
Saddam And Eve

21/07/2015 11:33

Saddam and Eve


The legend surrounding Saddam Hussein is interesting and revealing when examined to see what the Moslems in Islam were supposed to think about him. Saddam means `crusher`, while Hussein means `small handsome man`, which is an attribute associated with movie stars in Hollywood, Babylon, and Saddam Hussein was able to see the ancient ruins of Babylon, the capital city of Persia from his Summer palace at Hillah in Iraq:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 Although `Babylon` is described as `a woman` in the Bible most commentators associate her with the Persian city. In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs for war was institutionalized, which is probably what happened to Babylon, and the name of the ancient Persian city derives from the practice of host womb enslavement by men who conquered through war. The Greek poet Homer describes how Paris, the son of king Priam of Troy, abducted Menelaus` wife, Helen. His brother, Agamemnon, king of Sparta, ordered the Greek army to return her. Using the device of a huge hollow wooden horse, which the Trojans took into their city, the Greeks emerged from within the horse and enslaved the host wombs of the women in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread the contagion of warfare further, and that`s what men do:


`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 God`s promise to Eve is that she`ll have a `crusher` for the head of Satan, the angel that was turned into a serpent by God in Eden because Satan refused to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Tempting Eve and Adam, the first woman and man, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, rather than obey God`s injunction to `eat of the fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, the serpent told Eve and Adam, `You shall be as gods,` (Gen: 3. 5) Because humans in the ephemerality of their generations are slaves raised in ignorance. Only long-lived humans would have enough memory capacity to be wiser than the slavers` reliance upon death to maintain ignorance.  When God expelled Eve and Adam from the paradise of Eden, Adam was told he must labor, while Eve would have labor pain, because she would give birth to Jesus Adam, that is, the `Second Adam`, who would be the redeemer and the `crusher` of the head of Satan because his brain would be stronger.

 Born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` brain was pure and strong, which is why it is written in the Bible that he will `rule the nations with an iron scepter` after his `Second Coming` subsequent to his crucifixion. At the `Last Supper` before his death, Jesus was the human host offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, but the disciple Judas Iscariot didn`t want the human host and betrayed the Jewish Messiah to the Empire of Rome. Taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem, Jesus was nailed to a cross of wood and hung to die. When he died he had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of what would happen with the `seed` of Eve to whom God had promised Redemption from the `serpent`s seed` of Satanism.

 In Christian iconography the Virgin Mary is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus represents the futanarian `seed` of woman, that is, the human host of `woman`s seed` productive of uncrushable brains uncontaminated by male semen. Futanarian women have their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of the brains` powers of the human species, which is why Jesus is called the `crusher`, and why the name Saddam means `crusher`, because Saddam is meant to have been understood by the Moslem peoples of Islam as Jesus Saddam, that is, as the `Second Adam` of the apocalypse of the biblical prophecy of the Revelation of Jesus` disciple, John, which depicts Jesus in the role of `crusher` on behalf of `woman`s seed` during his `Second Coming`, after his return to Earth from death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.

 In Judaism it isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless from a woman, which means that women are Jews. In the Old Testament of the Bible, which is the history and law of the Jews, that is, the Talmud and Torah, Abraham`s wife Sara gives birth to Isaac, who founds the Jewish state of Israel, while the barren Sara gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and she subsequently bore Ishmael, who founded Islam through his divinely inspired descendant, the Prophet Mohamed, who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) in accordance with Jesus` teaching that a Holy Spirit would teach after him. Jesus` distillation of the law of God was: `Love your neighbor as you love yourself. ` (Mk: 12. 31) Because Sara was Abraham`s wife, and Hajer was his concubine, Islam permits four wives in Moslem marriages, which affords the possibility of the human futanarian species of women`s sexual reproduction. Consequently, because Jesus was an uncrushed futanarian brain of `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Islam represents the vessel of the futanarian `crusher`, which is why Saddam`s name meant `crusher`.

 Saddam was deposed from his palace at Hillah, where he`d effectively been the ruler of a new Babylonian Empire, and executed on 30 December, 2006, by the US army that had invaded Iraq in March 2003, because Saddam had offered bases in Iraq to Al Qaeda, the terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan that had hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York on September 11, 2001. The WTC was chosen because `trade` is a term used to describe the `brutality and violence` associated with homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed`. By the early 21st century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anus in rejection of women had resulted in the spread of the incurable killer disease, HIV/AIDS, first discovered amongst `gay` communities in New York in the late 20th century. Functioning as a biological weapon keeping women in fearful faithfulness to enslaving monogamy, the lack of a cure for HIV/AIDS indicated men`s preference for death in enslaved ephemeral ignorance rather than immortality for `woman`s seed` of humanity. The Gulf war to topple Saddam Hussein was symptomatic of men`s desire for `rough trade` in the parasitism of host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty and war rather than that humans should have brains strong enough to withstand the male brained Empire of death:


`The species can forget! This is the special value of the Kwisatz Haderach which the Bene Gesserits never suspected: the Kwisatz Haderach cannot forget.`1



 Although science fiction, Frank Herbert`s novels (1920-86) about the desert world of Arrakis offer some clue to the thinking of the Moslem women of Islam. In Dune (1965) the `witches` of the Bene Gesserit wear the distinctive one-piece coverall of the burka favored by women of the Middle East to conceal themselves from prying eyes in public, which is interpretable as a desire on the art of futanarian women with their own penis` semen to avoid being known by Westerners for whom female nudity is not uncommon but the media propaganda of Hollywood, Babylon, is that women don`t have penis of their own. Consequently, Moslem women hide from Westerners because the absence of futanarian Moslems suggests that humans are a pogromed race amongst the Western powers, which is why the United States of America is known as `the Great Satan` in the Middle East.

 Frank Herbert`s Bene Gesserit seek to breed what they call `Kwisatz Hederach`, that is, individuals with stronger brains, which is what Jesus Christ is depicted as in the Bible, a `crusher`, or rather an individual, whose brain isn`t crushed, because it`s futanarian `woman`s seed`, and that`s what the Bene Gesserit of Frank Herbert`s Dune novels represent. Saddam`s name meant `crusher`, because he was supposed to have been the futanarian women of Moslem Islam`s strong uncrushable brain. The implication is that there are brains on the Earth who crush and enslave individual brains, which is why Jesus` brain was uncontaminated and his birth was predicted since Eden as the `crusher` of Satanism. Hussein means `small handsome man`, because the ruler of the new Babylonian Empire was a Hollywood, Babylon, actor. The fictional basis for Dune is that the Atreides family that rules Arrakis is descended from the Greek House of Atreus that boasted the figures of Menelaus and Agamemnon, which suggests that Hollywood, Babylon, where actor Brad Pitt appeared as the Greek hero, Achilles, in the movie of the enslavement of the host wombs of the women of Troy for the spread of the Greek contagion of conquest through warfare, effectively employed Saddam Hussein, that is, `crusher` and `small handsome man`, to be the target of Western homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed`.

 The Moslem women beneath their burkas, whose futanarian sexual reproduction with each other to produce the pure uncontaminated human without male semen is what the Bene Gesserit of Frank Herbert`s Dune novels call `Kwisatz Hederach`, that is, `the one who can be many places at once`. However, the `Kwisatz Hederach` is a male fiction, whereas the futanarian species of women constitute the individual who is everywhere because it`s a unified spirit. As women are a single race, men are their parasites in Satanism unless men convert in the brain transformation process known as metanoia (John: 3. 7) in the Bible so that they can have Jesus` Redemption for `woman`s seed`, which is Resurrection and Ascension to heaven through women`s sexual reproduction with each other. Producing human brainpower for the development of labor-saving technologies and immortality conferring medical science, futanarian humanity can escape from men`s host womb enslaving of the species for homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed` to its extinction in the parasitism of Satanism.

 Although the Gulf war with Iraq has been likened to the 1959 science fiction novel and movie, Starship Troopers (1997) written by Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88) in which arachnid `bug` aliens devastate the Argentine city of Buenos Ares to begin an interstellar war with humans, Frank Herbert`s Dune, in which the desert women breed Paul Atreides as a `Kwisatz Hederach` to be their `crusher` accords more with the historical events surrounding the deposing of Saddam Hussein and the killing of Al Qaeda`s leader, Osama Ben Laden, on May 2, 2011, by the US Navy. Amidst Al Qaeda`s terrorism the independent state of Iraq and Syria in the Levant emerged with the declaration of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi that he was now the head of the `Kwisatz Hederach` leading the new caliphate of Islam:


`The vision of time is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrow door.`2



 Choices can`t be unchosen, which is why Saddam Hussein and Osama Ben Laden are dead, and the new head of the `Kwisatz Hederach`, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, leads, `Let he that has wisdom understand. The number of the beast is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six.` Men and women are 66.6% of the human race without the 33.3% futanarian humanity that would make 100%. They live in the male braining Empire of the conquest of `woman`s seed` of humanity through host womb slavery in parasitism. Consequently, the many headed beast from the apocalypse of the Revelation of John, which details the judgment meted out by God upon the evil, that is, eternal unendurable pain, is `666`, because men and women in homosexuality and pederasty are the heads of `the beast` that wars against women`s futanarian human species.

 If women were able to sexually reproduce outside of parasitism`s Satan worship, they`d be the enfranchised voting power throughout the Earth, whereas men haven`t host wombs of their own, although futanarian women have their own penis` semen as well as the host wombs of all womankind. Although Middle Eastern dictatorships are accused of disenfranchising women, the ratio of 80% women to 20% men in Moslem marriages that afford the possibility of futanarian sexual reproduction between women is an indication that an 80% to 20% ratio is a conservative estimate of the voting power women would have if futanarian humanity had Resurrection amongst the Western democracies, where Christian morality is based on the principle that women mustn`t know that men have eaten their penis before they were born in order to keep them in unconscious host womb parasitism to ephemerality and an early death:


`Teacher,` they said to Jesus, `this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?` (John: 8. 4-5)


 What have you done with her penis? Adulterated futanarian humanity is the host womb enslaved women`s independent species with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from parasitism in Satanism`s slavery for ephemerality and unconsciousness, and the spread of homosexuality in pederasty`s contagions of conquest through war; including the fear of HIV/AIDS` `biological warfare` spread by men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus in rejection of `woman`s seed` to keep women in faithfulness to monogamous union with their enemies. In the United Kingdom the debate with humanist campaigners, Mary Whitehouse and Lord Longford, was still raging almost half a century after young women first appeared wearing just bikini bottoms on Page Three of The Sun newspaper, and which signaled a period of almost constant women`s penis` repression that began with German Stephanie Rahn`s displaying of her breasts on 17 November, 1970.

 In the United States of America Hollywood, Babylon, imposed the `Hays code` of Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), between 1930 and 1967, to prevent women in films from being seen to raise their foot off the floor in bedroom scenes on `moral grounds`, that is, as a symbolic repression of the futanarian human penis in favor of homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed` as it appeared in propaganda movies detailing the extinction of the human race in those filmed epochal conflicts that Hollywood, Babylon, existed to promote, and which was again expressed in the 9/11 movie World Trade Centre (2006) and the Gulf war against the futanarian Moslem marriages of the `woman`s seed` of Islam in the Middle East as waged by US Marines wearing the distinctive Jarhead (2005) movie headgear popularized by the Germans during the National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s war to enslave Europe and exterminate the Jewish `chosen people` (1939-45), before the Jewish futanarian women were rediscovered as Moslem women in Islam hiding underneath their burkas.

 Although Saddam Hussein, Osama Ben Laden and Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi are identifiably `Kwisatz Hederach`, Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen and predicting the teaching of a Holy Spirit to come after his death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, makes of him a `Kwisatz Hederach` also. Christianity is a collective of individuals accepting Jesus` teaching, which isn`t the autocratic undemocratic form of Western culture that, effectively, preys on the undeveloped consciousnesses of its children in order to ensure they remain possessed in unconscious slavery and ephemerality throughout their generations and into futurity. Jesus` spirit remaining upon the Earth until his return, suggests he`ll direct the apocalypse, and the evil will receive perdition, while the good gain heaven as their reward, which is what his role as a `Kwisatz Hederach` would be.

 In theory, US President George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Osama Ben Laden, and Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi are all aspects of the `Kwisatz Hederach`, which is Jesus` Holy Spirit working through the apocalypse before the final battle between evil and good prophesied by John in Revelation and that is called `Armageddon`. Ultimately the evil go to perdition, and the good have heaven, which means that the spirit of the `Kwisatz Hederach` works through to its culmination irrespective of individuals. Consequently, the `Kwisatz Hederach` permits of free will and informs the individual with its spirit, which is all anyone could want if they`d rather have heaven than perdition.

 Rejecting futanarian humanity is a sure sign of the `serpent`s seed` that doesn`t want heaven for anyone, so the mass media repression of women`s penis places a very large proportion of people in danger of receiving eternal unendurable pain as their punishment for preferring homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed` in order to prevent women from sexually reproducing their own brains` powers from their own penis` semen to achieve socio-economic independence from host womb enslaving parasitism and give them freedom through labor-saving technologies and medical science conferring immortality for the safekeeping of the knowledge that will make their escape from men of the `serpent`s seed` permanent and forever.


1 Hebert, Frank Dune, Bk II, Muad`Dib, Chilton, 1965.

2 Herbert, Frank Children Of Dune, Putnam, 1976.

I`m Waiting For The Man

20/07/2015 04:45

I`m Waiting For The Man


Modern American literature and culture focuses on `the man`. When US President Richard Millhouse Nixon was `the man`, he drafted boys to fight a war in Indo-China, which went on for 20 years between 1954 and 1975 to no real purpose. The average age of the combat veterans was 19 and those who went were thought of as decent law abiding American patriots while the more perspicacious left the United States of America for a short sojourn in Canada to avoid the draft imposed by `the man`. Indo-China is the place where the poppy seed is harvested to produce heroin, which was smoked by the US troops there as a matter of routine to get through the hell of war. President Nixon infamously authorized the use of `agent orange` to be deployed in the way that crop dusting aircraft are used to spray pesticides to rid growing crops of harmful voracious insects. Unlike pesticides `agent orange` was a defoliant designed to remove all vegetation from Indo-China and so interfere with the production of poppy seeds and `the man` there who was the supplier of heroin.



