`s `seed` that has grown since Eden as the `red dragon`, which represents the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty and is but a single valence of the virus` destroying activity as HIV/AIDS. The formerly `hidden` woman receives a new heaven and Earth from God as her reward while the evil receive perdition.

 In the USA it`s `politically correct` or `PC` to define homosexuals and lesbians as `gay`, which means that it`s political expedience that defines a virus as Trojan rather than Greek, because Troy no longer exists, which is something that the residents of upstate New York would disagree with, and it isn`t `politically correct` to describe `Greeks` as viral, whereas `Greek` is a notorious synonym for homosexual pederasty

 In the Bible `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score six`, which is 666, the reverse of 999, that is, the number of the `police` in English, because of the overweighting in terms of political correctness or PC that defines `political correctness` as `political expedience`:


`And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13.17)

 The hijacked `civil` aircraft that attacked the World Trade Centre as `Greek horses` was a message to the free world that the `beast` was being ignored. The woman of Revelation is able to sow her seed because she has her own penis, that is, she`s futanarian woman and a species in her own right, but she isn`t `politically correct` and dosesn`t fit into the `PC` perceptions that lesbians and homosexuals are both `gay`, because the lesbian valence indicates that women who desire each other because the penis is female are indulging in normal species` behavior.



 The attack by terrorists on 9/11 was because 911 is the number of the police in the USA, and the `beast` saw that the `Big Apple` of Eve`s wisdom grown since Eden would change the perspective of the West into accepting women as a species. Once it was understood that lesbians weren`t homosexual, homosexual pederasty, war, and plague would be perceived  as a valence of the `red dragon` that had enslaved women wombs as the `host` of their alien parasitical virus, that is, men`s, to make war upon her here and prevent her escaping from the Earth.



 9/11`s precipitation of global war and terror would reverse the possibility of the awakening of the planet`s awareness to the fact that `political correctness` and `PC` was merely a form of ideological political expedience corresponding to the `mark of the beast`, which everyone had to bow to in order to live. The USA`s `PC` was revealed on 9/11 as an ideological perspective equivalent to that of the `red dragon` of communism, which would devour the child of the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, that is, the `New Redeemer`, if lesbians weren`t redefined as normal and homosexuals were defined once again as an anathema and abomination as God decreed in the Bible when destroying the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18, 19), and warning the USA on 9/11 of the dangers of political expediency in the shape of the terrorist attack on the `cities of the planes`, New York, and Arlington:


 `Babylon the Great, Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17.5)


 Greek homosexual pederasty is the valence of the `red dragon` and women who accept their function as the producers of the `Greek horses` of the `boy sons`, that is, homosexual pederasty`s `poisons` of `psychological warfare`, `biological warfare`, and terrorism, are an attacking valence of the `red dragon` the wombs of the women of the Earth; in the shape of the `blood plague` of the valence of the `red dragon` that is HIV/AIDS, for example. Those women who espouse the `red dragon` and the `blood plague` of war and terrorism are traitors to their own species.

 Babylon the Great is `Mystery` because she lives with the virus that are men, and she has no choice, as a symbolic archetype, other than to function as a `Greek horse`, but the `harlots` and the `Abominations` are a valence of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` and women don`t have to espouse the role of the `Greek whore` because they have the `futanarian` valence of women as a species with her own penis, which is `politically correct` whereas the `red dragon` of the acceptance of homosexual pederasty`s valence of `blood plague` and war isn`t. Neither is it politically expedient to accept `gays` because God doesn`t want it, and that`s why the woman`s `seed` receives heaven and Earth from God:


`...they cursed...God...[and] refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 Homosexuality is a sterile `Abomination`. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` before whom the `red dragon` waits in vain with its valence of the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS to devour the `New Redeemer`, is a symbol of the USA attacked by Japan`s `red sun` in 1941 at Pearl Harbour and by Al Qaeda`s `yellow moon` in 2000, the symbols on the flags by which they`re recognized. The USA responded with `a bomb in nation`, that is, Nagasaki and Hiroshima, whereas 9/11 was Al Qaeda`s `a bomb in nation` at New York`s Twin Towers, and at the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia. Both attacks represented the sterility of homosexual pederasty`s valence and the `Greek horse` of provocation and response to the functionality of the evil serpent`s `seed` grown into a `red dragon`.



 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) sun and moon are symbols of the soul of woman and her mind or spirit, and the moon in Arabia is male whereas in the West it`s traditionally female, which suggests that the `red` of communism, political expediency, Japan`s fascism, and HIV/AIDS` `blood plague` as a `terror valence` of the `red dragon` finds its nemesis in the female moon of the `hidden` woman, who is the species of the Earth and not a valence of the evil alien parasitical viral life from, that is, men, which sucks on her blood like a viral spreading leech and has been devouring the products of her civilizations and cultures in its wars against her since the time of Eden.


1 Critique of the Gotha programme, 1875.

Lady Gaga Works Like A Trojan But For The T-Cells Its A Bad Romance

16/08/2012 12:16

Lady Gaga Works Like A Trojan But For The T-Cells Its A Bad Romance


In the video single for Bad Romance Lady Gaga and her dancers emerge from plastic coffins with red crucifixes affixed to them. Wearing white crowns and white jump suits they`re representative of the Resurrection of victims of the HIV/AIDS virus, which in Revelation is described as `blood plague`.



 HIV/AIDS is a `valence` of the `red dragon` of Revelation, which is described as waiting to devour the `New Redeemer` born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet`, who remains `hidden` upon the Earth and protected by the New Redeemer until she`s ready to leave for the stars in heaven and `sow` her `seed`.

 Because she has `seed` of her own she has her own penis, that is, she`s `futanarian`, and after her victory in heaven against the serpent`s `seed` from Eden that has grown into the `red dragon` of Revelation, she`s given a new heaven and Earth by God while the evil serpent`s `seed` receive perdition, which is a metaphor for the consequences of spreading the `blood plague` of  HIV/AIDS.