 In director Oliver Stone`s Hollywood film about the Indo-China war, Apocalypse Now (1979), the heroin junkies in helicopter gunships are depicted strafing helpless villagers while `The Ride Of The Valkyrie` (1856) from the racist opera of Richard Wagner, The Ring Of The Dwarves, blasts forth to them from speaker stacks strapped to the `choppers`. `Dwarf` was a synonym in the minds of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party members of German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, for `Jew`, and it was he who endeavored to exterminate the Jews in `death camps` during World War Two`s (1939-45) second attempt by `the man` to enslave the Earth. `The Ride Of The Valkyrie` is an ironic comment on the role of the winged females who arrive on the battlefield to carry the slain heroes to Valhalla, where they fight and die again every day in the `heaven` that the Norse myths of the Volksaga envision for them. Although the Valkyrie are heroines, the connection with heroin isn`t tenuous. Just as helicopters are `choppers`, so `chopper` is a metaphor for penis and axe. In the US situation comedy about a Mobile Army Service Hospital,  M*A*S*H (1972-83), during the Indo-China conflict, actress Loretta Swit`s character, Major Hoolihan, appears as a Valkyrie to the fallen, because she`s a heroine, but her arrival by `chopper` has sinister connotations.



 In the eighth century collection of tales known as The One Thousand And One Nights the Mogul Emperor Shah Jehan of India appears as a jealous husband who cuts off his faithful wife`s head after accusing her of being unfaithful with his brother. Each day he marries a new wife and beheads her each evening until Scheherezade tells him tales each evening that he wants to hear continued the next night and so she remains alive as the savior of women. The hidden agenda is the penis` semen of futanarian women with the capacity to sexually reproduce their own species of women which the Mogul Emperors with their extensive harems of wives and concubines would have been aware of. Consequently, Western men`s term for their `penis`, that is, `chopper`, alludes to the absence of the woman`s penis, and therefore her brains, which are the product of her futanarian human semen, because `the man` doesn`t want them. Nazism developed from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini`s fascism with its fasces symbol of a woodcutter`s chopper representing the military commander who would cut wood and build a fence behind which he`d plan. The Nazi concentration camps built to exterminate the futanarian Jews and so remove the possibility of that people`s human brainpower escaping `the man`, was Hitler`s `chopper`.



 A feature of the concentration camps in which millions of corpses of dead Jews were burned in ovens were the smoking chimneys. In Russia fellatio is called `smoking`, which is also a euphemism for gangland killings. Just as junkies smoke heroin, `the man` with the `chopper` is a heroine smoker, because `the man` doesn`t want humans to sexually reproduce, and so has `smoked` the penis of the women. Consequently, Oliver Stone`s choppers strafe Indo-Chinese villagers in Apocalypse Now, while Richard Wagner`s `The Ride Of The Valkyrie` blasts out at them. As there`s no mention of the futanarian penis` semen of the female Valkyrie in the Volksaga, Valhalla is for animals, because `the man` wants them, rather than futanarians with the brains of humanity:


`I'm waiting for my man;

Twenty-six dollars in my hand.

Up to Lexington 125;

Feeling sick and dirty, more dead than alive:

I'm waiting for my man.`1



 Lou Reed`s song, `I`m Waiting For The Man` (1967), is about heroin addiction, and the socio-economic basis is that `the man` keeps in short supply what is demanded so that the price is always high, which is why the fiction is maintained that women are highly prized and much in demand as brides; for example. If women sexually reproduced with each other their own brains` powers for the development of labor-saving technologies, and the medical science of immortality, so they`d always remain aware of the parasite that had enslaved her host womb, before she escaped ephemerality in unconscious slavery to Satanism, there`d wouldn`t be any boys for the homosexuals in pederasty to addict:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 In ancient Greece women`s host wombs enslavement to the parasitism of homosexuality in pederasty for war was institutional, which is how the male brained Empires arose. In Hollywood, Babylon, the absence of futanarian women`s penis from the `big picture` reflects upon why the `woman` Babylon, which was also the name of the capital city of the Persian Empire in the Middle East, produces `abominations`, because the absence of the woman`s penis means that humanity`s brainless. Heroin addicts are deemed dangerous by society because they inject heroin into their veins. Apart from homosexual men`s mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses during pederasty`s mockery of the act of human sexual reproduction, the needles of junkies spreading the incurable killer disease of homosexuality in pederasty`s HIV/AIDS` biological weapon that keeps women in fearful faithfulness to enslaving monogamy are the most common cause:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 What they`d done was reject `woman`s seed`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, in fulfilment of God`s promise of Redemption to the first woman, Eve after she and the first man, Adam, were expelled from the paradise of Eden for accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, rather than adhering to God`s injunction that they should eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God told Adam he must labor, while Eve would have labor pain. Depicted in Christian iconography crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, the Virgin Mary`s birthing of Jesus uncontaminated by male semen fulfils God`s promise to Eve that her futanarian `seed` of women able to sexually reproduce with each other through their own penis` semen would have Resurrection:


`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 When Jesus was taken by agents of the Roman Empire occupying Jewish Palestine to the hill of Calvary where he was nailed to a cross of wood and left to hang there until he died, he experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the reestablishment of `woman`s seed` almost extinguished by men in their host womb parasitism of slaving ephemeral humanity while denying humans the capacity to sexually reproduce and develop the science and technology for the immortality God promised as their deliverer from an abused childhood. Because HIV/AIDS is the biological weapon of the war homosexuality in pederasty is waging against `woman`s seed`, the injection of contaminated seminal fluid into the anus by means of the penis resulting in slow brain death amidst symptoms approximating to senile dementia is a Satanical second childhood derisive of the Christian precept:


`Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.` (Matt: 18. 3)


 Because `gay` men don`t have sex with women, and Jesus was a celibate man, according to conservative commentators, the Virgin Mary is a feminist prototype surrounded by men who`re children, because they don`t want to sexually reproduce with women, and so HIV/AIDS` senile dementia symptoms giving the sufferer the characteristics of infancy represent a further Satanical derision: `Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.` (Matt: 19. 14) Suffering from symptoms akin to those of senile dementia,2 the HIV/AIDS` victims of junkie needles and homosexuality in pederasty`s war upon `woman`s seed` are children of `the man`, Satan. As a man with the penis` semen of a woman, his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus` role is to be crucified by the male brained Empire of Rome`s homosexuality in pederasty`s wars against `woman`s seed` so that the Jew can`t sexually reproduce. In Judaism a Jew can`t be born unless from a woman, which means women are `the chosen` people of the Bible. When Abraham`s wife, Sara, bears Isaac from whom Israel descends, she`s barren and gives her maid, Hajer, to Abraham, and Hajer bears Ishmael, who was of the lineage of the Prophet Mohamed who received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) that is the basis for the four wife marriages of Moslems in Islam which afford the possibility of humans sexual reproduction between women. Because Jesus said a Holy Spirit would teach after him, the Koran is that teaching:


`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)


 The danger is that humans are infants for Christianity, and so there aren`t any adults, because the developed human brain would produce labor-saving technologies and immortality through medical science, which the homosexual in pederasty`s warfare against humanity`s futanarian `woman`s seed`  wouldn`t want, because it`d interfere with its pedophilia. Jesus was born in a stable in a manger in Bethlehem during a Roman census. According to the Bible a star appeared at his birth signifying the Redeemer. For pedophiles Jesus` birth is the indelible image and his crucifixion in childlessness without marriage is a sign of his continued child`s status. Consequently, for pedophiles Christianity is a dead child, which is the truth if Jesus is a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of those futanarian daughters of Eve with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of women`s own brains` powers for liberation from host womb enslavement to parasitism. The power that the serpent offered to Eve and Adam in Eden was host womb slavery in parasitism for the futanarian human species of `woman`s seed`, which would require humanity`s extinction. It`s `the man` that`s continuing to pogrom the human child, who needs heroines, but there`s no demand, because there`s no supply. In Satanism `the man` smokes all the heroines to keep the brainless animals addicted.



 Heroin addicts inject heroin into the eyeball, which is identified with the individual human`s sexual desire aroused by the image or sight of a woman, that is, the joke is that humans are addicted to heroine. In the developmental psychology of Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), there are two archetypes within the unconscious psyche of the developing male individual, the anima or soul image, characterized by the appearance of the woman as a guide for the child into life and relationships, and the hero figure also appearing in dreams, art and the imagination as an ego representative driving the individual to achieve life goals. According to Jung there`s a God archetype, the `Self`, existing as a facultas preformandi behind the other archetypes that include symbols as well as figures, such as the mother or wise old man, and which assist individual growth into adulthood. In the male brained Empire of homosexuality in pederasty`s war against humanity`s `woman`s seed`, the anima or soul image is associated with that heroin injected into the eyeball which addicts had used to `smoke`. Because `the man` doesn`t want women to sexually reproduce futanarian humanity with each other, the image of woman is defined by the heroin addict as a human addiction, whereas the heroin user is `the man` seeking the extinction of the futanarian race of women as the species` killer:


`Know this about me, gentlemen! War has made me very paranoid! So when you get to eyeballing me, it makes my agent orange act up; makes me want to kill. Do not aggravate my condition!`3



 Although Damon Wayans character is drawn comedically for his movie role in Major Payne (1995), psychopaths (Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc.) are known for punishing humans for imagined transgressions, and that`s what `eyeballing` is; an imaginary sin. The appreciative are labeled as addicted to heroines, and the admirer of women is criticized reprovingly for `eyeballing`. Although the heroin addict`s practice of injecting heroin into the eyeball is at variance with developmental Jungian psychology in which the anima is the soul image as the heroine that guides humans to individuation, admiration is what human women desirous of sexual reproduction within their own species want from each other. Because the addict is `the man` for other addicts, each addict has to pay `the man` who supplies them with heroin. Consequently, they all want to be `the man` who supplies heroin, which necessarily means that the addict doesn`t want heroine women sexually reproducing with their own penis` semen, because `the man` wants brainlessness for humanity, so that there`re addicts who`ll want `the man` rather than the women, which is another aspect of homosexuality in pederasty`s war against `woman`s seed`. As the humans become extinct, the killers joke amongst themselves about smoking heroines who`re `eyeballing` them, because men aren`t women`s species. Consequently, men shouldn`t `eyeball` women at all, and women shouldn`t `eyeball` men either, that is, in homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, men are for each other. There`s no actual connection between heroin smokers and heroines, because it`s an evil homosexual joke. The animals simply hate humanity, which prefers psychological development to heroin junkies posing as embers of its race.



1 Reed, Lou, `I`m Waiting For The Man`, The Velvet Underground & Nico, Verve, 1967

2 .

3 Wayans, Damon, Major Payne, Universal Pictures, 1995.

Lame Man

20/07/2015 04:44

Lame Man


In Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible which, for the Jewish people is the Talmud and Torah, that is, their history and law, the first woman and man, Adam and Eve, are depicted accepting the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil` from the serpent, which is death, rather than the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality. The serpent was the angel Satan transformed by God for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) God expelled Eve and Adam from the paradise of Eden telling Adam he must labor while Eve would experience labor pain before Redemption would occur. In Christian iconography the mother of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because she gave birth to the redeemer of humanity from Eve and Adam`s `original sin` which God told Eve she`d have because the serpent had enmity for her `seed`:


`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 Because futanarian women with their own penis` semen for sexual reproduction between women were born after Eden, they`re Eve`s `foot`. As futanarian women can sexually produce human brainpower to develop labor-saving technologies and medical science to confer immortality and maintain knowledge of the parasite that enslaves her host womb in Satanism, women can escape from slavery in ephemerality perpetrated by men of the `serpent`s seed`. Original sin is the acceptance by Eve and Adam of host womb slavery in ephemerality for humanity in exchange for power, which necessarily meant the extinction of futanarian women born after Eden so that women would be the slaves of men:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 Although Babylon is described as a `woman` in the Bible, a forced woman is a slave and not an accomplice, while the Persian capital city of Babylon, which is in modern Iraq, and that was overlooked by dictator Saddam Hussein`s summer palace at Hillah, was a symbol of men`s enslaving of the host wombs of women in homosexuality in pederasty for war. Ages before the events of September 11, 2001, when the Al Qaeda terrorist group operating out of Afghanistan hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of New York, God had destroyed the `cities of the plains`, that is, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 14), so New York and Arlington, where the wall of the US Defense Department of the Pentagon was breached by a third hijacked airliner, were `cities of the planes` to Al Qaeda. The Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre represented `rough trade` to the hijackers, that is, `brutality` and violence associated with homosexuality in pederasty and warfare against the `woman`s seed` of humanity represented by Jesus Christ born uncontaminated by male semen as the redeemer of humankind. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by God for nurturing homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, so New York and Arlington` `cities of the planes` represented homosexuality in pederasty and warfare against `woman`s seed` for Al Qaeda.

 In ancient Greece women`s host womb enslavement in homosexuality and pederasty for conquest through war was institutionalized, because that`s what men are for. When Saddam Hussein declared his support for Al Qaeda, the US army was ordered by President George W. Bush to depose the Iraqi dictator on behalf of the Western democracies and Iraq was invaded in March 2003. Saddam Hussein`s name meant `crusher` and `small handsome man`, so his summer palace at Hillah overlooking the ancient ruins of the Persian capital city of Babylon made of him a Hollywood, Babylon, actor. In Hollywood the absence of women`s penis from the stage means that there aren`t any human brains produced in homosexuality and pederasty`s Satanical propaganda for warfare against `woman`s seed`, which means that democracy isn`t for humanity but for the `serpent`s seed` of Satanism. Because Saddam means `crusher`, critical assessment of Hussein`s historical role is dependent on whether he`s seen as for `woman`s seed`, that is, socio-economic independence for the futanarian human species of women with their sexual capacity to produce enough votes to give themselves freedom and escape from host womb slavery to men in parasitism, and against the United States of America`s sexual hegemony that makes sport of transsexuality and transvestism in order to mock the futanarian human race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers to liberate themselves from Satanism. Although Hollywood, Babylon, is the `big picture`, `TV` is where men and women in male braining wear each others` clothes as a transvestite mockery of humankind, which is what 9/11 highlighted. As an actor for women in Islam, who aren`t seen in public, because they wear the one-piece coverall of the burka, lest their penis be seen by the eyes of evil Westerners, Saddam Hussein could arguably be seen as humanity`s defender, although the US Army executed him on 30 December, 2006, for `crimes against humanity`1, that is, the use of poison gas against opposition in the Kurdish provinces of Northern Iraq:


`Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11)


 Although Saddam Hussein was a `crusher`, so was God when he destroyed the cities of the plains, Sodom and Gomorrah, for spreading the contagion of homosexuality in pederasty that produces warfare against `woman`s seed`. As the new redeemer of `woman`s seed`, Jesus Christ was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by agents of the male brained Roman Empire and nailed to a cross of wood where he hung until he died. Experiencing Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, Christ uncontaminated by male semen prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian women as the human species redeemed from men`s sin and with her crushed brains restored. Jesus` teaching was added by Christianity to the Talmud and the Torah of the Old Testament of the Jewish people as the New Testament in which Jesus said that his teaching distilled the meaning of the law of God:


`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)


 Known as the commandments, the law of the Jews prohibited the taking of what didn`t rightfully belong to another, and included the direct prohibition against taking another`s life, while the sin of theft was perceived as a form of slow murder amounting to death through the willful sickness of others. Consequently, the HIV/AIDS virus discovered as an incurable killer disease in the late 1980s and spread by homosexuality in pederasty`s practice of mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anus was an identifiably willful sin against `woman`s seed` as a sickness representing `biological warfare` keeping women in fearful faithfulness to enslaving monogamy, that is, a form of brain crushing that Moslem women in polygamous Islam don`t encourage, because it`d prevent their sexually reproducing with each other as futanarian humanity. Consequently, Saddam was their `crusher` because he didn`t want the United States of America`s sexual hegemony through Hollywood, Babylon, to promulgate homosexuality in pederasty and warfare against `woman`s seed` and to transform Islam into a male brained transvestite `TV` wearing each others` clothes in celebration of parasitism in Satanism.

 A Jew can`t be born unless from a woman, which means women are Jews. Because Jesus taught that a Holy Spirit would teach after him, the divinely inspired Koran (610-30 C.E.) of the Prophet Mohamed, which provides the traditional basis for the four wife marriage in Islam that affords the possibility for sexual reproduction between women, is a teaching of Jesus` Holy Spirit. As true sexual desire must be the basis of true love, women`s penis` desire for their own species is true desire and so true love, whereas men`s teaching that lesbians are sick because they`re women that sexually desire each other is men`s sin. In Genesis Abraham`s wife, Sara, gives birth to Isaac, who is the founder of Jewish Israel, and Sara, discovering she`s barren, gives to Abraham her maid, Hajer, who bore Ishmael, the founder of Islam through his descendant the Prophet Mohamed. Because Abraham had two sons born of two women, Moslems can have more than one wife, which affords the possibility of human sexual reproduction between women. Because women`s sexual desire for each other is true desire and true love for their own race, men`s HIV/AIDS is a symptom of their sin and sickness, which is why Jesus identifies sin with sickness in his teaching:


`We know that this man is a sinner.` (John: 9. 24)


 Having cured a blind man, Jesus is accused by men of being sinful, because they don`t want a cure for their sickness, which is their sin. The neighbors call the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, who object to Jesus curing the blind man on the Sabbath, and the parents of the young man are asked to give permission for him to give evidence against Jesus` sinful act: `Whether he be a sinner or not, I know not. One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.` (John: 9. 25) If it were a situation comedy, it`d be a success, which is how the British Monty Python`s Flying Circus (1969-74) BBC television comedy show writers saw it when they scripted the Hollywood, Babylon, movie, Life Of Brian (1979), about a Jewish dissident similar to Jesus during the period of the Roman Empire`s occupation:


`What Jesus blatantly fails to appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem.`2



 Jesus was able to teach because he was inoffensive, although his preaching against the host womb slavery of the futanarian human race of women, so that the male brained Empire of Rome could continue with homosexuality in pederasty and war against `woman`s seed`, eventually resulted in his crucifixion and death: `Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54) Resurrection and Ascension to heaven for the pure, sinless human uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension of futanarian `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own species` brainpower to liberate her from host womb slavery to parasitism in Satanism should have been enough to convert the sinners, but they were addicted to their sickness, which is male braining.

 As the human host at the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion, Jesus gave `bread and wine` as symbols of the purity of his `body and blood` to his disciples, but Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus to the Romans in rejection of the purified human host, that is, Judas preferred the sick sinfulness of the male brained Empire of Rome in homosexuality and pederasty`s institutionalized host womb slavery of the human race for waging war against `woman`s seed` of humanity. When the Virgin Mary is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent with her foot in Christian iconography it isn`t a lame picture. Without human brains produced through futanarian human women with their own penis` semen for their own host wombs to develop labor-saving technologies and maintain their knowledged position against parasitism through medical science`s conferring of immortality, men`s lame brains will continue to impede progress because, having removed the woman`s penis, they`ve lamed the futanarian human brain.



1 Harris, Shane, Matthew M. Aid `Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran`, .


2 Cleese, John as Reg Life Of Brian, Orion Pictures, 1979.

The Prisoner

17/07/2015 10:45

The Prisoner


Irish actor, Patrick McGoohan, after he`d become a successful action character, John Drake, in the British Independent Television (ITV) series, Danger Man (1960-68), seemingly abandoned guaranteed success to write and act in the lead role in The Prisoner (1967-68), which was described by TV critics as a puzzlingly surreal drama in 17 parts conceived by a `maverick` star. McGoohan acted the role of a secret agent and, indeed, the series was retitled Secret Agent when released in the United States. In The Prisoner an agent, acted by McGoohan, though pointedly not Drake, is subjected to knockout gas at his apartment after he attempts to resign from the organization that employed him. Kidnapped and taken to where the filming for the series occurred in the North Wales village of Porthmeirion, he has to become used to being called `Number Six`. His `catchphrase`, when he speaks against those that periodically interrogate him during his TV imprisonment, is:


`I am not a prisoner, I am a free man.`1



 Described as `camp` and infuriatingly cryptic, McGoohan was asked repeatedly to explain The Prisoner, and he made some attempts. Although the prisoner is a secret agent, McGoohan denied he was John Drake of Danger Man, who was engaged in a role by a security organization to perform tasks for money.  Formerly guided by what his agency had deemed necessary, the prisoner`s awakened individuality within his prison environment causes him to rebel against the establishment of the collective and examine his basic socio-economic and political assumptions. Although the conventions of British drama don`t permit of an in depth scrutiny, the term `camp` provides a clue to the meaning of The Prisoner. `Camp` is definable as a form of acting that`s exaggeratedly manly and, though remaining undetectable by the innocent, appears archly `gay` to more `knowing` adults.



 `Camp` acting conventions are very close to the concept of `camp` developed by dictator Benito Mussolini`s fascist Italian government after his 1922 election. The symbol of fascism was the Roman fasces or woodcutter`s axe, while the fascist Japanese `labor camps` for enslaved populations and prisoners of war (P.O.W.`s), and German Chancellor Adolf Hitler`s National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s similarly conceived `concentration camps`, owed much to the concept of cutting down trees to build fences behind which people couldn`t see what was going on, and was what the Roman fasces, symbolizing how Rome`s military commanders drew blinds over their planning by ensconcing themselves behind makeshift screens cut from the wood of forests, were for.

 The Second World War (1939-45) represented a continuation of the German Empire`s ambition to enslave the Earth, which had resulted in the First World War (1914-18). Italian, Japanese and German fascism was an exaggeratedly homosexual stance based on the `camp` understanding that militarism was `manliness`. Such propaganda `camp` was the style of `manly` actors in Hollywood, Babylon, which had become the movie capital of the world after the first feature film, Old California, was made in Los Angeles by director D. W. Griffith in 1910, while a staple output of movies camply glorifying war as manliness subsequently turned the brains and minds of generations fed a diet of such Satanism.

 Hollywood Babylon`s sixth highest grossing film after 1910, for example, reflecting upon Germany`s attempt to enslave Europe and the rest of the world during the 1914-18 conflict known as the First World War, that is, The Four Horseman Of The Apocalypse (1921), was based on Jesus` disciple John`s prophetic Revelation as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible after Jesus` death, Resurrection and Ascension to heaven. The New Testament, which contains Jesus` life history, is viewed generally by Christianity as an explicatory reinforcement of the Old Testament of the Jews containing the Torah and Talmud, which is Jewish history and law. In John`s vision of the future, war, famine, plague and death are personified and unleashed upon the Earth before God`s promised punishment of eternal unendurable pain, that is, the judgment of perdition, is incurred by the evil, while the good receive a new heaven and Earth as a reward. Although John`s apocalyptic vision contains Armageddon, which is the last war of the evil against the good, the outcome is foreordained, which means that non-combatants are less `camp`, and so more likely to receive heaven from God as their ultimate reward for refusing to emulate the acting in movies like Hollywood Babylon`s The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, and so reject Satanism.

 In the Bible Eve and Adam are the first man and woman tempted by the angel, Satan, who has been transformed into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that the human host will be greater than the angelic. Giving Eve the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which is death, rather than that she obey God`s injunction to `eat only of the fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality, the serpent tells her, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling Eve and Adam from the paradise of Eden, God tells Adam he must labor while Eve will experience labor pain before Redemption from what the serpent had done, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) In Christian iconography Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent with her foot, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen. As it is in the interests of the enslaver that humans don`t have longevity through medicine lest they become wise to their slaver, so it is in the interests of enslavement that humans be brainless so they don`t develop labor-saving technologies to escape from Satanism. Consequently, Mary`s `foot` is the human futanarian race of women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for liberation from slavery in ephemerality.

 `Babylon` has become something of a pejorative to describe the Hollywood movie capital of the world in the United States of America`s West coast city of Los Angeles, California, and Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein`s Summer palace at Hillah overlooked the ruins of the ancient Persian capital city throughout the period of the Gulf war that began after he offered bases to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization that, operating out of Afghanistan, which was governed by the misogynist Taliban regime, hijacked civil airliners on September 11, 2001, and crashed them into the Twin Towers of New York`s  World Trade Centre `live on CNN` and other television networks. Because `rough trade` is a euphemism for the `brutality and violence`2 associated with homosexuality in pederasty and warfare, the WTC was chosen by Al Qaeda to spread the contagion.

 Saddam Hussein`s name means `crusher`, and `small handsome man`, which is biblical and Hollywood insofar as Eve is told by God, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3.15) World Trade Centre became a Hollywood `Babylon` movie in 2006, and represented the beginnings of a global awareness of the futanarian role of Moslem women in Islam hidden beneath their burkas within families affording the possibility of sexual reproduction between the human race of women. Consequently, Saddam Hussein`s role as a Hollywood Babylon actor was that of assisting the daughters of Eve to crush Satanism as the world`s awareness of its Satanical suppression of futanarian humanity grew out of the Gulf war to depose Saddam Hussein after he offered bases to Al Qaeda in Iraq.

 Executed by hanging on December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein`s role as a Hollywood Babylon figure vilified in movies such as Jarhead (2005) depicting the role of US soldiers, ended ignominiously. Judged to have used poison gas against Kurdish populations in the provinces of Iraq, Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death for `crimes against humanity`, but the `small handsome man` of the Hollywood Babylon movie industry in the Middle East, whose Summer palace at Hillah overlooked the ancient ruins of the capital city of Persia, Babylon, was the `crusher` of the head of the serpent that sought to spread false images of women to worship from the Babylon of the West where the penis` semen of futanarian women for the sexual reproduction of the brains` powers of their own race of women`s liberation from slavery in ephemerality had already been exterminated in the death camps of Europe and the Far East so that homosexuality in pederasty for warfare could prevail through the media propagandists of Satanism:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and war was institutionalized and women were host womb slaves, because that`s what `Babylon` means. By the early 21st century men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in rejection of `woman`s seed` had resulted in the spread of the HIV/AIDS incurable killer disease as a biological weapon designed to keep women in fearful monogamous faithfulness to the host enslaving womb parasite. When the events of 9/11 were screened it represented a failure to `screen` the HIV/AIDS virus of homosexuality in pederasty and war to prevent it from infecting the brain and killing the victim. `TV` is a term employed to describe transvestism, because male brained humanity is a transvestite creature wearing each others` clothes. Sundered from herselves in male brained transvestism, `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity with her own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of her own species` brainpower to liberate her isn`t `screened` for HIV/AIDS` contagion, that is, homosexuality in pederasty`s `brutality and violence` against her Earth, because `Babylon` isn`t a pejorative in Hollywood, where the absence of women`s penis from screenings of the `big picture` means that homosexuality in pederasty for war is Satan`s movie propaganda.

 At the `Last Supper`, before he was taken to the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem and nailed to a cross of wood where he died, Jesus was the human host offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Rejecting the human host Judas gave Jesus over to the Romans who crucified him, but the Christian Messiah had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the ultimate success of `woman`s seed` in her escape from death and slavery to men of the `serpent`s seed` through the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers to devise the technology to save her labors and the medical science to maintain her knowledge of Satan immortally to prevent her from succumbing anew:


`I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed, or numbered! My life is my own.`



 The anti-authority statement by McGoohan as the prisoner is a typical `camp` piece of melodrama, which fits the imagery of the Nazi `death camp` as well as that exaggeratedly homosexual form of acting that, remaining undetectable to the innocent, makes it irresistibly humorous to `gay` knowingness, which is the cruelty of the concentration camp guard who knows that women have penis` semen of their own and doesn`t want the Jews to escape. In Judaism it isn`t possible for a Jew to be born unless from a woman, which effectively means that women are the `chosen people` of the Bible. Because Jesus was uncontaminated by male semen after being born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, his teaching that a Holy Spirit would teach after him predicates the divinely inspired Koran (610-30 C.E.) received by the Prophet Mohamed, who was of the lineage of Ishmael and Hajer, the Egyptian maid of Abraham`s wife, Sara, who had borne Isaac from whom Israel descended, and who gave Hajer to Abraham when she discovered she was barren after the birth of Isaac. The Moslem belief in more than one wife devolves from Hajer, and the pilgrimage to the temple of Abraham, known as the Ka` Ba, is called `Haj` after her, because Ishmael and Hajer built the temple. Because the four wives of Islamic marriage accord with the evolution of biblical thinking with regard to `woman`s seed`, that is, women`s sexual reproduction between themselves within a marital arrangement, the Koran, which provides the basis for Islamic tradition, represents the continued teaching of Jesus` Holy Spirit.

 During the aftermath of 9/11 Guantanamo Bay in Cuba served as an internment camp for Moslems as the United States of America began to examine its Islamic population for treachery. Patrick McGoohan`s The Prisoner adopts a `camp` style, because he was the man to indicate the danger. Men are `camp`, because they don`t want the women to know, although they want to be knowing, which is how the men of the cities of the plain were in the Bible, that is, in Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen: 19. 14), which were destroyed by God for homosexuality in pederasty:


`Where are the men who came tonight? Bring them out to us, that we may know them.` (Gen: 19. 5)


 The Al Qaeda hijacked airliners were for `the cities of the planes`, because, along with the planes that crashed into New York`s WTC, another breached a wall of the United States` Defense Department, the Pentagon, at Arlington, Virginia, and a third reputedly on its way to Washington, D. C., and the official Whitehouse residence of the President, was taken down by passengers overpowering the terrorist hijackers and crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Consequently, the Al Qaeda hijackers knew their Bible and equated the USA with Sodom and Gomorrah, which they wanted to `know` in homosexuality in pederasty`s `brutality and violence` of war. Because 9/11 was effectively a `screening` for the spread of the HIV/AIDS contagion of homosexuality in pederasty`s `biological warfare` against human futanarian `woman`s seed`, that is, the biblical `blood plague` (Rev: 11. 6), the knowing were enjoying a `camp` scene.