 In ancient Greece homosexual pederasty was the means by which women`s wombs were enslaved by men for the purpose of spreading their `disease` further. Against Troy they employed the prototypical homosexual method of pretending to be `friends`, and the `gift` they left was the huge hollow wooden `Greek horse` from which they virally emerged to take the city once the Trojans had `accepted the virus`.

 In medical terms, the Trojans are the T-cells of the body, that is, in socio-historical terms, the Greeks are HIV/AIDS because the virus `feigns friendship` for the T-cells of the body which protect it against viruses so that the T-cells, which `work like Trojans` to defend the body, are killed and then the body`s red cells die because they`re unprotected.



 In Lady Gaga`s video Bad Romance she `challenges` the virus represented by men who are the symbols of the enslavement of women`s wombs as a `host` for their emergence as the `boy sons` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the `poisons` of war, plague and death. Lady Gaga`s `challenge` is messianic in that she`s performing against the virus and indicating what young women must do.



 In Revelation `Babylon the Great, Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth` is depicted as ` having a golden cup in her hand full of ... her fornication`, and the central male figure of Lady Gaga`s Bad Romance video has a golden `Greek` warrior`s `chin guard` and is drinking from a cup, which suggests he`s one of the `heads` of the seven headed beast with ten horns that carries her. She`s `Mystery` because she can live with the virus, that is, men, despite their making of her `Greek whores` that produce `boy sons` that spread the `blood plague` of the `poisons` of HIV/AIDS, war and death.



 In `valence` terms, the one with the golden Greek warrior`s `chin guard` is the representative of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague`, who is drinking while Lady Gaga sings and performs, that is, she does all the work and, effectively, he sits on the toilet and drinks `abominations and filthiness`. Because semen mixed with urine, blood, and shit is productive of HIV/AIDS, and the toilet is for shit and urine, the indolent male character of Bad Romance sits while Lady Gaga `works`, that is, urine and shit is his `work`.



Lady Gaga`s `Trojan` is working to defend the citadel of the women and they`re her T-cells in the video, whereas the symbol of the devouring `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague` is the `Greek` virus that seeks her death. At the close of the video Lady Gaga and her dancers are clad in red chiffon from which the colour has faded. In symbolic terms, the red cells are dying of AIDS after `contracting` HIV, which means Lady Gaga`s white crowned dancers at the video`s beginning, and who emerge from white plastic coffins as fighters, can`t win. Because, for men, women are a `valence` of themselves as her `virus`, which is a `killer` of `working` bodies such as Lady Gaga`s. Presumably, the virus` ambition in Bad Romance is to drink while sitting on the toilet, and so to criticize Lady Gaga`s `body of work` for having valences other than that of performing her toilette.



In `politically correct` circles `gay` means lesbian and homosexual whereas, if women have their own penis, lesbians are `normal`. But the `gay` plague of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and war is `abnormal`, whereas `feminist` politicians teach lesbians and homosexuals are `gay` and `politically correct`, which means declaring war on their own species because `gays` are homosexuals and are not `politically correct` women.



 Hindu mythology has a few indicators that are suggestive of solutions to the male problem of homosexual pederasty and its single valence of war and plague. The mother goddess Kali is depicted as having eight limbs and six arms which she uses in a warlike way. Shiva, who is her consort and the  `destroyer` of her, is depicted as two-armed, four-armed, and six-armed, because he represents men as a virus developing the valences it needs in order to `woo` and kill her.



 Kali`s nature is similar to the T-cells of the body that has receptors that recognize and neutralize poisons. It is the HIV/AIDS` virus` blocking of the T-cell receptors (TCRs) that enables its killing of the body. Its valences are T-cell receptor blockers, whereas the T-cells` valences are designed to neutralize poisons. The valence of the `boy sons` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague` is HIV/AIDS, whereas the T-cells` TCRs make of it a Kali mother goddess rather than a `destroyer` Shiva, which has valences only for killing her.



 The solution to HIV/AIDS is radical insofar as the Bible tells us the `hidden` woman with her own penis leaves Earth to `sow` her `seed` in heaven while the evil `seed` receives perdition. In Britney Spears If You Seek Amy, which is usually read as `F*U*C*K me`, Britney`s at the centre of a circle of young women, who don`t correspond to the usual psychology of what Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) terms her animus or soul which, appearing in dreams, imagination and art, perceives itself as surrounded by men:


`All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy.`



 She`s Troy to the `Greek` valence, and the young women surround her in celebration of their `futanarian`. As a symbol of the function of their developmental capacity to transform sexual libido into spiritual or intellectual progress and growth, Britney`s their protective mother goddess Kali who, recognizing in her `body of work` that she isn`t a `destroyer`, and that women want to `F*U*C*K me`, can neutralize men`s `virality` and foster the growing penis of women.

Camp Security For Believers

15/08/2012 12:21

Camp Security For Believers


Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`. In Eden Eve is told she will `crush` the head of the `serpent` with her heel before she leaves Earth. Saddam`s name means that `man` is her target. Revelation tells how the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the `New Redeemer`, who is born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` and protects the `hidden` woman before she `sows` her `seed` in heaven. After war against the evil serpent`s `seed` from Earth, she receives a new heaven and Earth and the evil receive perdition. Because the woman has `seed`, she has her own penis and is futanarian woman, so her enemy is `man` because woman is the species on the planet if she has a penis of her own and men are, in science fictional terms, the evil alien parasites who don`t want her to leave because their virus needs a `host` womb to further its plague aims of `play games` of destroying her.



 In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), sun and moon are male and female symbols of the ego and anima or soul of man, but for a woman the sun is her soul symbol and the moon symbolizes her spirit or mind. In Arabia the moon is deemed to be male and is the symbol of Osama Ben Ladan`s Al Qaeda, which was instrumental in plunging the globe into terror on 9/11:


`They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).` (Rev: 9.11)


 In Jungian psychology the prognosis is that the Earth can`t survive without some kind of synthesis of male and female principles, and the male sun principle is most clearly represented by the red sun of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941 which plunged the globe into a war that resulted in the USA`s unleashing the power of the sun against Nagasaki and Hiroshima.