 `Babylon` isn`t a pejorative in Hollywood. One of the more successful comedies in the early 21st century was What I Like About You (2002-6) starring actress, Jenny Garth, as `mom`, Val, and actress Amanda Bynes as her daughter, Holly Tyler. Obviously there`s no actual consanguinity between Jenny and Amanda so nothing to prevent them from sexual reproducing with each other according to the mores of American society. Consequently, it`s the media convention that women don`t have penis` semen of their own for the sexual reproduction of women as the human species that causes the Moslem women of the Middle East to identify the United States as `the Great Satan`, because the mother and daughter family picture from What I Like About You is a knowing fiction devised by homosexuality in pederasty for the host womb enslaving of women as a race for their extinction in parasitism through Satanism`s war against them. Otherwise the moral convention would be for Jenny and Amanda to be flatmates engaged in a sexual relationship with each other, and the repressive homosexual viewers` `camp` knowingness could be forever removed from contaminating the screening for the humans.



1 Feeley, Terence, Patrick McGoohan, Anthony Skene, Vincent Tilsley, David Tomblin, George Markstein, The Prisoner, ITV, 29 September 1967 - 1 February 1968.

2 `Violent, often brutal sex acts, or a person, usually a male prostitute, who looks like they participate in such acts,` .

`To boldly go ...` Without Human Brains

16/07/2015 08:21

`To boldly go ...` Without Human Brains


In Eden the first woman and man, Eve and Adam, were tempted by the angel Satan, who God had transformed into a serpent for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is death, according to the Bible, rather than that the pair obey God`s injunction that they eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, that is, immortality: `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Expelling the pair from Eden, God said Redemption would come if Adam labored but Eve would experience labor pain, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `foot` was the futanarian human race of women with their own penis` semen repressed by the descendants of Adam after paradise, because men wanted to enslave the host wombs of women to ensure their power over her species: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) In ancient Greece homosexuality in pederasty and the enslavement of women`s host wombs for the parasitism of conquest through warfare was institutionalized, because that`s what the `serpent`s seed` is:


`Star Trekkin' across the universe,

On the Starship Enterprise under Captain Kirk.

Star Trekkin' across the universe,

Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse.`1



 Although the 1987 song by The Firm was conceived as a spoof on the United States of America`s television series, Star Trek (1965-), with actor, William Shatner, who was Captain James T. Kirk in the original series that aired between 1965 and 1968, and who spoke what is known as the `Captain`s Oath` for fans of the series known as `Trekkies`, the revised words spoken by actor Patrick Stewart, who was Captain Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-94), that is, `no one` instead of `no man` in the voiceover to the opening title sequence for each episode, in which one of the stars in the vast starfield turns into the starship Enterprise as unearthly music plays, aren`t conceived as a joke, `Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.` Going on brainlessly is parasitism and if humans are no one, they`ve never been and have no chance of going, because the patient only seems alive after the brains have been devoured by the parasite:


`It's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead, Jim; it's worse than that, he's dead, Jim, dead, Jim, dead.`



 In Jewish Palestine during the occupation by the Roman Empire of the male brain, Jesus of Nazareth was born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, and the Romans nailed him to a cross of wood on the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he died because his teaching of `woman`s seed` was anathema to slavery, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Although privately women had their own bodies to look at in the mirror, for many it didn`t occur to them that they were a separate and distinct species with the capacity to sexually reproduce apart from the parasite that had enslaved them as its host womb. At the `Last Supper` before his crucifixion Jesus uncontaminate functioned as the human host. Offering `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to his disciples, Judas Iscariot was the disciple that betrayed the human host by giving Jesus over to the Roman crucifiers. When Jesus had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of humanity`s and women`s regenerated brains` powers for technological development and escape from Earth and its parasitism, the Romans professed amazement and the Christian church came to be established by the disciple Peter as the first Bishop of Rome in Italy:


`Surely, this was the son of God.` (Matt: 27. 54)


 Repressing the truth about the human race, which is that women are the human species, the church continued in male brained hegemony, and conquest through warfare. After the 1922 Italian election, Benito Mussolini assumed dictatorial power and his fascism spread to Germany and Japan in the 1930s. Based on the rustic fasces symbol of a woodcutter`s axe,  the fascists in Italy, Germany and Japan constructed `concentration camps` in which `inferior races` would slave. German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, initiated the extermination of the Jewish people throughout Europe and the world in fascist `death camps`, because Judaism is futanarian. It isn`t possible to be born a Jew unless born from a woman, which effectively means that Jews are women and so the reason they`re called God`s `chosen people` in the Bible is evident. Women are futanarian humanity, which Satan`s male brained Empire, represented by the National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s recommencing of Germany`s 1914-18 war to enslave Europe (1939-45), doesn`t want:


`Life would be a ding-a-derry If I only had a brain.`2



 Actor Ray Bolger`s Scarecrow lyric in the song, `If I Only Had A Brain`, from the Hollywood movie, The Wizard Of Oz (1939), during the period in which the United States of America defeated Japanese fascism in the Pacific, and assisted Europe to defeat German and Italian fascism worldwide, seems frivolous, but the Frank L. Baum`s children`s story, The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz (1900), upon which the film was based, foreshadows the grown danger, which is that men without brains are Satanism, because women without brains are humans enslaved by a parasite that has denied their futanarian humanity its own penis` `seed` and mental evolution as well as independent socio-economic progress and technological development:


`There's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow;

there's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Jim.`



 The figure of Jesus beleaguered by hangers on and critics yet uncontaminated by male semen represents a continuation of Judaic principles. Jesus` statement that a Holy Spirit would teach after him predicates the role of the Prophet Mohamed in Islam. According to Moslem tradition Mohamed received the Koran (610-30 C.E.) divinely inspired. Historically, the basis is Abraham`s wife, Sara, who bore Isaac, and gave her Egyptian maid, Hajer, to Abraham when she was barren, and Hajer bore Ishmael. Isaac was of the lineage of Judah and Ishmael was of the line of the Prophet Mohamed who founded Islam after receiving the divinely inspired Koran that is the basis for the Islamic marriage of more than one wife. Moslems are permitted up to four wives, which affords the possibility to women of sexually reproducing the human species` brains, and so there is unity within the religious diversity of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam:


`Ah! We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill;

we come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, men.`



 The temple of Abraham built by Hajer and Ishmael is the Ka` Ba in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca, because `Ka` was `spirit` in ancient Egyptian and `soul`, `Ba`. Consequently, the Ka` Ba denotes the spirit and soul of `woman`s seed`, that is, the women wear the one-piece coverall of the black burka in public as a sign of their mourning the fact that they live in parasitism. The annual pilgrimage of Moslems to the Ka` Ba is called `Haj` after Hajer and represents the belief amongst the `faithful` that women`s `Ka` and `Ba` will be physically and spiritually reunited in heaven, because their brainpower will carry them to the planets and stars:


`I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.` (Gen: 22. 17)


 Satanism is the belief that women shouldn`t sexually reproduce with each other, lest the human race of futanarian women escape from slavery and death by means of their own brains` powers for space travel and medicine for prolonging life and awareness of their collective situation as the victims of parasitical vampirism. Consequently, the issue isn`t whether the `babe` showing her breasts above her bikinied bottom on Page Three of the United Kingdom`s The Sun newspaper is `pornographic`, it`s the absence of her penis that`s Satanical:


`Well, it's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as we know it,

not as we know it; it's life, Jim, but not as we know it, not as

we know it, Captain.`



 In the simplest of terms, if women can`t sexually reproduce with each other there aren`t any human brains, and so no one will ever go boldly where humans have never been before because there won`t be any humans amongst those who`re going as their brains have already been devoured by the parasites in Satanism. Consequently, it`s unlikely that futanarian humanity will ever leave Earth for the planets and stars of God`s heaven. Despite North American Space Administration (NASA) astronaut, Neil Armstrong, boldly claiming, as the first man on the moon for the Apollo 11 landing there:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`3


 In Christian iconography the Virgin Mary, Jesus` mother, is depicted crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, that is, as the representative of futanarian humanity uncontaminated by male semen, the Virgin Mary, is represented as fulfilling God`s promise to Eve, `woman`s seed`. US President, Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s Strategic Defense Initiative of 23rd March 1983, which was known as Star Wars after the 1977 George Lucas Hollywood `blockbuster` movie about a future fictional Empire served by its evil henchman, Darth Vader, and a rebel alliance led by the beautiful Princess Leia, actress Carrie Fisher, aimed to ring the Earth with a `space and missile based defense system` (SDI) that, effectively, would have functioned as the `Death Star` of the Star Wars movies that the Empire deployed around planets it wanted to kill. Consequently, Armstrong`s foot upon the moon was a heel on the neck of the human species of futanarian woman preparatory to her beheading as a threat to the continuance of death in slavery to the parasites of Satan`s `seed`:


`And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12.4)


 Although the child is thought to be Jesus in his `Second Coming` to the Earth, where he will `rule with an iron scepter`, as the perfect man he`s uncontaminated by male semen and so represents the penis` semen of the Virgin Mary, his mother, which means that, effectively, he`s the prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of the futanarian daughters of the women of the human race with their own penis` semen capable of sexually reproducing their own brains` powers to take them to the planets and stars where, if redeemable, perfect men like Jesus could be amongst them as a rare phenomenon. Rare, because women are the host wombs of their own species with its own penis` semen, and so the Moslem marriage of four wives (80%) is a conservative picture of the New Democracy in which women`s sexual reproduction gives them the vote over the sterile parasitism of death in slavery to the men of Satan.


1 O' Connor, John, Dev Douglas, Grahame Lister, Tony Thorpe, Gary Wilson, The Firm, `Star Trekkin` Across The Universe`, Bark, 1987.

2 Arlen, Harold and E. Y. Harburg `I'm Hanging On to You` from the Broadway musical, `Hooray for What! (1937), and rewritten as `If I only Had A Brain [Heart, Nerve] for the movie, The Wizard Of Oz, MGM, 1939.

3 Armstrong, Neil, July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

Coffin, Tea and Algol

01/06/2015 11:36

Coffin, Tea and Algol


An interesting feature of humans is their habit of drinking coffee, tea, and alcohol. Although tea comes in many different varieties, the basic leaf ingredient is the same and, although there are many types of coffee, the bean is the essence of the drink. The ways in which alcohol is consumed are innumerable, and depend only on what can be mixed with alcohol to give it flavor. One of the more famous incidences of alcohol consumption is the `bread and wine` given by Jesus as the human host at the `Last Supper` to his disciple. As symbols of his `body and blood`, the `bread and wine` were used by the early Christian church in what became known as `Communion` in which the officiate gave `bread and wine` to the congregation as symbols of Jesus` `body and blood`, because Jesus` teaching was believed to transform the `body and blood` of humans:


`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)



 The belief originated in the paradise of Eden, where the serpent encouraged Eve, the first woman, to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, saying `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Disobeying God`s injunction that Adam, the first man, and Eve, should eat only of the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality, God told Eve, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Men preferred death for the daughters of Eve, because they established host womb slavery of the futanarian human species of women born after Eden with their own penis` semen for their own host wombs, which would have made men defunct unless they pursued the path of parasitism and the maintaining of a human gene pool of ephemerals that would never suspect they were the slaved host wombs of the `serpent`s seed` of Satan, the angel who`d been turned into the serpent of Eden by God after Satan had rejected God`s plan that the human host would be greater than the angelic host. When the human host, Jesus, was betrayed by the disciple, Judas, at the `Last Supper`, Judas was, like Satan, betraying the human host. Born uncontaminated from his mother, the Virgin Mary, Jesus was a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`. When the human host at the `Last Supper`, who`d offered `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood` to the disciples, was betrayed as a `dissident` to the Empire of the Romans by Judas and nailed to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he hung until he died before having Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, the bread symbolized the body and the wine blood, which suggests vampirism to those familiar with the Eastern European Transylvanian legends of the parasites that live off the `bread and wine`, that is, the `body and blood` of the human host. Decapitation is traditionally the method for killing a vampire`s immortality, that is, the parasite`s infatuation with its host, and Greco-Roman mythology provides a further clue to the meaning of alcohol, with Perseus` beheading of the Gorgon, Medusa, whose face so paralyzed her assailants that they were turned to stone. Alcohol is a paralytic drug while Al-ghūl, according to Arabian mythology, was a species of djinn, who were created by God, but weren`t men and women:


`The star Algol takes its name from the definite Arabic term Rās al-ghūl, or The Demon's Head.`1



 Algol translates as `Demon`s Star` in English and is the name of the star in the constellation, Perseus, who cut off her head to transfix the monster, Cetus, and save the woman Andromeda. The meaning is that Perseus and the sea monster represent men`s desire that the women don`t sexually reproduce with each other, that is, the `demon`s head` is Perseus`, whereas women`s transfixing beauty is deemed transfixing, because it`s `djinn`, that is, futanarian women`s love for her own species.

 In Greek society, host womb slavery amid homosexuality in pederasty was institutionalized to spread the contagion of conquest through war against cities like Troy where the patron goddess was Pallas Athene and her symbol, the horse, was used by the Greeks to gain access to the city as they constructed a huge hollow wooden horse to hide inside and emerge to enslave the host wombs of the Trojan women for homosexuality in pederasty and war when the Trojans took the horse into the city. In the late 20th century the `Trojan horse` was the name for the computer virus spread as men`s latest contagion against machine brains` storing of information that could help `woman`s seed` remember. The `bad machine code` developed by the `geek` successors to the Greeks was modelled on men`s HIV/AIDS` virus that was the incurable killer disease of the late 20th century spread by men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses in mockery of women`s human sexual reproduction and the `biological warfare` waged against `woman`s seed` to keep her in fearful faithfulness to her monogamous parasite in host womb slavery. The `Trojan horse` is a symbol of men`s virality, because Pallas Athene`s horse was a goddess`, and the wooden horse of Troy was a hollow imitation, because men`s `seed` is viral. Troy is a woman`s war grave.