 Al Qaeda`s sneak attack on the Twin Towers of New York by means of hijacked `civil` aircraft masquerading as `friends` from Boston, Massachussetts, reinstates the paradigm of the `virus`, which began in ancient Greece, where the wooden horse before the walls of Troy tempted the Trojans to take it into the city, and the Greek `virus` emerged to make it captive.

 Ancient Greece was founded upon the principles of war through homosexual pederasty and the enslavement of women`s wombs to spread their `plague games` of viral assault against neighbouring city states. In biblical terms, the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation is HIV/AIDS and the `Greek horses` of the 9/11 aircraft crashing into the Twin Towers of New York were spreading a valence of the `Greek` virus of homosexual pederasty and war, as a psychological terror weapon, and a weapon of biological warfare against women`s wombs, which in Revelation are effectively described as `Greek whores`:


`Babylon the Great, Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth.`



 Women who produce boy sons, that is, poisons, solely for war `plague games` give birth to the `Abominations of the Earth` and so are whores. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a symbol of the `hidden` woman who leaves the Earth and spreads her own `seed` amongst the stars in heaven because she has her own penis, which is defined as male but is definable as entirely female because it desires her. Consequently, men are definable as alien parasitical viral life forms that have enslaved her `host` womb only to destroy her and the products of her womb, which is everything that is human upon the Earth. The woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` symbolizes the woman with a female soul (sun) and a female source of intellect and spirit (moon) that derives from a penis that is more firmly attached to her, and in Revelation she escapes from her parasitical alien virus, that is, men, represented at the beginning of the 21st century as the `Greek horse` of HIV/AIDS and terrorism.


 The Greeks couldn`t take Troy without employing the ruse of the hollow wooden horse, which taken into the city by the Trojans allowed the Greeks to emerge from within and capture the city. 9/11 was an obvious ruse to have the `boy sons` of the USA come out from behind the walls of New York`s Ilium in order to foster the viral `poisons` of war. Al Qaeda`s objective was the reassertion of the male moon, that is, the penis as the instinctual libidic focus for the development of a spiritual and intellectual misogyny that prefers ICBMs aimed at woman`s Earth to space rockets facilitating the `hidden` woman`s penis from escaping the `red dragon` of the male ego`s devouring homosexual pederasty of war, and its plague aimed at living as an alien parasite of evil from her `host` womb.



 In Christianity Jesus` distillation of God`s law as `love your neighbor as you love yourself` is the precept upon which Redemption is based. The observation that the other person is you involves the perception that Saddam Hussein is a woman too, which means that Saddam`s name of `crusher` and `small handsome man` is that aspect of him that is `hidden` and female, or `futanarian`. In symbolic terms, the penis is the `small handsome man` of the `futanarian` woman, who`ll leave the Earth because he`ll will her to `crush` him here, that is, her `heel` will:


Her he`ll will; crush!

 In Eden Eve is told she will `crush the head of the serpent with her heel` before she leaves the Earth, and `heel` is a term of contempt for a `dishonourable man`, but not if he`s willing her to crush him with her heel so that his woman can escape from the Earth with her.



 The male moon of Al Qaeda`s `poisons` prepared New York`s Saddam`s Eve`s `Big Apple` of `boy sons`, that is, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` once again, for the `hidden` woman`s `teacher` which, if the penis is defined as female, is its developmental libidic energy as manifest in spiritual and intellectual work.



 Homosexual pederasty`s `red dragon` of enslavement includes the perception that the penis is female, and so homosexuality has no interest whatsoever in the human species apart from its capacity to produce so that it can destroy, that is, men are identifiable as genuine evil alien parasitical death, whereas the species of `futanarian` woman on the planet Earth is taught that men are human.



 The Arabian moon is male, and the motto of Al Qaeda is, `There is no God but Allah` and, in the Koran, Allah is `neither male nor female`, which is similar to the Bible, `male and female he created them both`, that is, God is both male and female, which is why the moon in Jungian psychology is female, because the sun is its complement. Al Qaeda represent an overweighting of the male principle, where sun and moon are both perceived as male, whereas in fact sun and moon are `neither male nor female` but belong to woman as the species of the planet Earth, and she understands that the penis is hers. The `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is woman, and the `New Redeemer` is the protection her penis affords her.



 In the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94), the prescient names of the female characters, Dr. Beverley Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), denote a future in which the head of the evil serpent of Eden grown into the devouring `red dragon` will be `crushed` by woman as a species, and its `plague aims` of homosexual pederasty, which began manifesting itself in war socio-historically at Troy, and continued into the 20th and 21st centuries as HIV/AIDS and global terrorism, will end.



 Star Trek began in 1965 and is still `boldly going where noone has gone before`. Originally, the opening credits of the show featured the line, `to boldly go where no man has gone before`, but feminism changed that. The series was described as `camp` when it began, which means `gay`.



 In the 20th century it was `politically correct` to define lesbians and homosexuals as `gay` and `equal`, whereas women are a species with her own penis and sex between them is normal, and homosexuals are not a species and sex between them is not normal but sterile, which is a valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty that produced the bane of the 20th century, that is, the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS from sterile anal sex mixing semen with shit and blood.



 In feminist terms, the female policewoman or politically correct `PC` defined women as equalling a virus,and God `worked like a Trojan` to politically correct her until, `PC` again, she was able to accept the `blood plague` of HIV/AIDS and homosexual pederasty`s ancient war against her `host` womb and its products as a mysterious `curse` upon the human species, whereas it is a valence of men as woman`s devouring parasite.



 `Camp` humour is how Star Trek was defined, along with other 60s TV shows like Batman and Robin and Superman. The `joke` primarily devolved from the notion that there was one level of humour for dad`s and another level of interest for kids, which the planet has continued to perpetrate by denying that the penis of the Earth is woman`s as the species that`s native to the planet. In other words, what`s being concealed by the `camp` humour is that the Earth is the `concentration camp` where the woman`s penis is being worked to death by the evil parasitical aliens of the `red dragon` of men`s homosexual pederasty that doesn`t even care about the penis, which represents the developmental functionality of the race. In simple terms, the two tier humour of `camp` is that of the ghoulish torturers and murderers, that is, the genuinely evil alien parasites, which aren`t even interested in their own penis because it represents the capacity to develop beyond the simian.



 The security officer aboard the Starship Enterprise on Star Trek: The Next Generation is Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby), and `Tasha` means `born on Christmas Day`, which is the 25th December and the celebration of the nativity of the baby Jesus. However, `Babi Yar` was the scene of a Nazi pogrom:


`The massacre was the largest single mass killing for which the Nazi regime and its collaborators were responsible during its campaign against the Soviet Union and is considered to be `the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust`.`1



 Obviously, the two tier `camp` humour in Star Trek: The Next Generation depends on our ability to perceive the birth of Tasha Yar as a prelude to woman`s extermination. Even in pop video singles women`s `camp` followers are ineluctable in their ghoulish humour. The `announcer` to Miley Cyrus` Can`t Be Tamed (2010) is allowed to direct us to a perception of her as:


`A creature so rare it was believed to be extinct.`


 So she`s supposed to be extinct, then? `Camp` humour is actually ghoulish insofar as daddy`s daughters aren`t supposed to know what `daddies` plan for their future. `Daddy` is a prison term, and Star Trek remains `camp` because the evil alien parasite, that is, men, is still clutching at the `host` wombs of women, and refuses to be left behind in jail as the female penis continues to develop its `escapist programme`.



 In Revelation unendurable eternal pain is the punishment for those who have imprisoned woman here upon the Earth and `camp` at her inability to escape them in `entertainments` such as Scarey Movie (2000), in which the comedic premise is that the murderer will eventually get the girl, Anna Faris, or Scream (1996) in which the comedic premise is to pretend that the movie in which young women such as Sarah Michelle Gellar are murdered is a serious movie and that the `camp` audience aren`t laughing hysterically at the prospect of Sarah being eviscerated by the anonymous `Everyman` figure of the masked slasher with a carving knife.



The Red Dragon And The Woman Clothed With The Sun

14/08/2012 12:18

The Red Dragon And The Woman Clothed With The Sun


Jesus was born from a virgin as a sign that women don`t want men`s `seed`, and Jesus remained celibate until he was tortured and murdered by men as a further `sign` that men don`t want women`s `seed`, which is what the figure of the woman of Revelation `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` represents. The devouring `red dragon` waits in vain while the woman gives birth to the `New Redeemer` who protects her while she`s `hidden` upon the Earth before she leaves to `sow` her `seed` in heaven. In Eden the evil serpent`s `seed` is what perpetuates `enmity` with the woman`s `seed`, and Eve is told by God in Genesis she`ll `crush the head of the serpent with her heel` as she leaves.



 In Revelation the `plague of blood` is identifiable as a valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty, that is, the evil serpent of Eden full grown, and which spreads itself as a virus through war. Ancient Greek society and culture was based on the principle of the enslavement of women as `host` wombs so that the Greeks could spread the `disease` by training their `boy sons` to `plague games`, which appeared in the Revelation of the 20th century as `poisons`, through their `boy sons`, as HIV/AIDS` `blood plague`. The prototypical mode of spreading the `Greek` poison is known as the `Greek horse` method from the nature of the `gift` left by the Greek besiegers of the city of Troy while hiding inside the huge wooden structure. Like the HIV/AIDS virus, which appears friendly to the T-cells in order to kill them, the `Greek horse` was full of `boy sons` that emerged to terrorize and enslave the wombs of the Trojan women.

 The 20th century equivalent of the `Greek horse` is the psychological terrorism and biological warfare against women`s wombs that is the poison of HIV/AIDS, which valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty and `blood plague` was manifested on 9/11 when terrorist hijackers masqueraded as `friends` of New York state from Boston, Massachussetts.

 Socio-historically, the `terrorist cells` of Al Qaeda were `Greek`, and the `false friends` of the city of Troy, upstate New York. New Yorkers worked `like Trojans` to save people on 9/11 and, in terms of the body`s immune system, were the `T-cells` defending her, whereas the `terrorist cells` of Al Qaeda `feigning friendship` towards New York`s `Trojans` in the `civil` aircraft they hijacked, correspond to the `friendliness` of the HIV/AIDS` cell that mimics the healthy `T-cell` in order to kill it and the body. The hijackers crashed their `Greek horses` into the World Trade Centre, where `trade` is a homosexual euphemism for `casual sex`, that is, the `trading of bodily fluids` resulting in the `transmission` of the HIV/AIDS virus:


 `They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).` (Rev: 9.11)



 9/11 was planned by a homosexual who saw the attack on the World`s `T` Centre as a continuation of the `plague games` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty that had been going on in the `Greek`, that is, homosexual, mind since Troy. Mustachioed Saddam Hussein has the prototypical `gay biker` look, but the USA supported him with the world`s 3rd largest army to defend their interests against former `favourite` Iran, where the Shah was deposed in 1976 because of his dragon-like behavior towards his people. Osama Ben Ladan`s Taliban got rid of the Russians in Afghanistan but was bad ` trade` also. 9/11`s `boy sons` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague` were `poison` for the `Big Apple` of New York`s Eve`s `friendship`, which had been growing warmer, and precipitated global terror against Arabia and her `hidden` women. The USA`s `false friendships` effectively represent the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague`, that is, the transmission of incurable viruses for the sake of `casual sex`:


`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)



 `Lesbians` are taught that they`re `sexually abnormal` if they gravitate towards women, but women are their species, and she has her own penis as `futanarian`. Consequently, the Kore relationship of mother-daughter1 is the important one. If a daughter is born within a `conventional warfare` marriage, the man is the `viral` component, because he`s the `alien parasite` that has enslaved the woman`s womb to knowingly, or unconsciously, perpetuate the `enmity` of the serpent for Eve`s `seed` since the biblical `Garden of Eden`. It devolves upon the mother to give her daughter proper sex education in which the sexual valences of women for each other are of uppermost relevance, and the knowledge that women are a species while men are a parasitical virus to be treated as `invalid`, that is, in need of `Redemption`, is paramount.