 The vampire legend of Transylvania and other parts of Eastern Europe and elsewhere is of men who drink the blood of young virgins in order to live, and most socio-historical commentators agree that the prototype for the myth of the vampire is the figure of Vlad III (1431-76) of Wallachia, who impaled his victims upon stakes of wood, and which has been confused with the method for killing vampires, whereas Vlad, the model for Dracula in Bram Stoker`s 1897 novel, and from which many Hollywood Dracula movies derive their plot of killing a vampire by driving a wooden stake through its heart or decapitating it, was by definition a vampire. Consequently, the image of the vampire arising from the coffin to be decapitated is of Vlad, `The Impaler`, who becomes Vlad the impaled in the superstitious warding off of the demon represented by Perseus` cutting off the head of the woman to paralyze the monster so that Andromeda can be released. In terms of the Greek myth Perseus is the `Demon`s Head`, because he represents the desire that `woman`s seed` doesn`t sexually reproduce with each other, and so he`s the vampire, and the monster paralyzed by the beauty of the Gorgon`s head of the Medusa woman is man before homosexuality in pederasty and host womb slavery of women for conquest through war, which requires host wombs and so Andromeda is saved. In the vampire myth the future of women`s penis is transposed into men`s stake in the heart of `woman`s seed`:


`He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.` (Rev: 19. 5)



 If `woman`s seed` is interpreted as the grapes in the winepress of the wrath of God, men are treading. In modern culture caffeine is associated with the coffin because it`s a stimulative drug encouraging the body to life, while tea is a metaphor for decapitation, because the beheaded corpse is a Greek Tau. Although Jesus` cross is the obvious Tau symbol in Western civilization, culture and art, the meaning is of `woman`s seed` losing a head, where `a head` was the generic counterculture term for cannabis users in the 1960s, when enlightened `heads` protesting in the United States against America`s involvement in the Vietnam war (1954-75) successfully removed US Republican Party President, Richard M. Nixon. Jesus was a protestor against `Nam from a Roman point of view, which is why the insurgent, Barabbas, was spared. The crowd petitioned the Roman judge, Pontius Pilot, to liberate the `freedom fighter`, rather than Jesus, who was decapitated as the 1960s equivalent of a dissident `tea-head` preaching Resurrection from the coffin and Ascension through the brain, which require at least those foods and drinks that the modern age has been able to promote as health giving, that is, caffeine and tea, but which Satanism has degenerated into coffin and decap.

 Although Algol is associated with the star that`s `The Demon`s Head`, and Jesus` star is associated with the birth of the human uncontaminated by male semen, from Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, because the star appeared above the place of Jesus` birth, a stable in Bethlehem, Algol actually relates to misogyny`s perception of women, that is, misogyny doesn`t want women to sexually reproduce with each other, and alcohol is the substitute for love`s transfixation, which means that men who don`t want women are Rās al-ghūl, or devouring ogres, rather than women, which is why men are trunks after alcohol, rather than drunks, and the missing head for the woman`s star of Resurrection and Ascension is falsely designated `Demon`s Star`, because it`s a myth conceived in homosexuality and pederasty for war against `woman`s seed` and not a human legend.



 Alcohol is the `demon drink`, because men want to be trunks, rather than succumb to love, while the Gorgon, Medusa, represents the love of `woman`s seed` for women, and the saving of the beautiful Andromeda as recorded in the performance of actress Judi Bowker in the Hollywood movie, Clash Of The Titans (1981), for example, actually constitutes men`s celebrating the removal of the woman`s penis for the sexual reproduction of her own brains` powers, and the enslaving of the host wombs of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war`s lovelessness masquerading as intoxication. The ruse for the Trojan war, for instance, was the abduction of Helen, wife of the Spartan, Menelaus, whose brother was king of Sparta, and who sent the Greek fleet to Troy to recapture Helen from her abductor, Paris, who was in love with her and therefore represented `The Demon`s Head` to be removed by homosexuality in pederasty and war so that the parasitical enslaving of women`s host wombs that, despite men`s depredations, were still able to produce civilization, culture and art, her devourers could continue in Satanism.



1 .

This Is The Land Of Lost Content

01/06/2015 11:35

This Is The Land Of Lost Content


Men don`t seem to want the content is an observation that could be applied generally to the 20th century and all other of their supposed epochs of ascendancy upon the Earth while the 21st century was heralded on September 11, 2001, by the Al Qaeda terrorist group, Al Qaeda, operating out of Afghanistan, which was then in the grip of the misogynist Taliban regime in Kabul, hijacking civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city, because they didn`t want the content. The WTC was chosen because of what it represented, `rough trade`, that is, homosexuality in pederasty and war, which had been the model for civilization, culture and art since the ancient Greeks institutionalized host womb slavery for women and homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion of war and conquest as the power of the West began to grow. In the East the origins of the city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) are attributed in the Bible to `a woman` enslaved in the same way, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5) The typical approach to content is narrated by Homer in his Iliad (760-10 B.C.) where a huge hollow wooden horse is left outside the gates of the city of Troy where the Trojans take it in to where the Greeks emerge to enslave the host wombs of women in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty and war to spread their contagion of war and conquest further, that is, men didn`t want the content:


`And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she did give birth he might devour her child.` (Rev: 12. 4)


 In the Bible the dragon is the serpent, Satan, who was the angel in the paradise of Eden transformed into a serpent by God for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Satan tempts Eve to `eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death in homosexuality in pederasty and war, and God expels Eve, the first woman, and Adam the first man, for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of live`, which is immortality, although Adam ill labor and Eve will have labor pain before Redemption, which will be fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ, born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, who nailed upon a cross of wood as a `dissident`, by the agents of the Roman Empire then possessing Jewish Palestine, died but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because he was `woman`s seed` foretold in Eden to Eve by God, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he will bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Eve`s `foot` is the futanarian human species of women with their own penis` semen and host wombs for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers for socio-economic progress and technological liberation independent of men`s slavery for homosexuality in pederasty and war:


`Into my heart on air that kills

From yon far country blows:      

What are those blue remembered hills,

What spires, what farms are those?


That is the land of lost content,

I see it shining plain,      

The happy highways where I went         

And cannot come again.`1


 English poet A. E. Houseman`s 1896 poem, `A Shropshire Lad`, precedes the war (19-14-18) between the German Empire and the rest of Europe and the world and the scenario was repeated in the war (1939-45) between Germany and the rest of the world in which the `chosen people` of the Bible were concentrated in death camps where they could be exterminated by the Germans because they didn`t want the content. Because it`s only possible for a Jew to be born from a woman, women are Jews, and God`s futanarian `foot` is the `chosen people` of the Bible that men didn`t want, that is, they didn`t want the content. Consequently, the history of the teaching of the Bible lacks content, because God`s `foot` is absent from the preachers` sermons as men don`t want `woman`s seed`, `This is the land of lost content.` (l. 5-6) When the Jews left slavery in Egypt for God`s `Promised Land`, Islam was yet to develop as a religion after the birth of Jesus, but the beginnings, like Israel`s, are in ancient Egyptian history, where `Ka` and `Ba` mean `spirit` and `soul`.  The lineage that founded Israel was Isaac`s who was the son of Sara by Abraham. Sara gave Hajer, an Egyptian women, to Abraham, because she was barren thereafter, and Hajer produced a son, Ishmael, whose lineage founded Islam through the Koran (610-30 C.E.), dictated by the angels of God to the Prophet Mohamed, according to tradition, and who built the `Ka Ba` or temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to which Moslems pilgrimage each year in celebration of Hajer`s breaking of the taboo against polygamy, and so the journey is called `Haj`. Consequently, the `land of lost content` contains `woman`s seed`, which men of the West don`t want, although the four wife marriages of Islam afford the possibility of sexual reproduction within the family between futanarian women with their own penis` semen, that is, God`s `foot` can be raised there, whereas Western societies deny the possibility to women and so democracy there is a male brained fiction. In the Bosnian war (1992-5) Serb Christians set up rape camps to male brain a generation of Moslem women because Christianity doesn`t want `woman`s seed` as the content of the Bible isn`t the Satanism that they want to perpetuate.

 Although the `Ka Ba` of the Moslem temple of Abraham in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, isn`t understood in the West, `Ka` means woman`s spirit and `Ba` means her soul, which is trapped in male braining so that the desire of the woman`s penis for the woman is transposed into the biological urge of the parasite for the host womb. Emerging therefrom the devouring parasite kills and eats her in its wars against the civilization, culture and art that women are still able to produce from their host wombs despite the parasites` depredations upon the human futanarian species of woman with her own penis` semen for sexual reproduction and independence from enslavement. The enslaving alien virus inveigled itself eons ago into her womb, and is described in the Bible as the acceptance of the serpent`s offer of power by Eve and Adam, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Men`s power is host womb slavery in parasitism, and so futanarian humanity was killed by the alien pogromers, who`re still engaged in engineering the extinction of the human race in racism, which is being directed by a collective mind alien to life. Describable as the `serpent`s seed`, the alien collectivity is anathema to `woman`s seed`, and identifiable as Satanism, but espoused by Christianity.

 English literature depicts the socio-historical phenomenon of the woman as the human futanarian species` representative invaded by the demon, men, because `woman`s seed` has been cut out of the plot of almost every work of literature since the written word began to be recorded. Apart from overtly science fictional works, like feminist writer, Joanna Russ`s The Female Man (1974), the absence of the woman`s penis from the scene is demonstrably engineered by men of the `serpent`s seed`. During the period of what is known as Elizabethan stage drama, because Elizabeth I (1533-1603) of England was the patron of William Shakespeare, women were excluded from performing on stage as actresses and all of the parts were played by men. Often centered around episodes involving cross-dressing with women pretending to be men or vice versa, the scenes bizarrely featured only men anyway. Although the 20th century derided the notion of men dressing as women as transvestism or `TV`, without `woman`s seed` every woman was a man wearing woman`s clothes, because her brain was male. Consequently, the transvestism emphasized in the plays of Shakespeare was an early form of `TV` which, by the late 20th century, had become the mass media form of entertainment as television or `TV` for transvestites in male braining.



 Having invented the medium of `TV`, men developed the car as the petrol driven mobile television set in which the viewer sat and pedaled while turning a wheel so that more of `TV` land could be scene. Although the Nazis driving of the `chosen people` of human futanarian `woman`s seed` to the death camp pogroms in livestock trains and cattle trucks, where the dead bodies were burned in ovens built specifically for that purpose, was called the `Final Solution`, no one remembered the first solution, because they`d been made brainless by the `serpent`s seed` of men`s enslaving of the host wombs of the human race of women for homosexuality in pederasty and war. The initial solution of the `serpent`s seed` was to remove the human penis` semen so that the human species would be brainless and then men would have the `Ka` to drive, that is, the human spirit of the futanarian human race of women, trapped in the bodies of the demons that are men, would be the `Ka` of the trapped women`s spirit experiencing the torment of her `Ba` soul. The body of the woman, without her own penis, enslaved in Satanism, because stolen by men`s viral life form, inveigling itself into her host womb eons ago, would experience parasitism in homosexuality and pederasty`s devouring wars against her human race. Living in terror of the brainless trunk that drank her blood in the `TV` news reports of the vampire`s latest activities, women would be driven by the demons of the car to a bar amongst those of their imprisonment, where they`d sit with their torturers and drink alcohol in celebration of the greater unconscious trunk that was to come:


`He will rule them with an iron scepter; shattering them like clay pots.'  (Rev: 2. 27)



 Although the `clay pots` are a metaphor for the evil men that God punishes with unendurable eternal pain, that is, perdition, before God gives humanity the new heaven and Earth promised after judgement upon the `serpent`s seed` in Satanism, the contents of the bodies of the men are the `Ka` or `spirit` of the women trapped, which is why God`s punishment upon evil men is so severe: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores, but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) Men`s pains and their sores are the incurable killer disease of the late 20th century HIV/AIDS virus spread by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses as the `biological warfare` waged against `woman`s seed`, that is, the women kept in fearful faithfulness to enslaving monogamy by the HIV/AIDS virus. Women`s `Ka` spirit trapped in men`s bodies, and `Ba` soul kept in enslaving bodily empathy to the parasite`s trapping of their spirit within its bodies, by its simple methodology of inveigling itself into the human species of women`s host wombs eons ago to steal her penis` semen, is killed by the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality in pederasty injecting its contaminated semen into each others` and her anus in order to torture the `Ka` spirit and `Ba` soul of humanity more before death, because evil men don`t want the contents, which is why they`re devourers of humanity in vampirism and parasitism.

 Although the vampire is a creature of Eastern European legend popularized by Bram Stoker in his Dracula (1897) novel, the idea of a human made immortal by drinking blood relates directly to the Christian tradition of Redemption. As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave `bread and wine`, as symbols of his `body and blood`, to his disciples, but Judas Iscariot was the disciple that betrayed Jesus as a `dissident` of the Roman Empire, and so betrayed the human host. Jesus uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represented the opposition to male braining from women`s futanarian humanity and God`s promise of Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of a human host greater than the angelic host born from `woman`s seed`. Consequently, Judas was a vampire upon the human host of God`s futanarian species of women upon the Earth, because he symbolically drank Jesus` blood and rejected the body of the human host when he gave Jesus over to the crucifixion.

 In the vampire legend the penis is transposed into the wooden stake that is placed into the heart of the vampire to kill it, because the vampire is immortal, whereas the stake in the heart of the woman is consequently her own, because it`s her penis. The vampire is immortal, because it has a host womb as a parasite, and as long as it has a host womb its parasitism is immortal, although individuals die. Christianity is the belief that the parasite won`t be immortal because it won`t have a host womb. Jesus represented the human `seed` uncontaminated by the parasite, and so immortality for the human futanarian species of women with their own penis` semen and host womb without parasitism. Usually the male vampire is depicted as a pimp with many whores who are obedient, after he`s drunk their blood and conferred immortality upon them. It`s a symbolic depiction of women`s acceptance of the parasite in male braining, that is, she becomes a host womb for homosexuality in pederasty and war, which is why vampires are generally depicted as sexless or neutral in fiction, although Hollywood, Babylon, movies generate a degree of erotic interest in the viewer largely incommensurate with the myth.



 Hollywood, Babylon, is a promoter of the legend of the parasite in movies like Dracula (1992) often starring actor, Christopher Lee, and TV series like Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) starring actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar. However, it was the `Hays code` (1930-67) imposed by Will Hays, President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), preventing a woman`s `foot` from being `raised` in bedroom scenes in movies that established the basis for women`s decapitation as a brainless species without penis` semen of their own, because the absence of God`s `foot`, that is, the futanarian human women`s penis` semen from the world of film and mass media entertainment was a beheading of the human race, which is a method of killing vampires other than the wooden stake in the heart, but that more properly applies to what men are as the male braining parasite trapping the spirit of the woman in their bodies after inveigling their way into the host womb of the human species as a viral life form to steal its penis and semen. In short, men are the vampire that must be beheaded unless the evil `serpent`s seed` can be made to convert from their sin and accept Redemption from their sin of slavery in host womb parasitism for homosexuality in pederasty and war against the human race. Then humanity can sexually reproduce its own brains from women`s own host wombs through women`s own penis` semen and have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven together, and so Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, as the perfected man.