 Men`s true valence is clear from an early passage in Genesis that describes how Onan refused to impregnate his brother Er`s wife Tamar after Er had been killed by God for failing to impregnate her also. Onan is the hero of the early Bible because he recognized that women didn`t want men`s `seed`, which is what the birth of Jesus from the Virgin Mary, and Jesus` subsequent celibacy, that is, refusal to impregnate a woman, reinforces.


 Onan`s explanation for his refusal, when questioned by God, was that he didn`t want Tamar`s beauty to fade, and the `hidden` woman of Revelation is given a new heaven and Earth for her `seed` to dwell in forever, which is the fulfillment of Onan`s desire, who only wanted to masturbate while he looked upon Tamar`s beauty.

 Masturbation is called `onanism` as a misogynistic appellation of hatred for Onan because he understood from God`s description of the evil serpent`s `seed` in Eden that his `seed` was the `virus` that would seek Tamar`s and woman`s death. But masturbation is the key to woman`s survival. Condoms are called `Trojans` because they protect women from the virus, but `Onan` is a better denotation because it signifies `shields`, and not `spears`:


`On? `



 Women are taught that men have the penis, and so monogamous faithfulness to a man is their escape route from HIV/AIDS and death. A teaching reinforced by HIV/AIDS itself as a valence of homosexual pederasty, that is, as homosexuality`s psychological terror weapon and weapon of biological warfare against woman and her Earth. Patriarchal interpretations of HIV/AIDS want women to understand that faithfulness to a single man`s penis is the reason why God`s practicing psychological terror and biological warfare against her, whereas if women have a penis of their own and so are a species, the only penis they need to be faithful to is each others`.



 In the New Testament Jesus` perception was that he was to be tortured and murdered, and allowed it to occur so that the psychopathic valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s `pattern` was distinguishable. Hollywood`s movie Red Dragon features a character called the `Tooth Fairy` who represents the `pattern` from the `other side`:


 `... [he] kills at the behest of an alternate personality he calls `The Great Red Dragon.` He is obsessed with a William Blake painting, The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed in Sun, and believes that each victim he `changes` brings him closer to `becoming` the Dragon. His pathology is born from the severe child abuse he suffered ... `2



 The `red dragon` and child abuse by the `Tooth Fairy` are one and the same because it`s homosexual pederasty and its valence is torture and murder, which is why the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` delivers the `New Redeemer` despite the attentions of the `red dragon` that waits in vain to devour her child.



 Children seek attention, but `Attenshun!` is a military valence of the word that`s supposed to signify respect, but actually denotes a declaration of war by the `fartherers` of the `boy sons` on those women upon whom respect is supposedly conferred, which is why the `red dragon` is depicted as conferring its unwanted attentions upon the woman of Revelation at the birth of her protector.



 Men are taught to be attentive to women, but it`s the penis that`s supposed to be stiff, and not the legs, arms, neck and back, that is, those who `stand to attention` when women are present aren`t expressing anything other than the `poisons` repressed, or even conscious, desire to kill her, whereas she wants to believe men are her `protectors`, because she instinctively intuits her need for a `New Redeemer`.



 After the `hidden` woman leaves Earth to `sow` her `seed` in heaven, she fights off an attack from the `red dragon`, and receives a new heaven and Earth from God as her eternal reward, while the `seed` of the evil serpent receive perdition as a punishment for  their psychopathy. The followers of Jesus, and the `hidden` woman, aren`t those who torture and murder as the followers of the evil serpent`s `seed` become the `red dragon` of Revelation, but that`s why the evil followed Jesus, and that`s why they look for the `hidden` woman, or keep her `hidden` as their captive, because men are an alien parasitical virus, and its valence is `psychopath`.


1 The Greeks called the mother-daughter relationship the Kore, and it`s `hard core` in terms of species` development.




Impotencia and Potencia

13/08/2012 13:32

Impotencia and Potencia


The book of Revelation culminates in the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` leaving Earth after a period where she`s protected as the `hidden` woman by the `New Redeemer`. In heaven she `sows` her `seed`, which means that she`s a woman with a penis, that is, a futnarian woman, and her `seed` fight a war in heaven against the evil `seed` of the `serpent` from Eden grown into the `red dragon` of Revelation that had waited in vain to devour her child, the `New Redeemer`.

 Because the woman `hidden` upon the Earth has her own penis, women are a species separate from men, which means that socio-history is the story of men`s enslavement of woman`s womb as a `host` for their alien parasitical life form. In the Bible God offers Mankind Redemption, which means that Man has a chance to be a part of a triune species, but the teachings of Jesus, that is, the Adamic Man born from the Virgin Mary without the `seed` of a man, have to be accepted. If not, God depicts the `blood plague` arising from the `red dragon`, as the consequence for their refusal to repent and convert from their enslavement of women as a `host` for their alien parasitical virus:


`Men gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16.10)


 `Greek` is a worldwide euphemism for homosexuality because homosexual pederasty was the basis of ancient Greek society, and the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` is the HIV/AIDS virus, which arises from the ancient Greeks` employment of a method to spread their virus of war. Women`s wombs were the `hosts` for their `boy sons`, that is, `poisons`, which spread their `disease`. Against the city of Troy, the Greeks employed the prototypical `device` for spreading the `disease`. Computer users know it as a `Trojan horse` virus, but in socio-historical terms, the huge hollow wooden horse was `Greek`. The Greeks emerged therefrom, as a part of their war plague aims, to capture Troy from within the city itself due to the Trojans being deceived into accepting it as a `gift`, which is how homosexual pederasts woo. The viral analogy is clear. War is the biblical `red dragon` of Revelation and the `blood plague` of homosexual pederasty is its `valence`, which resulted in the 20th century in the emergence of HIV/AIDS from the `Greek horse` of political acceptance for homosexuality.

 The Greeks fooled the Trojans as the HIV/AIDS virus fools the body`s immune system into accepting its `politicking`. In `PC` terms, computer viruses aren`t `Trojans`, because the viral approach is `Greek` homosexual pederasty, which means that  HIV/AIDS is `Greek`, and the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of Revelation is the `biological warfare` of the `Greek horse` against women`s `host` wombs. `Trojans` aren`t `politically correct` or `PC` because productive individuals `work like Trojans`, and so a `Greek` virus is `PC`, that is, `politically correct`, but only in terms of political expediency because PC`s don`t want the `red dragon` of `Greek` homosexual pederasty to be offended:


`And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.` (Rev: 13. 17)



 Revelation describes how political expedience masquerading as political correctness results in PC`s acceptance of the virus of homosexual pederasty and war. In the UK 999 is the telephone number of the police, whereas in Revelation `the number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six`, that is, 666, which means the `police constabulary` in the UK are a `valence` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty because they`re `politically correct` PC`s.



 On 9/11 the USA was attacked by terrorist hijackers flying in `civil` aircraft from Boston, Massachussetts, who were able to crash their `Greek horses` into the Twin Towers of New York`s Ilium. Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Ladan`s Taliban had received strong support from the USA out of political expediency, which is why 911 is the number of the police for the world`s `global policeman`. Being `politically correct` is to accept `the mark of the beast` as the virus of political expediency, which means that the `PC` can`t work correctly. Upstate New York has its own city of Troy, where the workers are Trojans and not viruses, which means the designers of computer viruses and the `PC` makers conspired to define workers as `Trojans` and computer viruses, rather than viruses as valences of `Greek` homosexual pederasty, so they could `plague game` with the global `PC` after 9/11.

 Because of their valence of homosexual pederasty men have wasted their semen, which means that, even if they refuse repentance and can`t be redeemed, women have their own penis, and are a species which doesn`t require men. Futanarian women produce much more semen than men per ejaculation and have much larger penises, and even if they didn`t, they don`t need men to reproduce. Revelation says the woman`s `seed` shall be sown in heaven because its better `seed` and the evil serpent`s seed grown since Eden into the red dragon of homosexual pederasty and blood plague shall be defeated if it attacks her. Her `seed` shall receive a new heaven and a new Earth while the evil shall have eternal unendurable pain as their punishment, because they didn`t want the woman or her penis, and didn`t want her to leave so that they could continue their `plague games` of war and continue the `movie` of her in which she has the role of `snuff victim`.


Friendly Firers

12/08/2012 11:19

Friendly Firers


God didn`t want the `seed` of a man. That`s why Jesus in the New Testament was born of the Virgin Mary. When Er, in the book of Genesis from the Old Testament, said he didn`t want to impregnate his wife Tamar with his `seed`, because it would spoil her beauty, God killed him and, when his brother Onan said he didn`t want to impregnate Tamar for the same reason, God killed him too. Er and Onan were killed because they were `poisons`, that is, `boy sons`, who were alien parasitical viral life forms, and not `Adamic Man`.

 In Revelation there are two female figures; the woman `clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who gives birth to the `New Redeemer` and `Babylon the Great, Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth`, who represent valences of woman on the path to be born. In his poem The Second Coming W. B. Yeats attempts to discern her shape:


`And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

 Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born.`



 She`s difficult to describe, because the `hidden` woman who has given birth to the `New Redeemer`, to protect her while she prepares to leave Earth and `sow` her `seed` in heaven, is `futanarian`, that is, she`s woman with a penis and so a species in her own right. In heaven she fights against the `seed` of the `serpent` of Eden grown to be the devouring `red dragon` that waited in vain to devour her `New Redeemer` at the birth. Victorious, she receives a new heaven and Earth from God, while the evil receive eternal unendurable pain as their punishment.



 In Revelation there are two `beasts` that represent the valence of men, and `Babylon the Great, Mystery, Mother of harlots, and of the Abominations of the Earth` is a product of their valence, which is to use women to produce poisons. In Revelation the `red dragon` is a `blood plague`, that is, HIV/AIDS is a valence, which relates to the homosexual pederasty of ancient Greek society. Women`s wombs were enslaved to produce `boy sons` to spread their plague by means of war, that is, the abominations produced by the harlots of Greece are the `poisons` of the `Greek whores`, which is underlined in Greek history by the `Greek horse` that the Greeks used to hide inside and leave outside the city of Troy. When the Trojans took it into the city, the Greeks emerged, and enslaved the `host` wombs of the women to continue their `plague` of homosexual pederasty through war.

 9/11 was similarly a `Greek horse` in which the `red dragon`, having been defeated by God at the `cities of the plains`, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18,19), survived to spread its wings at `the cities of the planes`, when terrorist hijackers crashed `civil` aircraft into the Twin Towers of New York`s World Trade Centre and Arlington`s Pentagon, which houses the US Defense Department.

 In the Old Testament God commands, `thou shalt not suffer a witch to live`, where `witch` is often interpreted as `poisoner`, and is used as a justification for attacks on women who are `different`. Of course, `futanarian` women are indifferent to men because she`s woman`s species, and so `different` enough for men to maintain constant denial of her existence in an aborting of her birth that defines men as `witches` and `poisoners`.

 `Babylon the Great` is great because she`s able to live with the evil alien parasitical viral life form that is men. They have made of her a `harlot` to produce the `boy sons` of homosexual pederasty, and war to spread their `plague aims`. The `poisons` of HIV/AIDS is a valence of men`s `biological warfare` against women`s wombs and an aspect of how the `plague games`. Babylon is described as `Mystery`, because women are a species with their own penis as futanarian, and so the mystery is solved. Men are not a species but an alien viral parasitical life form leeching upon the products of her womb in order to further its valence of war and plague. In computer parlance, a `Trojan` is a virus, but upstate New Yorkers in Troy `work like Trojans`, which is the definition most pleasing to God, who ordered Adam and Eve to live `by the sweat of their brow` after Eden, and so `Trojan virus` isn`t `politically correct`, but a way of not offending `Greek`, that is, a worldwide euphemism for `homosexual pederasty`, so that it`s `PC` to define workers as viruses.