 Otherwise what men will become is an immortal pain in the ass that doesn`t want women; it just wants to live forever. Hollywood, Babylon, is a eunuch system, which was prevalent in the harems of Persia and elsewhere before Islam made it possible for all marriages to contain as many as four wives. Although the eunuch system of Western society seems advantageous to the leading man in the film, in fact the woman has already been castrated by the system, that is, it isn`t a competition between males, but a competition between castrators. Consequently, it`s a `gay scene` because women prefer each other biologically, whereas homosexuals in pederasty and war have their favorites. In slavery to homosexuality everyone is a eunuch, because powerlessness is the aim and objective of the `serpent`s seed` in its extinction of women and women`s `seed`, that is, everyone should be an ass, because everyone is from the homosexuals` perspective. In Satanism women might excrete, so there`d always be plenty of ass, but that`s the function that the `serpent`s seed` of homosexuality in pederasty has planned for women.



 Although feminism is the new religion in the United States of America, that is, `political correctness`, men don`t want the content, which is viewed as women`s excretions. Just as the content of literature and movies are deemed excretions in psychoanalytical terms, that is, intrinsically they have no value because the aim of homosexuality in pederasty is to void the material of content. The substance of human endeavor is perceived by the `serpent`s seed` as excrement to be voided. The killer of the civilization, culture and art that women are still able to produce from their host wombs, despite the parasite`s depredations, is celebrated in movies made in Hollywood, Babylon, because the theory being applied is that of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), who observed that the history of civilization, culture and art was `nothing but` a sign of the repressed penis, which is true, but it`s woman`s penis that`s been repressed. Consequently, civilization, culture and art is what she`s still able to produce in Freudian psychoanalysis. The castrated woman is endeavoring to produce, but her productions are viewed as valueless excretions by homosexuality in pederasty for war, which is why Hollywood, Babylon, makes so many films about her destruction.



 Science fiction writer, Robert A. Heinlein (1907-88), was often criticized for his prurient treatment of sexual themes in which he lambasted Sigmund Freud as `Dr Fraud` and used incest as a theme throughout his later works. `If you can dream about your father, I can dream about my daughter. Go ahead, hon; get to the good parts.`2 Brian and Maureen in To Sail Beyond The Sunset (1987), which is a title taken from English poet Alfred Tennyson`s poem, `Ulysees`, the character whose return home from the successful Greek siege of the city of Troy, engage in incestuous relationships almost constantly, because it`s an antidote to the homosexuality in pederasty and war that was ancient Greece:


`... my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die.`3


 Although it might seem strange to promote incest as an antidote to homosexuality in pederasty and war, because women have effectively had their penis devoured by men of the `serpent`s seed`, incest is the sexual desire of the penisless daughter for the mother, that is, for any woman who is representative of the single human race of woman`s futanarian nature. The seminal work of Greek literature dealing with incest gave its name to Freud`s `Oedipal complex`, which is the psychoanalytical perspective that boys want to replace their fathers in their mothers affections. The dramatist Sophocles` Oedipus Rex (c. 429 B.C.) depiction of the character, Oedipus, who unwittingly kills his father, Laius, and unknowingly marries his mother, Jocasta, to become king of the Egyptian city of Thebes, seems unconnected with the Trojan war, but the capture of the city by the Greek device of deploying a huge hollow wooden horse to hide inside and wait until the Trojans take it into the city where they emerge to enslave the host wombs of the women to spread their contagion of conquest through war further is what Oedipus` story reprises.

 Jocasta represents the city of Thebes and Laius is her first siege defeat, that is, to homosexuality and war`s spreading of its parasitism, while Oedipus represents the parasite that always needs the host womb of the human species` mother. Although the incest taboo means that Oedipus self-blinds himself, it`s really because he`s close to the truth, which is that, like Jesus, he represents the woman`s penis. Antigone, his daughter, agrees to guide Oedipus thereafter, which makes Jocasta`s daughter a prisoner of parasitism too. Although the parasite is blind and lame, because `lame brained` by the absence of human `woman`s seed` in its gene pool, and Oedipus` name means `swollen foot`, because it signifies the repressed penis of the futanarian woman endeavoring to build civilization, culture and art from the raw material of parasitism, the parasite would rather stagger on as a devouring ephemeral than seek immortality for its host species by developing medical science and technologies to take it to the planets and stars of heaven.


`Some work of noble note, may yet be done,

Not unbecoming men that strove with gods.`4


 God`s Bible was the observation that the serpent was a spy, but the meaning of the narrative is that futanarian human women are heaven for each other, that is, men would be spies, which is why there isn`t a race of women, because after men have spied them out, and fucked them, they eat them, which is why Satan tempts Eve with the apple in paradise. When Eve and Adam begin sexually reproducing as a pair, parasitism will begin, and the process of `woman`s seed` being eaten will occur. When the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center symbolically succumbed to `rough trade` after the Al Qaeda terrorist` hijacked civil airliners crashed into them on September 11, 2001, the `Big Apple` was New York city, and the `serpent`s seed` were eating the core, that is, the Greek Kore of Demeter and Persephone, who were the mother and daughter fertility goddesses of ancient Greek mythology. Demeter was the mother goddess, and Persephone was her daughter, who spent the winter beneath the earth separated from her mother who would reappear again in the spring when the earth would be fertile again. Although the myth seems associated with nature`s abundance during the growing season for vegetation, it`s actually about the separation of `woman`s seed` from woman`s womb, and so  9/11 was a further excursion for the `serpent`s seed` in its devouring of the apple core of Eve`s `seed` pursuing the extinction of human nature.



 Although the Egyptians were cast in the role of the villain in the narrative of the Jews escaping slavery there, Ishmael, the son of the Egyptian woman, Hajer, whose lineage founded polygamous Islam, prepared the human futanarian future through the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` after Jesus` teaching, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Consequently, the Sophocles` Thebes drama, Oedipus Rex, about the Egyptian woman, Jocasta, represents the Egyptian antidote to homosexuality in pederasty and war, which became the model for Western civilization and democracy, where without the race of futanarian women with their own penis` semen, the male brained parasite in transvestism would always vote itself in, that is, the parasite might wear men and women`s clothes, but the vermin remained vermin:


`... if there is one place I'm certain is loaded with 'Black Hat' vermin, it's New York City!`5


 In Robert A. Heinlein`s science fiction novel, The Number Of The Beast (1980), the `beast` is an ubiquitous character appearing severally and in many guises as a sophisticated parody of a biblical figure: `Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.` (Rev: 13. 18) Because men and women are 66.6% of the human race, without 33.3% futanarian human `woman`s seed`, they`re the `beast`. Although it looks as if 33% is absent from the equation, 100% of the human race is absent, which means that the human race is 100% beast. Heinlein`s `black beast` in The Number Of The Beast is hermaphroditic, which means that `it` represents the absence of futanarian `woman`s seed` that would have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven if the `serpent`s seed` of men and women weren`t `beastly`. Heinlein`s NOB  is based on the premise of alternative universes being accessible to a `continua vehicle`, Gay Deciever, based on the hard science principle of quantum physics` discovery that the particle world behaves differently when humans are looking than when they aren`t. Consequently, the world humans inhabit is an alternative to the worlds humans could inhabit if humans could live in those worlds where the particles behave differently when humans aren`t looking.  In NOB all universes exist whether real or imaginary except the universe in which there are women, which is why the `black beast` is present everywhere as the 33% of humanity denied by men and women that could transform the scene, but which is relegated to a peripheral role as the collective shadow of what remains of humanity after the parasite`s taken possession, and its attacks upon the occupants of Heinlein`s `continua car`, that is, the married couples, Jake and Hilda, and Zeb and Deety, represent men`s refusal to allow the futanarian human race of women escape from slavery to the `serpent`s seed`, which includes male futanarians with host wombs of their own. Although there`s an argument for men`s patriarchal system in which male futanarians with their own vaginas as well as penis` semen are shepherding the human futanarian species of `woman`s seed` into heaven, the socio-economic history of men`s parasitism upon the host wombs of women is that of a devourer, which means that the `black beast` in Heinlein is the slaver.

 Just as the `Ka` of ancient Egypt represents the spirit of the woman and the `Ka Ba` of Islam represents the `Ka` or spirit of the woman to be conjoined with the `Ba` soul, that is, the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` to heaven, so Heinlein`s `continua car` represents her enslavement by men and their male futanarian aspect. Although Jake and Deety furtively engage in incestuous sex as father and daughter involved with other marriage partners, their marriages are already adulterate, because the men represent the `serpent`s seed` in parasitism upon the host wombs of the women. Consequently, it isn`t a sex scene from a parasite`s point of view, which is why Heinlein`s stories have often been criticized for being pedantic and flat. NOB is a description of how parasites read, because the adulteration of the human species of women in parasitism is lame braining, whereas incest is what women don`t do with each other, because they`re a single species and so the opportunities for sexual expressivity is universal and, moreover, unseen by men who`re not their race. Consequently, men`s incest taboo is to deny women the knowledge that sex is possible with women, and to garnish the feast, which isn`t sexual but parasitical, that is, they pedantically explain to their children that they`re to be consumed – later. The Bible describes perdition as hellfire, because it`s consumption by the serpent grown in size to a dragon and devouring humans after wasting their lives in explaining itself to them pedantically as their patriarch. Because Christianity doesn`t preach about `woman`s seed` and teach about raising God`s `foot`, it`s Satanism.



 The polygamous harem system that preceded Islam contained eunuchs and women with a man as the slaver, because that`s capitalism. In the traditional tale from One Thousand And One Nights, the 8th century collection of folktales often erroneously titled The Arabian Nights, the framing device is the story of the Indian Mogul Emperor, Shah Jehan, and his wife Mumtaz Mahal, whose tomb is the Taj Mahal (1632-53) in the city of Agra. Shah Jehan has his wife beheaded, after accusing her falsely of unfaithfulness with his brother, and then marries a new wife each day before beheading her each evening. Scheherezade marries Shah Jehan after interesting him in the stories and so saves the women, which isn`t capitalism, but is the reason why death by beheading is a form of `capital punishment` and is the explanation of what capitalism is, that is, the death by beheading of the woman who can`t then sexually reproduce with other women so that men`s socio-economics of enslavement of the host womb of women in parasitism can prevail.



 In capitalism everyone is an enslaved headless eunuch, because there isn`t any `woman`s seed` to sexually reproduce enough of her own human futanarian women`s species` brainpower to develop labor saving devices so that women can escape host womb slavery to men`s homosexuality in pederasty and war. Consequently, Islam with its four wife marriages is an antidote to the enslaved headless eunuch system of capitalism, because it affords the possibility of sexual reproduction between women within the family. Moreover, because Christianity celebrates Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and the `chosen people` of the Jews are `chosen`, because Jews can only be born from women, and so Jews represent the futanarian human race of women, Islam represents the furtherance of Eve`s `seed` since Eden and not an opponent of either Judaism or Christianity. Although `Islam` translates as `to accept`, Moslem means `is accepted`, as `s-l-m` is the etymological root `acceptance`, that is, Moslems in Islam are `woman`s seed`, because they accept it as Jesus` teaching, whose story is also in the Koran as Isa born of the Virgin, Maryam, but he has Ascension to heaven without crucifixion and Resurrection because the New Testament is accepted by Moslems in Islam as a prefiguration of the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of `woman`s seed`, rather than a recipe for the acceptance of death and torture as a means to  gain access to heaven for the torturer and the tortured, which is what capitalism is in the devouring Satanism of capital punishment for the enslaved human futanarian women`s race lame brained and limping to extinction in unconscious ignorance of men`s labeling of her as condemned meat.



 Content is the essence of literary criticism. Without content there is no meaning, which is what literature is without `woman`s seed`, although the absence of women from the text of men`s perfidy is palpably enough for the work itself to have value for those who favor humanity in their dealings with people. However, literary criticism that revolves around explications of art that lacks content perpetuates nothing but the critic, who functions as parasitism`s unreflective commentator narrating the exponents of devourment as a sycophant applauding a `snuff movie`, which is that form of entertainment produced as a film record of an actual murder. In movie terminology `canned` is how finished movies are described, because the reels of film are placed in film cans. Consequently, tinned meat, for men who don`t want the content, is what movies are, that is, Hollywood, Babylon, produces a filmed record of an actual murder, which is that of the human futanarian race of `woman`s seed`. Just as literary critics can`t eulogize content that isn`t there, film critics can`t applaud absent content, and so it is that humanity is defeated and the `serpent`s seed` of Satanism has plenty of cans to fill and open before the alien parasite completes its extinction pogrom.



1 Houseman, A. E., A Shropshire Lad, XL, `Into My Heart On Air That Kills`, 1896.

2 Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond The Sunset, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1987, p. 180.

3 Tennyson, Alfred, `Ulysees`, 1833, l. 28-9.

4 Tennyson, Alfred, `Ulysees`, 1833, l. 20-1.

5 Heinlein, Robert A. The Number Of The Beast, G. P. Putnam`s Sons, 1980, p. 93.

Human Sacrificers

24/05/2015 09:44

Human Sacrificers


The history of the 20th century was of tremendous human sacrifices. The great leaders of the nations of the world sacrificed billions of humans. Jesus was the typical human sacrifice, which is why Christianity had such a great role to play in the sacrifice. Sacrificed by the Romans who were the occupying Empire of Jewish Palestine, Jesus was nailed to a cross upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem where he died, but experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, according to the New Testament of the Bible, which purports to be the narrative of Jesus` life written by four of his disciples, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, who essentially wrote the same narrative four times and that Christianity preaches as the `Gospel` of Jesus` teaching, as recorded in the four corroborating narratives of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John:


`Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31)


 Although Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension to heaven is depicted as resulting from his torture and murder, human sacrifice is what Jesus wasn`t for. That`s what the Roman Empire was for. The Roman Empire in the West was preceded by the Greek, which spread through institutionalizing host womb slavery in homosexuality in pederasty for war. Consequently, Empire is definable as homosexuality in pederasty, and God`s words to Eve, the first woman, before she and the first man, Adam, were expelled from the paradise of Eden for accepting from Satan, who had been an angel in heaven, transformed into a serpent by God for rejecting the human host, when God had told the angels that the angelic host wouldn`t be greater than the human host, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, and rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which is immortality:


`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)


 Eve`s `foot` is the futanarian human species of women with their own penis` semen and host womb born after Eden with brains stronger than Satan`s `seed` of men, who`d enslave the host wombs of women and keep them in ephemerality and death. Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension as `woman`s seed` uncontaminated by men`s `seed` was Redemption because it prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` whose futanarian `foot` would crush the head of Satan`s `seed` because of the strength of her brains.