Being `politically correct` or `PC` so that purportedly good intentions are productive of evil is what the Greeks termed enantiodromia, which is what the defining of workers as `viruses`, and homosexual pederasty`s valence of war as `work`, represents. Or, in other words, when `PC` defines good as evil, the `beast` is loose.



 English PC`s are police constables, whose telephone number is 999, but `reversed` it`s 666, which is the `number of the beast` of Revelation, while 9/11 is 911, and the number of the police in the USA. If the police are defined as `bullies`, and that`s how they`re viewed by the majority of the public, the murderers of Rodney King (USA), and Blair Peach (UK), are defined as `politically correct`, which is why Revelation tells us `the number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred three score and six`. When all men are police, they`re all bullies, and so they`re `beasts`, which is what the `plague aims` of 9/11 were.



 Michel Nostradamus prophesied 9/11 in the 15th century, `From the sky will come a great King of Terror.` The event was supposed to occur in 1999, but that`s because of the strength of the biblical 999/666 prophecy. The `King of Terror` would be the result of 9/11, and Nostradamus says 9/11 was `to bring back the great King of the Mongols`, who is Genghis Khan, but after 9/11 `surveillance` would be `King` because that`s a valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s that wants to keep women as enslaved `host` wombs for men as a parasitical alien virus, and which the Bible prefigures in Genesis, when Eve is `tempted` by the `serpent`, and Adam and Eve perceive themselves as `naked` after eating the `fruit of the knowledge of good and evil`, because they sense that they are being watched.

 The Bible is about what`s going to watch you. The `serpent` of Eden grown into the `red dragon` of Revelation waiting to devour the `New Redeemer`, and fight a losing war against the `seed` of the `hidden` futanarian woman, that is, woman as a species with her own penis, is watching in order to devour. Or, in simple terms, if the minds of those who are watching you are evil, then evil things will happen to you, which is why 666 and 9/11 are symbolic reversals of the meaning of the police.



 In the 19th century `Luddites` broke machinery that put men out of work at the outset of the `industrial revolution` when factories were becoming automated. In the 20th century similar protests surrounded the introduction of robots at car manufacturing plants. The argument was that machines would replace workers, but there`d be leisure instead. Humans would be `saved` by `robots`, which would have a humane valence insofar as they`d respond in humanity.  In Judaism the `Meshiah` is defined as inaugurating global peace, and may be construed as `machine`, whereas surveillance with CCTV camera technology is more likely to produce scenarios like that of the movie Sliver (1993) with Sharon Stone as the victim of a psychopathic killer.



 The unwritten valence in Sliver is HIV/AIDS, because you can`t tell from someone`s `look` whether they`re a victimizer or not, and HIV/AIDS is the virus that declares itself as `friendly` in order to kill. The female psychopath isn`t new, for example, Jessica Walter as `Evelyn` in Clint Eastwood`s Play Misty For Me (1971), and Sliver followed upon Sharon Stone`s role as a psychopath in Basic Instinct (1992), which was effectively men`s `demonizing` of her, and their `typecasting` of 20th century women as HIV/AIDS. Men`s `angle` was that it wasn`t possible to gauge by women`s `looks` as to whether they were the `killer virus`, whereas Sharon`s role in Sliver as the woman stalked by the pitiless killer watching her on CCTV in her apartment block shifts the perspective away from the demonization of women`s eyes and looks.



 In Sliver Sharon shifts the perspective onto the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s enslavement of women`s `host` wombs, which are symbolized in Sliver by Sharon`s apartment rooms. Her space represents an unoccupied `host` womb, as does Jodie Foster`s `panic room` space when criminals invade her home in The Panic Room (2002). The demonization of women`s looks, however, in movies like Play Misty For Me and Basic Instinct has programmed the media viewer with the false sense that the psychopath is sanctioned to be a `woman killer` in movies like Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) and Scream (1996). Because men have shown that their valence towards women is terror through demonization in order to poison the images of women through their screen roles, it`s a poisoning that both Jodie, in The Accused (1988) where she`s raped, and Sharon have resisted fiercely:


 `... if you have a vagina and a point of view, you're considered a threat.`



  The valence of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty is alien parasitical viral enslavement of women as `host` wombs in order to spread their `plague` by means of war, and which is described in Revelation as a `blood plague` because HIV/AIDS is their valence`s use of `biological warfare` and terrorism against women. Surveillance by men as the alien parasitical viral life form would turn women`s homes, and indeed any space where women may be found, such as Baghdad, Kosovo, Dharfur or Afghanistan, into a form of `snuff box`, where women may be murdered by psychopathic killers, because that`s men`s valence.



 If women are to survive as a species with her own penis, she must control the camera. Irrespective of whether robots are keeping her, or whether CCTV is monitoring her, she needs `Meshiah`, that is, the machine to save her from men. As an alien viral parasite enslaving her womb to `host` primetime CNN `plague aims` such as 9/11, for the sterile homosexual pederast watching from the couch with their `plague games` Sony Play Stations, `TV` is a `transvestite` where the `creature` that`s programmed to be murdered is wearing each others` clothes. Devised as a medium to encourage `snuff`, 9/11 was a diagram of what the `King of Terror` is proposing from its position as a valence of the `red dragon` of psychopathia. The Twin Towers were columnar boxes, and the aircraft were tubular boxes, while `the plague` gamely watched the `transvestite`, that is, the `TV`, on their television `snuff boxes`at home.

 In Oops I Did It Again Britney Spears demonstrates what to do with the camera. When her spaceman comes to visit her on her red planet of Mars, in her red suit she places a hook in his backpack and hoists him so that he looks down upon herself in a white bikini dress. He has a camera beside his spacehelmet and can do nothing but film her. Britney`s perception is that he`s a camera because that`s what she wants to replace her enemy with. The `Meshiah` would be the `labour saving device` of the robot that would watch over her species and not harm her. In TV`s Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008-9) the robots are perfectly female and functional, which isn`t a problem for men as long as it`s understood that they`re the ones with the penis. Hollywood `mainstream` movies don`t depict the penis at all, because the revealing of a woman`s penis would reveal that the movies were just an excuse to replace the penis with the gun. Because that`s the `action` the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty prefers.

 Instead of having an erection, the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty`s guns shoot women. To `cock` means to prepare a gun to fire, so the `big cocks` are the firers (virus) who`ve shot a lot. HIV/AIDS is  `friendly virus` because it `feigns friendship` in order to kill the white cells that protect the body`s health in the shape of the red cells. When Britney, in her red suit, in Oops I Did It Again, hoists her `spaceman camera` above herself in a white bikini dress, she`s the red cell showing the difference between the white bikini dressed cell and the alien parasitical virus, that is, the male, which only feigns friendliness in order to attack her.

 The Vietnamese `gooks`, because the US` servicemen didn`t understand their `gobbledygook`, in the Vietnam war pretended to be wounded and cried out to American servicemen, `Tommy! Help me!` to attract and ambush them. The concept is similar to `friendly fire`, that is; `inadvertent firing towards one's own or otherwise friendly forces while attempting to engage enemy forces`,1 which is what the Navy Seals platoon pretend has happened to Demi Moore in the movie GI Jane when she`s raped by them during manoeuvres.



 Warfare is just the friendly virus` excuse to transmit itself further and doesn`t want women to live. That`s why there are `rules of engagement` in `conventional war`, because higher levels of technology employ shields, like the condom, whereas men don`t want women as a species to live upon the Earth, or to leave in ships either, such as those of Star Trek (1965-), which have strong shields to protect those inside from meteors, etc. Men are the aliens on the green and blue world of Terra, who want to kill woman here and prevent her from ever leaving. Their CCTV cameras are in position to film her struggles, and the Luddites have ensured that there aren`t any machine Meshiah`s to keep her safe and protect her species from the aliens that are men.


-  Amen



Your Friendly AIDS Virus

10/08/2012 07:17

Your Friendly AIDS Virus


The AIDS virus is a metaphor for evil which is why it is often thought of as the prophesied `blood plague` of Revelation that is virulent because it feigns friendliness towards the cells of the body in order to kill. Of course the concept of the body can be translated in a variety of ways; the body politic; the body of society; the organizational body; the body of belief; the body of evidence and the body of work, etc. On 9/11 the Al Qaeda terrorists crashed aircraft into the Twin Towers of the New York in order to infect the body of American thought, and transform the `Big Apple` of wisdom garnered since Eden into an apple of poison that would infect the globe.



    `There is no God but Allah`


 The attack was similar to the `Greek horse` of the ancient world, which was set before Troy as a `votive offering` from the Greeks to the Trojans for a safe journey home. The Greeks treacherously hollowed out the interior of the huge wooden structure and hid inside until the Trojans accepted the `gift` and took it within the walls where the Greeks emerged to capture and enslave the city.



 War is the `medium` by which the Greeks exported their mode of homosexual pederasty, and enslavement of women as `host` wombs for the furthering of their `war games`, which were in fact `plague aims`, because men are an alien parasitical viral life form. Troy and 9/11 are instances of the `blood plague` of Revelation identified as the devouring dragon that`s red, and which God attempted to eradicate at Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 18,19), the `cities of the plains`, while the `red dragon` and the `blood plague` resurfaced on 9/11 at the `city of the planes`, New York.



 New York was attacked by ticket-buying visitors from Boston, Massachussetts, `feigning friendship` for the USA, which is what the HIV/AIDS virus does with the white cells of the body`s immune system. AIDS pretends to be a white cell, and then kills the white cell it has befriended so that the body dies. Consequently, AIDS is a metaphor for someone who behaves as a friend in order to be evil towards you, which is why it is defined in Revelation as `blood plague` and a devouring `red dragon`.

 The fear of AIDS is allied to fear of friendship, because AIDS is a metaphor for evil friends. Insofar as it represents the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of homosexual pederasty as devouring war`s `plague aims`, AIDS is a legitimate source of homophobia, because homosexual `friendship` is a psychological evil that posits deceit as a mode of existence. Succinctly, homosexuality and AIDS are a `traitors gate`, because homosexuals and AIDS practice deceit, or `plague games`, in order to invade healthy bodies and kill them.



 In common parlance homosexuals are `faggots` because they accept the `plague aims`, and that `plague games` is what they want, which means they`ve agreed to accept unendurable eternal pain as God`s punishment for their decision to `play games` with the devouring flames of the maw of the `red dragon` rather than live in friendship without homosexual pederasty`s `blood plague` of warfare:


`Whoever doesn't live in me is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Branches like this are gathered, thrown into a fire, and burned.` (John 15.6)

 Homosexuality is `psychological warfare`, HIV/AIDS is homosexuals` `biological warfare`, terrorism is their `unconventional warfare`,1 and `conventional warfare` is the simplest valence of the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` of devouring homosexual pederasty`s wars against the woman of the Earth`s planet:


`... the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent ...` (Gen: 16.8)



 According to Revelation the `blood plague` of the `red dragon` waits in vain to devour the child born to the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` who is the `New Redeemer` that will protect her before she leaves Earth to sow her own seed in heaven and fight a victorious war against the evil serpent`s seed grown since Eden into the dragon and its seed.



The Japanese flag is a red sun, and is usually associated with the power of the sun that the USA unleashed upon Nagasaki and Hiroshima in the shape of the atomic bomb after the treacherous attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. Al Qaeda`s flag is a yellow moon, and is usually associated with the treacherous attack on New York Harbour on 9/11. In Arabia the moon is male, whereas in Western culture the moon is female and, in the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), the sun is symbolic of the female soul while the moon is symbolic of the female ego, so the `woman clothed with the sun and with the moon at her feet` is a symbol of the need for her Redemption and escape from men.



 From God the escaped women and her seed receive a new heaven and Earth in which to dwell forever. Because she has her own seed, she has her own penis as `futanarian` women have, which means Woman is a species and she`s escaped from men and their `boy sons` who `poison her` and are her death. The `male child` who protected the `hidden` woman during her sojourn upon the Earth has an `iron scepter` or `rod` as a `sign of authority`, which is that of the futanarian woman who has a penis of her own, and so is the precursor of Woman in God`s heaven and new Earth.



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