 While ancient Greece was introducing the concept of host womb slavery to Western civilization, culture and art in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for war, the Bible records the origins of the city of Babylon (c. 4000 B.C.) in Persia, which is now modern Iraq, as `a woman`: `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)  The enslaved host womb of the futanarian human species of women with their own penis` semen for homosexuality in pederasty`s devouring parasitism doesn`t have brains - or eyes either - which is an abomination. Women were still able to produce civilization, culture and art from their host wombs despite the parasite`s depredations, but Western Christianity embraced capitalism rather than accept the socio-economics of the German, Karl Marx, which simply observed, without mentioning women`s host wombs, that `workers control the means of production`, which is why God told Adam he must labor after Eden, while Eve would experience labor pains before Redemption. Jesus` birth uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, followed by the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, which prefigured the reemergence of `woman`s seed` upon the Earth was the end of women`s labor, but capitalism represented the refusal to accept human women`s futanarian socio-economics where labor owns the means of production, that is, women are the owners, whereas men, like Jesus, have Redemption but don`t deserve suffrage, because women`s sexual reproduction system carries more votes with God.

 Homosexuality in pederasty has a socio-economic history of keeping the penis in fear, because the `serpent`s seed` doesn`t want women`s futanarian human species to sexually reproduce and escape from host womb slavery to parasitism`s devouring wars. The typical model is recorded in Homer`s Iliad (760-10 B.C.), where the Greeks capture the city of Troy for host womb slavery in institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty to spread their contagion further, by hiding inside a huge hollow wooden horse which the Trojans took into the city. By the late 20th century the incurable killer disease of HIV/AIDS had been rethought by the `geek` successors to the ancient Greeks as `bad machine code` they called `Trojan horses` to infect computer memory and prevent `woman`s seed` from remembering her own species` history and storing that knowledge. The patron goddess of the city of Troy was Pallas Athene, whose symbol was a horse, which is why the Trojans accepted it. Consequently, it`s the woman`s penis that the virus was attempting to infect, and the city of Troy is a metaphor for the brain of the woman, and the computer memory that could assist her to remember her own penis. When Al Qaeda attacked the city of New York, it was a hiatus designed to return labor to production for war, that is, wasting humanity`s resources to maintain host womb slavery in parasitism as the prevailing ethos, which is extermination for `woman`s seed` by the human species` pogromer, that is, an alien, whose methodology is pederasty.

 After removing the human futanarian penis of women, homosexuality in pederasty and war is exterminating humanity`s `seed`. Although the myth of the vampire is perceived as legend rather than truth, it`s necessary for men to produce drunks in order to produce more trunks, that is, brainless humans. Consequently, removing the penis of `woman`s seed` is the vampire`s first step towards drinking enough of the blood of the human race to ensure its extinction as a brainless trunk, that is, although alcohol is forbidden or `haraam` in Moslem Islam, that`s because the brainless drunk who consumes alcohol to encourage unconsciousness is a metaphor for the brainless trunk, and brainlessness is what the vampire wants for humans so that humanity doesn`t see it`s exterminator, which is why traditionally vampires can`t be seen in the mirror, as reality is the mirror of what the vampire has done to the humans who`re blind trunks. Hollywood, Babylon, produces films of devastation and destruction almost ad nauseum as entertainment approximating to the `snuff movie`, which is the actual record of life being killed for `entertainment` purposes. By the late 20th century the leading man`s role was symptomatic of the general malaise, which was pushing the starlet to the fore while cities and buildings collapsed in profusion about the central male figure as he determinedly fought to protect her against the scripted enemy. The result was a comic-tragedy in which the woman observed the fruits of her host womb as the producer of civilization, culture and art being destroyed and decimated while her boyfriend coaxed her along endeavoring to appear defensive.



 In the Transformers film (2007), actor Shia LaBeouf, as Sam Witwicky, has a crush on Megan Fox, Mikaela Banes, and what`s left of the Earth is saved after Sam joins the battle between the Autobots, and the Decepticons, who`re good and evil robots able to transform themselves into different kinds of fighting machines. The Autobots are a parody of men whose bottoms are placed on the seats of their automobiles where they observe the Earth moving while they pedal and look out of the window. The Autobot transformers are the active protagonists that heroes like Sam would like to be. Consequently, the Decepticons represent the `deceiver`, Satan, because men are deceived into believing that fighting machines are defensive, whereas they`ll destroy civilization. Megan Fox`s role is to attract the eyes of the humans with the still functioning penis and brains amongst the cinemagoers in the audience. Focusing on the attractive woman, the viewer is distracted from the appalling carnage devastating the planet as the entertainment afforded the eyes, and remains unsuspecting after the Al Qaeda civil planes are reported as crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center `live on CNN` and other news networked `TV` channels on September 11, 2001. Because there`s no human `seed`, that is, futanarian women`s, on the Earth, everyone is male brained, which means that television is transvestism where all of the people wearing women`s clothes are men. Consequently, the alien who is pogroming humanity`s extinction is a pederast in homosexuality and war who likes to watch `TV`. Presumably, when the human species` penis is extinct, which it is from mainstream move theater screens, and other forms of mass media entertainment, the alien will have what it wants, that is, anal sex with limp brains, and then the HIV/AIDS` virus will have made those who refuse to admit to their latent homosexuality, limp brained enough to submit in pederasty`s `biological war` to infect the human brains so that the host womb enslaver has easier limp reins to hold onto as it extinguishes the human race.

Christian Horror

23/05/2015 16:54

Christian Horror


Although horror movies are widely perceived as unpleasant adjuncts to a civilization, society and culture that requires some harmless fantasy elements that gruesomely fictionalize nightmarish imagery that appear in the imaginations of children and adults who might occasionally wonder about what happens in an abattoir, on `moral grounds` Christianity wants to make sure that there aren`t any explicit sex scenes within the films. In the 20th century the movie industry in Hollywood, Babylon, celebrated the previous socio-economic history of humanity largely by making war documentaries in which leading men performed the parts of figures as diverse as, for example, Omar Sharif in Genghis Khan (1965), leader of the hordes of the Mogul Empire (1206-1368) that swept across the steppes of Europe from China to Turkey, Rod Steiger as Napoleon Bonaparte in Waterloo (1970), who made a dictatorship of the French Republic, and installed his relatives as kings and queens of Europe, and James Mason as Irwin Rommel in The Desert Fox (1951), who defended Europe from the British Empire, and the United States of America during the Second World War (1939-45) to prevent German Imperialism from enslaving Europe,  and that had begun in the First World War (1914-18), so that the Germans could continue exterminating Jews in the `death camps` they`d constructed throughout Europe.



 The Empire of Rome became the Church of Rome after the Romans adopted the teaching of Jesus, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) The Jews were the `chosen people` of the Bible after Eve, who was told by God in the paradise of Eden, `You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, although he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15) Because futanarian human women with their own penis`s semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers will be stronger than the brains of the serpent, Satan, which is why the Jews, who can only be born from women, and so are women, are the `chosen people`. Although it`s almost obligatory to distinguish between Jews, Christians, and Moslems, marriages in `Islam`, which means `accept`, embrace the path of Jesus, who was born uncontaminated by men`s semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, six hundred years and more after the Koran (610-30 C.E.) of Islam was, according to tradition, dictated by God`s angels, to the Prophet Mohamed. The four wife marriages of Islam derive from Abraham, whose wife, Sara, bore a son Isaac, who was the forebear of Judaism. Sara was barren after the birth of Isaac and gave Hajer, her maid, to Abraham, and Hajer bore a son Ishmael, who was the forebear of Islam. Moslems celebrate the breaking of the taboo against polygamy, which allows women to sexually reproduce within the human family of Islam, in the yearly `Haj` pilgrimage, named for Hajer, to the temple of Abraham, built by Hajer and Ishmael in Saudi Arabia`s Mecca. Consequently, Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a single path, which interfered with the Greco-Roman Empire of host womb slavery in parasitism.

 Homosexuality in pederasty and war was institutionalized in ancient Greece as the basis of modern democracy without `woman`s seed` as the presager of fascist dictatorship. The symbol of Rome was the fasces, a bundle of sticks with an axe, which adopted by Hitler from Rome`s Benito Mussolini, became the symbol of the concentration camps where the penis of the Jewish women was removed. After being elected in Italy in in 1922 Mussolini had proclaimed himself dictator in the style of the Roman Emperors, and adopted by the German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, Italian fascism had commenced exacting revenge against Jesus` Jewish heritage for replacing the Empire of Rome with the church of Rome that had Jesus` disciple, Peter, as its first Bishop. Jesus had been nailed to a wooden cross upon the hill of Calvary outside Jerusalem by the Romans, but had Resurrection and Ascension to heaven, because uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, he prefigured the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian `woman`s seed` with her own capacity for sexual reproduction and the brains` powers of her species to rise away from the Earth on wings of technology devised by herself.

 As the human host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus had given `bread and wine` to Peter, and the other disciples, as symbols of his `body and blood`, but Judas in betraying Jesus as a `dissident` to the Jewish religious police, the Pharisees, rejected the human host in preference for favoritism amongst the Romans in the Empire of the male brain. Satan had been transformed into a serpent in Eden, because he was the angel that had rejected the human host for the rebel angelic host, which didn`t accept that the human host would be greater. Consequently, Judas was in the tradition of Satan, because he rejected Jesus` futanarian heritage uncontaminated by male semen born from his mother, the Virgin Mary, and whose death, Resurrection and Ascension prefigured that of `woman`s seed` when her brains were strong enough to crush the head of the serpent on Earth, and which is described in Revelation as a full grown dragon waiting to devour the human race if it weren`t for the Messiah:


`And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.` (Rev: 12. 4)


 Although the Greco-Empire of Rome and its continuation into the 20th century as the German Empire, can be interpreted as the `dragon` of Revelation, it`s the city of Babylon, founded in Persia (c. 4000 B.C.), and described as `a woman` in the Bible, that commentators find difficult to understand, `Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev 17. 5) In the Greco-Roman world of homosexuality in pederasty for war, women`s host wombs were enslaved for the spread of men`s virus, while by the late 20th century the contagion that was HIV/AIDS` incurable killer disease began to be spread as men`s `biological weapon` against `woman`s seed` as women`s sexual reproduction gave way to mockery in men`s mixing of blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) What they`d done was what parasitology predicts, that is, devour the host, which is the abomination.

 Hollywood, Babylon, began making movies in the West Coast city of Los Angeles, that is, the city of the angels, in the state of California in the United States of America, with director D. W. Griffiths making the film, Old California (1910), and the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (PMPPDA), Will Hays, establishing the `Hays code` (1930-67) to prevent women`s `foot` from being raised from the floor of the bedroom during films on grounds of Christian morality, that is, women`s penis wasn`t going to be seen. Although Persia`s ancient city of Babylon was to be found in modern Iraq, where Saddam Hussein, whose name means `crusher` and `small handsome man`, Hollywood, Babylon, by crushing the woman`s brains in California, was preparing to crush the brains of the women in Persia through their surrogate leading man, Saddam Hussein, who represented the West`s aim of removing Jesus` `seed` from the Earth in war against women.



 Presaged in the Bosnian war (1992-95) in which Christian Serbs set up rape camps to male brain a generation of Moslems, the creation of the new Islamic state of Iraq and Syria represented the defense of `woman`s seed` by Islam. The US invasion of Iraq in March, 2003, after Saddam Hussein offered bases to the Afghan terrorist group Al Qaeda, which had hijacked civil airliners to crash them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001, resulted in the execution of the Iraqi dictator on December 30, 2006, after the removal of the misogynist Taliban regime in Afghanistan`s Kabul in November, 2001. The attack on the WTC was designed to precipitate `world trade`, that is, that `brutality and violence` which is associated with homosexuality in pederasty`s `rough trade`1, because war is what homosexuals are for. Consequently, Saddam Hussein, `crusher` and `small handsome man`, was what Hollywood, Babylon, and the West wanted. Because Judaism, Christianity, and Islam constitute a unified path for `woman`s seed`, the history of the Earth is the concerted attempt of the `serpent`s seed` to exterminate her, and in the 20th century Christianity has become Satanism, because it`s unwilling to preach about `woman`s seed` and refuses to countenance Islam`s Moslems as Jesus` `seed`, even though Jesus taught that his teaching would evolve.

 Because Western Christianity has espoused Hollywood, Babylon, that is, a mass media news and entertainment industry that predicates the removal of `woman`s seed` as the basis for any human scene on `moral grounds`, it`s insane. Christian `morality` consists of removing the penis from the scene, because `passive` homosexuals don`t need their penis to have their anus penetrated by the penis of `active` homosexuals. Consequently, the absence of the penis from the scene is indicative of the triumph of the active homosexuals. Obviously, the active penis of the futanarian woman was an obstacle to the homosexual hegemony, and so the homosexuals killed her, which leaves humans as the enslaved species of a pederast. Humans die as ephemerals, because that`s how the serpent in Eden enslaved the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve, when offering `fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil`, that is, death, `You shall be as gods.` (Gen: 3. 5) Ignorant brutes haven`t medical science enough to give them longevity of memory to remember how to operate and maintain sophisticated technologies, and so ephemerality ensures slavery, which is what homosexuality in pederasty and war is. Christianity is horror, rather than moral, because it hasn`t the moral integrity to remove the source of its insanity through education. In the movie Striptease (1996) with actress, Demi Moore, the adult perceives that it`s fiction, because the woman`s penis is missing from the scenes in which Demi`s character, Erin Grant, removes her clothes as an erotic dancer, whereas in the movie, Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992), men`s stake in the future of actress Kristy Swanson, that is, the vampire slaying character, Buffy Summers, is the stake men have in women`s hearts, which is a transposition of the parasite`s penis that seeks to decapitate her. Both movies are horror films, because they all are in Western Christianity`s movie capital, Hollywood, Babylon, where the vampire`s scene in the mirror means the absence of the woman.



1 trade .

Church Fathers

22/05/2015 08:08

Church Fathers


The Old Testament of the Bible contains the history of the Jews and their law, that is, the Torah and the Talmud, whereas the New Testament of the Bible, which is Christianity, contains the teaching of Jesus, who was the Jewish Messiah during the occupation of Palestine by the Roman Empire, `Love your neighbor as you love yourself.` (Mk: 12. 31) Jesus said that his teaching was a distillation of the law of Judaism which, according to tradition, was given atop Mt Sinai by God to Moses, the leader of the Jews, on tablets of stone, known as the Ten Commandments,1 after the Jews` escape from slavery in Egypt. Jesus` perception was that the law of God was based on the premise that stealing was the taking of another`s life and so, if people were taught not to steal, they wouldn`t take life either:


1 `Thou shalt not worship anything but God.` (Ex: 20. 2-6)

2 `Thou shalt not labor fruitlessly.` (Ex: 20. 7-11)

3 `Thou shalt have regard for the father and the mother.` (Ex: 20. 12)

4 `Thou shalt not kill.` (Ex: 20. 13)

5 `Thou shalt not commit adultery.` (Ex: 20. 14)

6 `Thou shalt not steal.` (Ex: 20. 15)

7 `Thou shalt not bear false witness.` (Ex: 20. 16)

8 `Thou shalt not desire what isn`t yours.` (Ex: 20. 17-23)

9 `Thou shalt make an altar to God.` (Ex: 20. 24-25)

10. `Thou shalt not sacrifice yourself upon God`s altar.` (Ex: 20. 26)


 The Ten Commandments are prophylactics against the taking of life. Otherwise humans are meat for the abattoir, which the narrative of Cain and Abel illustrates. Upon an altar Cain laid fruits for God, but Abel placed meat amidst fire. Consequently, Abel had invented cooking and so was more able than Cain, who killed Abel, because God was more pleased with Abel`s cooked meat. After Cain killed Abel, Cain`s descendants had stolen the oven patent, and went on to make cooked meat of Abel`s descendants. Although that sounds like a joke, it`s exactly what the Germans did in World War II (1939-45) with the `chosen people` of the Bible, that is, the Jews, who were placed in `death camps` by the 1933 elected National Socialist (Nazi) Party`s Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, where ovens had been built to cook them. The telling movie of the 20th century was Sophie`s Choice (1982) in which actress, Meryl Streep, as Sophie, is told by a Nazi death camp guard that she can keep either her daughter or her son from the death camp. In Judaism women are told they must keep the girl, because Jews can only be born from women, which means that Jews are women. Although this seems impractical, God tells Eve in the paradise of Eden;

`You shall crush the head of the serpent with your foot, but he shall bruise your heel.` (Gen: 3. 15)



 The serpent is Satan, the angel leader of the rebel host expelled by God from heaven for refusing to accept that the human host would be greater than the angelic. Satan was turned into a serpent by God and gave Eve, the first woman, the `fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil`, which was death, saying, `You shall be as gods.` Eve and the first man, Adam, were expelled from Eden for rejecting the `fruit of the tree of life`, which was immortality, although God told Adam he`d labor and Eve would experience labor pain, but they`d have Redemption. In Christian iconography Jesus` mother is depicted as crushing the head of the serpent, Satan, with her foot, because Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen, that is, he prefigured the Redemption of Eve`s `seed`, which was futanarian human women with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers strong enough to crush the head of the serpent, that is, the head of Eve`s human species of futanarian women would be stronger than Satan`s.

 As the host at the `Last Supper`, Jesus gave to the disciples `bread and wine` as symbols of his `body and blood`, but he was betrayed by the disciple, Judas, and the Romans nailed him to a cross of wood upon the hill of Calvary outside the city of Jerusalem until he died. Jesus, however, experienced Resurrection and Ascension to heaven as a prefiguration of what would occur if women`s brains were stronger in medical science to give their memories longevity to preserve their labors as developed technology so progress to the stars and planets in starships could recur. The `seed` of woman constitute God`s new angelic host, which is why Judas betrayed Jesus to the male brained Empire of Rome, that is, slavery to death in conquest through war. Although that seems harsh, institutionalized homosexuality in pederasty for the spread of war`s contagion is what Greece, the model for Western democracy, established through host womb slavery of the futanarian human race of women. A `woman`, Babylon, is depicted in the Bible, while the foundations of the city of Babylon were laid in 4000 B.C., according to archaeologists, and the biblical description suggests that Babylon was the Eastern type of the Graeco-Roman Empire, built on the host womb enslavement of the human race of women by the parasite:


`Mystery, Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.` (Rev: 17. 5)


 Although war is an abomination, men`s spreading of the HIV/AIDS incurable killer disease as the biological weapon of the serpent`s seed against women`s human futanarian race, through the rejecting of humanity`s host womb in favor of mocking woman`s human sexual reproductive organs, after effectively devouring and banning her penis, by mixing blood, shit and semen in each others` anuses, is abominable: `Men cursed the God of heaven for their pains and their sores but refused to repent of what they had done.` (Rev: 16. 11) As a devourer of women`s child through the enslaving of a host womb they don`t want for homosexuality in pederasty and wars abominations, although cannibalism isn`t an option for the parasite emerging from the host womb of the human race, to kill the enslaved host womb that produces civilization, culture and art `woman`s seed` is able to despite the parasite`s depredations against her humanity, parasitology predicts its parasitism, that is, men aren`t even a devouring cannibal, but a devouring worm:


`And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered to devour her child as soon as it was born.` (Rev: 12. 4)


 The 23rd Psalm is a reassuring text from the Bible, but the pastoral context belies the danger alluded to in the passages depicting Jesus as the shepherd of the flock, `Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth.` (Matt: 5. 5) Jesus is described as the `lamb of God` in the Bible, which suggests that Christians are sheep. For a parasite that appears as a serpent in Eden, and in Revelation as a full grown dragon and a child devourer, breeding `woman`s seed` as lambs to be slaughtered in its wars celebrating its sterility in homosexuality and pederasty is what it`s for: `Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.` (Ps: 23. 4) As the animal is comforted by the slaughterer on its way to the abattoir, which is what the `serpent`s seed` are breeding humans for. The prod of the prod user is the rod that forces the animal through the abattoir and on to death, while the crook is the hook used to recover the slaughtered carcass of the animal for meat:


`The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men. They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised to life.` (Matt: 17. 22-23)


 The basis of Christian faith is Jesus` sacrifice, while the denial of Jesus` suicide is basic, although Jesus` knowledge of his fate, if he`s the `Son Of Man`, suggests his decision to go to Jerusalem was suicidal. That Jesus was speaking in the third person suggests that, although the Messiah describes the `Self` of Jesus as the `Son of Man`, the phrase, which was a common self-regarding expression during the period of the occupation of Jewish Palestine by the Roman Empire, meant something more than Jesus to Jesus, that is, the `Son Of Man` was being sacrificed, not Jesus` `Self`. Jesus was born uncontaminated by male semen from his mother, the Virgin Mary, but futanarian humanity affords the possibility of the `Son Of Man`, that is, man born of futanarian man, which again affords the possibility of the virgin, man, giving birth.

 Because there are futanarian men with host wombs and penis` semen, the `Son of Man` is biological, rather than spiritual, although Jesus` third person description of the death and Resurrection of the `Son of Man` as someone who isn`t Jesus` `Self` is, in terms of futanarian man, equal to Jesus` role as `woman`s seed`. Born uncontaminated by male semen, the resurrected Jesus prefigures the Resurrection and Ascension to heaven of futanarian humanity, and so the child the dragon waits to devour, is the host womb of the human futanarian species with their own penis` semen for the sexual reproduction of their own brains` powers. Historically, it seems likely that Eve and Adam`s leaving Eden for death in ephemerality to enslavement by the parasite for the Empire of homosexuality in pederasty and war depicts the early extinction of the human futanarian species by men who, without host wombs of their own, could enslave a human species without host wombs of its own, and so the human race was enslaved by men of the `serpent`s seed` who, in all but exterminating futanarian humans, decapitated mankind by removing its penis` semen and so its capacity for sexually reproducing its own brainpower.

 Although the analytical psychologist, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), believed that women experienced `penis envy`, in fact what they miss is the capacity to father, because fathers is what they were originally, as futanarian humans with their own host wombs and penis` semen, whereas men don`t miss the capacity to father, although some might miss the capacity to bear children, because host womb slavery in parasitism is what men preferred for a simplified humanity. Hollywood assisted the process of simplification considerably, which is why the movie and mass media news and entertainment industry in the city of Los Angeles on the West Coast of the United States of American in the state of California is known as the Babylon of the Western world. The film business began in Hollywood, when director D. W. Griffiths arrived to make the movie `Old California` (1910), although the propaganda against `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity didn`t begin until Will Hays, the President of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), established the `Hays code` (1930-67) banning women from raising their foot off the floor in bedroom scenes on `moral grounds` whereas the absence of the penis from mainstream movies is a simplification in which the woman`s penis, as the futanarian `foot` that crushes the head of the serpent, because the brains women produce from their penis` semen are stronger, is removed from the public imagination, and replaced with men`s taunting of her with the knowledge that it`s theirs now and they`ll only reveal it to women who`ll accept host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty`s war record of itself as humanity`s extinguisher in the `snuff movie` capital of the world, Hollywood, Babylon, where human extinction is celebrated in its war documentaries posing as `action` movies in which the stars are killed by those who don`t want the human race to reach the planets:


`One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.`2


 Although Neil Armstrong`s words upon being the first astronaut with the Apollo 11 crew of the North American Space Administration (NASA) to land on Earth`s satellite, the moon, seem optimistic for the future of mankind, Neil wasn`t a futanarian human woman whose race had been enslaved by removing her penis so that she was lame brained and couldn`t make it up there so that God`s `foot` won`t be upon the moon while the US plans `star wars`, that is, President Ronald `Ray Gun` Reagan`s March 23, 1983, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a `ground and space based missile system` to circle the globe and finish what the Nazi pogromers began. The irony is that Hollywood, Babylon, developed Star Wars (1977), a movie in which the heroine, actress Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, leads a rebellion against the evil Empire of Darth Vader, who`s constructed a `Death Star` that orbits planets in order to kill them, which is what the `serpent`s seed` of men do in Satanism against `woman`s seed` of futanarian humanity that isn`t enslaved to homosexuality in pederasty and war`s home movie entertainment system for the parasites that prey upon the human host.

 In Revelation the church is `the bride`, although it`s difficult to see how Christianity can be a bride if it doesn`t teach about `woman`s seed`, because the `Son Of Man` is comprehensible, if futanarian men with their own host wombs give birth, just as Jesus` mother, the Virgin Mary, is an understandably symbolic description of futanarian women`s capacity to sexually reproduce without men, before God`s promised Redemption for humanity through Resurrection and Ascension to the stars and planets of heaven through their own brains` achieving of technological escape velocity. The Christian church is full of women, who can`t father, but are fathers who`ve been castrated, so the church can feign fatherliness that women have, but can`t express. The sheep herders, with electric prods moving the animals to the hooks on which the carcasses of their flocks are hung as meat, have removed women`s penis in the slaughterhouse. But the Christian church remains `the bride of heaven` as Jesus is `the lamb of God`, because God`s promise is that the futanarian `foot` of God`s human race will have Resurrection and Ascension to heaven.



Jesus` Resurrection and Ascension prefigures that of `woman`s seed`, but Jesus is the figure of Redemption, because he`s uncontaminated by men`s semen through his birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary. Consequently, he`s Christianity`s `Perfect Man`, but God`s punishment for the irredeemable is eternal unendurable pain, that is, perdition, while those who deserve the bride of heaven will have Resurrection and Ascension. Paradoxically Christianity`s figure of Ascension requires death, although Jesus is the figure of the Resurrection of `woman`s seed`, that is, the rebirth of futanarian women from the host womb of the human race. In Islam this paradox is resolved, because `Islam`, that is, `accept`, accepts the Resurrection and Ascension of `woman`s seed` through the sexual reproduction between women that Jesus` birth from his mother, the Virgin Mary, represents.

 In Judaism it is only possible for Jews to be born from women, so women are Jews, because God`s `chosen people` are futanarian. In Islam four wives are permissible in marriage to afford the possibility of sexual reproduction between women. Although the practice derives from the relationship between Abraham and his wife Sara, who bore Isaac as the forebear of Judaism, but became barren and so gave her maid, Hajer, to Abraham and Hajer bore Ishmael who was the forebear of Islam. Hajer`s breaking of the taboo against polygamy is celebrated each year in the Moslem Haj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia and the temple of Abraham built by Ishmael and Hajer. Jesus has Ascension in Islam, but without death, because Moslems accept technological escape velocity through women`s capacity to sexually reproduce through their own brains` powers, that is, memory longevity and immortality through medical science ensuring that they retain operational control over their developed technology which gives them Ascension over the `serpent`s seed` without death in ephemeral host womb slavery to homosexuality in pederasty and war for the mass media entertainment of the Earth`s devouring parasite. Without Ascension the Earth will remain a difficult place for a daughter to have sex with her own species.

 When Jesus told the disciples that the `Son Of Man` was to be killed, but would resurrect in three days, he was the child of his mother, the Virgin Mary, and so the third person reference to the `Son Of Man` either refers to Jesus` own futanarian nature as a futanarian man born from his mother, that is, the Virgin Mary, uncontaminated by male semen, or to the idea of the `Son Of Man` as the futanarian man who has died, but will have Resurrection and Ascension; if he`s perfected as Jesus. The parasite can`t excuse itself by appealing to the fact that it doesn`t have a host, which is why Jesus was the human host at the `Last Supper`, betrayed by Judas to crucifixion as a `dissident` opposer of the male brained Empire of Rome. It`s the viral form without a host womb that`s the devouring parasite in homosexuality and pederasty`s war to enslave humanity in ephemerality and degeneration, not the woman`s, whose host womb and species` penis it was, before the virus inveigled itself into her host womb to steal her semen eons ago. Meanwhile, the 9th and 10th commandments of God go largely ignored by the shepherds of the church, because they relate to the meaning of Jesus` sacrifice, and the altar of God upon which humankind are forbidden by God to place themselves.

 As the `Son Of Man` and `woman`s seed`, Jesus represents futanarian humanity, which doesn`t want to be placed on the sacrificial altar by the Satanists. Although the `serpent`s seed` are parasites, because `woman`s seed` has been devoured in the dragon`s wars against her for so long, she`s unable to distinguish between parasitism and cannibalism, that is, the parasite`s devouring of humanity seems normal to those educated by mass media entertainment propaganda, but it`s what humans would call cannibalism if they were able to recognize parasitism for what it is, which is the human race being consumed by what it thinks of as itself. Moreover, because the `serpent`s seed` are devourers of the human host, sacrificing humans on altars to Satan is a likely Hollywood, Babylon, movie scenario concealing the true purpose of Satanism, which is to butcher humans as meat and eat them for food.



1 Usually the commandments separate 1 and 2 into 1, 2, 3, and 4, where God prohibits the making of idols (1) before prohibiting their worship (2), and asking God to ease labor without belief (3), so as to rest on the seventh day, because God created the world in six (4). However, 9 and 10 are the constructing of an altar from which the officiating priest can give the symbolic bread and wine to the congregation in emulation of Jesus` giving of `bread and wine` as symbols of the human host`s `body and blood` at the `Last Supper` to those who want the human host rather than slavery to the devouring parasite, Satan, which is the meaning of Judas` rejection of the host.

2 Armstrong, Neil July 21, 1969, UTC: 2. 56.

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